//= require protocols/import_export/import /* global ProtocolRepositoryHeader */ // Global variables var rowsSelected = []; var protocolsTableEl = null; var protocolsDatatable = null; var repositoryType; /** * Initializes page */ function init() { updateButtons(); initProtocolsTable(); initKeywordFiltering(); initProtocolPreviewModal(); initLinkedChildrenModal(); initCreateNewModal(); initModals(); initImport(); } // Initialize protocols DataTable function initProtocolsTable() { protocolsTableEl = $("#protocols-table"); repositoryType = protocolsTableEl.data("type"); protocolsDatatable = protocolsTableEl.DataTable({ order: [[1, "asc"]], dom: "RB<'main-actions'lf>t<'pagination-row'ip>", stateSave: true, sScrollX: '100%', sScrollXInner: '100%', buttons: [], processing: true, serverSide: true, ajax: { url: protocolsTableEl.data("source"), type: "POST" }, colReorder: { fixedColumnsLeft: 1000000 // Disable reordering }, columnDefs: [{ targets: 0, searchable: false, orderable: false, sWidth: "1%", render: function (data, type, full, meta) { return `
`; } }, { targets: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], searchable: true, orderable: true }], columns: [ { data: "0" }, { data: "1" }, { data: "2" }, { data: "3", visible: repositoryType != "archive" }, { data: "4" }, { data: "5" }, { data: "6" } ], oLanguage: { sSearch: I18n.t('general.filter') }, rowCallback: function(row, data, dataIndex) { // Get row ID var rowId = data["DT_RowId"]; $(row).attr("data-row-id", rowId); // Append URLs if they exist if (data["DT_CanEdit"]) { $(row).attr("data-can-edit", "true"); $(row).attr("data-edit-url", data["DT_EditUrl"]); } if (data["DT_CanClone"]) { $(row).attr("data-can-clone", "true"); $(row).attr("data-clone-url", data["DT_CloneUrl"]); } if (data["DT_CanMakePrivate"]) { $(row).attr("data-can-make-private", "true"); } if (data["DT_CanPublish"]) { $(row).attr("data-can-publish", "true"); } if (data["DT_CanArchive"]) { $(row).attr("data-can-archive", "true"); } if (data["DT_CanRestore"]) { $(row).attr("data-can-restore", "true"); } if (data["DT_CanExport"]) { $(row).attr("data-can-export", "true"); } // If row ID is in the list of selected row IDs if($.inArray(rowId, rowsSelected) !== -1){ $(row).find("input[type='checkbox']").prop("checked", true); $(row).addClass("selected"); } }, fnDrawCallback: function(settings, json) { animateSpinner(this, false); initRowSelection(); }, preDrawCallback: function(settings) { animateSpinner(this); }, stateSaveCallback: function (settings, data) { // Set a cookie with the table state using the team id localStorage.setItem( "datatables_protocols_state/" + protocolsTableEl.data("team-id") + "/" + repositoryType, JSON.stringify(data) ); }, stateLoadCallback: function (settings) { // Load the table state for the current team var state = localStorage.getItem( "datatables_protocols_state/" + protocolsTableEl.data("team-id") + "/" + repositoryType ); if (state !== null) { return JSON.parse(state); } return null; } }); } function initRowSelection() { let protocolsTableScrollHead = protocolsTableEl.closest('.dataTables_scroll').find('.dataTables_scrollHead'); // Handle click on table cells with checkboxes protocolsTableEl.on("click", "tbody td, thead th:first-child", function(e) { $(this).parent().find("input[type='checkbox']").trigger("click"); }); // Handle clicks on checkbox protocolsTableEl.find("tbody").on("click", "input[type='checkbox']", function(e) { // Get row ID var row = $(this).closest("tr"); var data = protocolsDatatable.row(row).data(); var rowId = data["DT_RowId"]; // Determine whether row ID is in the list of selected row IDs var index = $.inArray(rowId, rowsSelected); // If checkbox is checked and row ID is not in list of selected row IDs if (this.checked && index === -1) { rowsSelected.push(rowId); // Otherwise, if checkbox is not checked and row ID is in list of selected row IDs } else if (!this.checked && index !== -1) { rowsSelected.splice(index, 1); } if (this.checked) { row.addClass("selected"); } else { row.removeClass("selected"); } updateDataTableSelectAllCheckbox(); e.stopPropagation(); updateButtons(); }); // Handle click on "Select all" control protocolsTableScrollHead.find("thead input[name='select_all']").on('click', function(e) { if (this.checked) { protocolsTableEl.find("tbody input[type='checkbox']:not(:checked)").trigger('click'); } else { protocolsTableEl.find("tbody input[type='checkbox']:checked").trigger('click'); } // Prevent click event from propagating to parent e.stopPropagation(); }); } function initKeywordFiltering() { protocolsTableEl.find("tbody").on("click", "a[data-action='filter']", function(e) { var link = $(this); var searchInput = $("#protocols-table_wrapper input[type='search']"); var query = link.attr("data-param"); // Re-search data protocolsDatatable.search(query).draw(); // Don't propagate this further up e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); } function initProtocolPreviewModal() { // Only do this if the repository is public/private if (repositoryType !