class RepositoryDatatableService attr_reader :repository_rows, :assigned_rows, :mappings def initialize(repository, params, user, my_module = nil) @repository = repository @user = user @my_module = my_module @params = params create_columns_mappings process_query end private def create_columns_mappings # Make mappings of custom columns, so we have same id for every # column index = 6 @mappings = {} @repository.repository_columns.order(:id).each do |column| @mappings[] = index.to_s index += 1 end end def process_query search_value = build_conditions(@params)[:search_value] order_obj = build_conditions(@params)[:order_by_column] repository_rows = fetch_rows(search_value) assigned_rows = repository_rows.joins(:my_module_repository_rows) if @my_module assigned_rows = assigned_rows .where(my_module_repository_rows: { my_module_id: @my_module }) repository_rows = assigned_rows if @params[:assigned] == 'assigned' end @assigned_rows = assigned_rows @repository_rows = sort_rows(order_obj, repository_rows) end def fetch_rows(search_value) repository_rows = @repository.repository_rows .left_outer_joins(:created_by) if search_value.present? includes_json = { repository_cells: Extends::REPOSITORY_SEARCH_INCLUDES } searchable_attributes = ['', 'users.full_name', ''] + Extends::REPOSITORY_EXTRA_SEARCH_ATTR # Using distinct raises error when combined with sort on a custom column repository_row_ids = repository_rows .left_outer_joins(includes_json) .where_attributes_like(searchable_attributes, search_value) .pluck(:id) .uniq repository_rows = RepositoryRow.left_outer_joins(:created_by) .where(id: repository_row_ids) end repository_rows end def build_conditions(params) search_value = params[:search][:value] order = params[:order].values.first order_by_column = { column: order[:column].to_i, dir: order[:dir] } { search_value: search_value, order_by_column: order_by_column } end def sortable_columns array = [ 'assigned', '', '', 'repository_rows.created_at', 'users.full_name' ] @repository.repository_columns.count.times do array << 'repository_cell.value' end array end def sort_rows(column_obj, records) dir = %w(DESC ASC).find do |direction| direction == column_obj[:dir].upcase end || 'ASC' column_index = column_obj[:column] service =, @repository) col_order = service.load_state.state['ColReorder'] column_id = col_order[column_index].to_i if sortable_columns[column_id - 1] == 'assigned' return records if @my_module && @params[:assigned] == 'assigned' if @my_module # Depending on the sort, order nulls first or # nulls last on repository_cells association return records.joins( "LEFT OUTER JOIN my_module_repository_rows ON ( = my_module_repository_rows.repository_row_id AND (my_module_repository_rows.my_module_id = #{} OR IS NULL))" ).order( " NULLS #{sort_null_direction(dir)}" ) else return sort_assigned_records(records, dir) end elsif sortable_columns[column_id - 1] == 'repository_cell.value' id = @mappings.key(column_id.to_s) sorting_column = RepositoryColumn.find_by_id(id) return records unless sorting_column sorting_data_type = sorting_column.data_type.constantize cells = RepositoryCell.joins(sorting_data_type::SORTABLE_VALUE_INCLUDE) .where('repository_cells.repository_column_id': .select("repository_cells.repository_row_id, #{sorting_data_type::SORTABLE_COLUMN_NAME} AS value") records.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN (#{cells.to_sql}) AS values ON values.repository_row_id =") .order("values.value #{dir}") elsif sortable_columns[column_id - 1] == 'users.full_name' # We don't need join user table, because it already joined in fetch_row method return records.order("users.full_name #{dir}") else return records.order( "#{sortable_columns[column_id - 1]} #{dir}" ) end end def sort_assigned_records(records, direction) assigned = records.joins(:my_module_repository_rows) .distinct .pluck(:id) unassigned = records.where.not(id: assigned).pluck(:id) if direction == 'ASC' ids = assigned + unassigned elsif direction == 'DESC' ids = unassigned + assigned end order_by_index = ActiveRecord::Base.send( :sanitize_sql_array, ["position((',' || || ',') in ?)", ids.join(',') + ','] ) records.order(order_by_index) end def sort_null_direction(val) val == 'ASC' ? 'LAST' : 'FIRST' end end