class Project < ActiveRecord::Base include ArchivableModel, SearchableModel enum visibility: { hidden: 0, visible: 1 } auto_strip_attributes :name, nullify: false validates :name, length: { minimum: Constants::NAME_MIN_LENGTH, maximum: Constants::NAME_MAX_LENGTH }, uniqueness: { scope: :team, case_sensitive: false } validates :visibility, presence: true validates :team, presence: true belongs_to :created_by, foreign_key: 'created_by_id', class_name: 'User' belongs_to :last_modified_by, foreign_key: 'last_modified_by_id', class_name: 'User' belongs_to :archived_by, foreign_key: 'archived_by_id', class_name: 'User' belongs_to :restored_by, foreign_key: 'restored_by_id', class_name: 'User' has_many :user_projects, inverse_of: :project has_many :users, through: :user_projects has_many :experiments, inverse_of: :project has_many :project_comments, inverse_of: :project has_many :comments, through: :project_comments has_many :activities, inverse_of: :project has_many :tags, inverse_of: :project has_many :reports, inverse_of: :project, dependent: :destroy has_many :report_elements, inverse_of: :project, dependent: :destroy belongs_to :team, inverse_of: :projects def user, include_archived, query = nil, page = 1, current_team = nil ) if query a_query = '%' + query.strip.gsub('_', '\\_').gsub('%', '\\%') + '%' else a_query = query end if current_team new_query = Project .distinct .joins(:user_projects) .where('projects.team_id = ?', unless user.user_teams.find_by(team: current_team).try(:admin?) # Admins see all projects in the team new_query = new_query.where( 'projects.visibility = 1 OR user_projects.user_id = ?', ) end new_query = new_query.where_attributes_like(:name, a_query) if include_archived return new_query else return new_query.where('projects.archived = ?', false) end else new_query = Project .distinct .joins(team: :user_teams) .where('user_teams.user_id = ?', if include_archived new_query = new_query .joins(:user_projects) .where( 'user_teams.role = 2 OR projects.visibility = 1 OR ' \ 'user_projects.user_id = ?', ) .where_attributes_like('', a_query) else new_query = new_query .joins(:user_projects) .where( 'user_teams.role = 2 OR projects.visibility = 1 OR ' \ 'user_projects.user_id = ?', ) .where_attributes_like('', a_query) .where('projects.archived = ?', false) end end # Show all results if needed if page == Constants::SEARCH_NO_LIMIT new_query else new_query .limit(Constants::SEARCH_LIMIT) .offset((page - 1) * Constants::SEARCH_LIMIT) end end def last_activities(count = Constants::ACTIVITY_AND_NOTIF_SEARCH_LIMIT) activities.order(created_at: :desc).first(count) end # Get project comments order by created_at time. Results are paginated # using last comment id and per_page parameters. def last_comments(last_id = 1, per_page = Constants::COMMENTS_SEARCH_LIMIT) last_id = Constants::INFINITY if last_id <= 1 comments = Comment.joins(:project_comment) .where(project_comments: { project_id: id }) .where(' < ?', last_id) .order(created_at: :desc) .limit(per_page) comments.reverse end def unassigned_users User .joins('INNER JOIN user_teams ON = user_teams.user_id') .where('user_teams.team_id = ?', team) .where.not(confirmed_at: nil) .where(' NOT IN (?)', UserProject.where(project: self).select(:user_id).distinct) end def user_role(user) unless self.users.include? user return nil end return ( { |up| up.user == user }).first.role end def active_experiments(sort_by = :new) sort = case sort_by when 'old' then { created_at: :asc } when 'atoz' then { name: :asc } when 'ztoa' then { name: :desc } else { created_at: :desc } end experiments.is_archived(false).order(sort) end def archived_experiments experiments.is_archived(true) end def project_my_modules MyModule.where('"experiment_id" IN (?)', end def space_taken st = 0 project_my_modules.find_each do |my_module| st += my_module.space_taken end st end # Writes to user log. def log(message) final = "[%s] %s" % [name, message] team.log(final) end def assigned_samples Sample.joins(:my_modules).where(my_modules: { id: my_modules_ids.split(',') }) end def my_modules_ids ids = do |exp| exp.my_modules.pluck(:id) if exp.my_modules end ids.delete_if { |i| i.flatten.empty? } ids.join(', ') end def assigned_modules(user) role = user_role(user) if role.blank? MyModule.none elsif role == 'owner' project_my_modules .joins(:experiment) .where('experiments.archived=false') .where('my_modules.archived=false') else project_my_modules .joins(:user_my_modules) .joins(:experiment) .where('experiments.archived=false AND user_my_modules.user_id IN (?)', .where('my_modules.archived=false') .distinct end end end