(function(global) { 'use strict'; // Module to handle file uploading in Steps global.DragNDropSteps = (function() { var droppedFiles = []; var filesValid = true; var totalSize = 0; function init(files) { for(var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { droppedFiles.push(files[i]); } listItems(); } // return the status of files if they are ready to submit function filesStatus() { return filesValid; } // loops through a list of files and display each file in a separate panel function listItems() { totalSize = 0; _enableSubmitButton(); $('.panel-step-attachment-new').remove(); _dragNdropAssetsOff(); for(var i = 0; i < droppedFiles.length; i++) { $('#new-step-assets') .append(_uploadedAssetPreview(droppedFiles[i], i)) .promise() .done(function() { _removeItemHandler(i); }); } _validateTotalSize(); dragNdropAssetsInit('steps'); } // append the files to the form before submit function appendFilesToForm(ev) { var regex = /step\[assets_attributes\]\[[0-9]*\]\[id\]/; var prevEls = $('input').filter(function() { return this.name.match(regex); }); var fd = new FormData($(ev.target).closest('form').get(0)); for(var i = 0; i < droppedFiles.length; i++) { var index = i + prevEls.length; var name = 'step[assets_attributes][' + index + '][file]'; fd.append(name, droppedFiles[i]); } droppedFiles = []; filesValid = true; totalSize = 0; _dragNdropAssetsOff(); return fd; } function _disableSubmitButton() { $('.step-save').prop('disabled', true); } function _enableSubmitButton() { $('.step-save').prop('disabled', false); } function _filerAndCheckFiles() { for(var i = 0; i < droppedFiles.length; i++) { if(droppedFiles[i].isValid == false) { return false; } } return (droppedFiles.length > 0); } function _validateFilesSize(file) { var fileSize = file.size; totalSize += parseInt(fileSize); if(fileSize > <%= Constants::FILE_MAX_SIZE_MB.megabyte %>) { file.isValid = false; _disableSubmitButton(); return "
<%= I18n.t 'general.file.size_exceeded', file_size: Constants::FILE_MAX_SIZE_MB %>
"; } return ''; } function _validateTotalSize() { if(totalSize > <%= Constants::FILE_MAX_SIZE_MB.megabyte %>) { filesValid = false; _disableSubmitButton(); $.each($('.panel-step-attachment-new'), function() { if(!$(this).find('p').hasClass('dnd-total-error')) { $(this) .find('.panel-body') .append("<%= I18n.t('general.file.total_size', size: Constants::FILE_MAX_SIZE_MB) %>
"); } }); } else { $('.dnd-total-error').remove(); if(_filerAndCheckFiles()) { filesValid = true; _enableSubmitButton(); } } } function _uploadedAssetPreview(asset, i) { var html = ' '; return html; } function _removeItemHandler(id) { $('[data-item-id="' + id +'"]').off('click').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.stopPropagation(); var $el = $(this); var index = $el.data('item-id'); totalSize -= parseInt(droppedFiles[index].size); droppedFiles.splice(index, 1); listItems(); }); } function _dragNdropAssetsOff() { $('body').off('drag dragstart dragend dragover dragenter dragleave drop'); $('.is-dragover').hide(); } return Object.freeze({ init: init, appendFilesToForm: appendFilesToForm, listItems: listItems, filesStatus: filesStatus }); })(); // Module to handle file uploading in Results global.DragNDropResults = (function() { var droppedFiles = []; var isValid = true; var totalSize = 0; function init(files) { for(var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { droppedFiles.push(files[i]); } listItems(); } // return the status of files if they are ready to submit function filesStatus() { return isValid; } // loops through a list of files and display each file in a separate panel function listItems() { totalSize = 0; $('.panel-result-attachment-new').remove(); if(droppedFiles.length < 1) { _disableSubmitButton(); } else { _dragNdropAssetsOff(); for(var i = 0; i < droppedFiles.length; i++) { $('#new-result-assets-select') .after(_uploadedAssetPreview(droppedFiles[i], i)) .promise() .done(function() { _removeItemHandler(i); }); } _validateTotalSize(); dragNdropAssetsInit('results'); } } // appent the files to the form before submit function _appendFilesToForm() { var regex = /result\[assets_attributes\]\[[0-9]*\]\[id\]/; var prevEls = $('input').filter(function() { return this.name.match(regex); }); var fd = new FormData(); var result_names = []; $.each($('input[rel="results[name]"]'), function() { result_names.push($(this).val()); }); result_names.reverse(); for(var i = 0; i < droppedFiles.length; i++) { var index = i + prevEls.length; var file_name = 'results_files[' + index + ']'; fd.append(file_name, droppedFiles[i]); fd.append('results_names[' + i + ']', result_names[i]); } destroyAll(); return fd; } function _disableSubmitButton() { $('.save-result').prop('disabled', true); } function _enableSubmitButton() { $('.save-result').prop('disabled', false); } function _filerAndCheckFiles() { for(var i = 0; i < droppedFiles.length; i++) { if(droppedFiles[i].isValid == false) { return false; } } return (droppedFiles.length > 0); } function _validateFilesSize(file) { var fileSize = file.size; totalSize += parseInt(fileSize); if(fileSize > <%= Constants::FILE_MAX_SIZE_MB.megabyte %>) { file.isValid = false; _disableSubmitButton(); return "<%= I18n.t 'general.file.size_exceeded', file_size: Constants::FILE_MAX_SIZE_MB %>
"; } return ''; } function _validateTotalSize() { if(totalSize > <%= Constants::FILE_MAX_SIZE_MB.megabyte %>) { isValid = false; _disableSubmitButton(); $.each($('.panel-result-attachment-new'), function() { if(!$(this).find('p').hasClass('dnd-total-error')) { $(this) .find('.panel-body') .append("<%= I18n.t('general.file.total_size', size: Constants::FILE_MAX_SIZE_MB) %>
"); } }); } else { $('.dnd-total-error').remove(); if(_filerAndCheckFiles()) { isValid = true; _enableSubmitButton(); } } } function validateTextSize(input) { if(input.value.length > <%= Constants::NAME_MAX_LENGTH %>) { $(input).parent().find('.dnd-error').remove(); $(input).after("<%= I18n.t('general.text.length_too_long', max_length: Constants::NAME_MAX_LENGTH) %>
"); isValid = false; } else { $(input).parent().find('.dnd-error').remove(); isValid = true; } } function _uploadedAssetPreview(asset, i) { var html = '