== "archive") { // If you are in protocol repository var protocolsEl = protocolsTableEl; // If you are in search results if (document.getElementById("search-content")) { protocolsEl = $("#search-content"); } protocolsEl.on("click", "a[data-action='protocol-preview']", function(e) { var link = $(this); $.ajax({ url: link.attr("data-url"), type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function (data) { var modal = $("#protocol-preview-modal"); var modalTitle = modal.find(".modal-title"); var modalBody = modal.find(".modal-body"); var modalFooter = modal.find(".modal-footer"); modalTitle.html(data.title); modalBody.html(data.html); modalFooter.html(data.footer); initHandsOnTable(modalBody); modal.modal("show"); ProtocolRepositoryHeader.init(); initHandsOnTable(modalBody); FilePreviewModal.init({ readOnly: true }); }, error: function (error) { // TODO } }); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } } function initLinkedChildrenModal() { // Only do this if the repository is public/private if (repositoryType !== "archive") { protocolsTableEl.on("click", "a[data-action='load-linked-children']", function(e) { var link = $(this); $.ajax({ url: link.attr("data-url"), type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function (data) { var modal = $("#linked-children-modal"); var modalTitle = modal.find(".modal-title"); var modalBody = modal.find(".modal-body"); modalTitle.html(data.title); modalBody.html(data.html); modal.modal("show"); childrenTableEl = modalBody.find("#linked-children-table"); if (childrenTableEl) { // Only initialize table if it's present var childrenDatatable = childrenTableEl.DataTable({ autoWidth: false, dom: "RBltpi", stateSave: false, buttons: [], processing: true, serverSide: true, ajax: { url: childrenTableEl.data("source"), type: "POST" }, colReorder: { fixedColumnsLeft: 1000000 // Disable reordering }, columnDefs: [{ targets: 0, searchable: false, orderable: false }], columns: [ { data: "1" } ], fnDrawCallback: function(settings, json) { animateSpinner(this, false); }, preDrawCallback: function(settings) { animateSpinner(this); } }); } }, error: function (error) { // TODO } }); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } } function initCreateNewModal() { var link = $("[data-action='create-new']"); var modal = $("#create-new-modal"); var submitBtn = modal.find(".modal-footer [data-action='submit']"); var newProtocol = parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem('scinote-dashboard-new-protocol'), 10); link.on("click", function() { $.ajax({ url: link.attr("data-url"), type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function (data) { var modalBody = modal.find(".modal-body"); modalBody.html(data.html); modalBody.find("form") .on("ajax:success", function(ev2, data2, status2) { // Redirect to edit page $(location).attr("href", data2.url); }) .on("ajax:error", function(ev2, data2, status2) { // Display errors if needed $(this).renderFormErrors("protocol", data2.responseJSON); }); modal.modal("show"); modalBody.find("input[type='text']").focus(); }, error: function (error) { // TODO } }); }); if (Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) - newProtocol < 15) { link.click(); sessionStorage.removeItem('scinote-dashboard-new-protocol'); } submitBtn.on("click", function() { // Submit the form inside modal $(this).closest(".modal").find(".modal-body form").submit(); }); modal.on("hidden.bs.modal", function(e) { modal.find(".modal-body form").off("ajax:success ajax:error"); modal.find(".modal-body").html(""); }); } function initModals() { function refresh(modal) { modal.find(".modal-body").html(""); // Simply re-render table protocolsDatatable.ajax.reload(); } // Make private modal hidden action $("#make-private-results-modal").on("hidden.bs.modal", function(e) { refresh($(this)); updateDataTableSelectAllCheckbox(); updateButtons(); }); // Publish modal hidden action $("#publish-results-modal").on("hidden.bs.modal", function(e) { refresh($(this)); updateDataTableSelectAllCheckbox(); updateButtons(); }); // Confirm archive modal hidden action $("#confirm-archive-modal").on("hidden.bs.modal", function(e) { // Unbind from click event on the submit button $(this).find(".modal-footer [data-action='submit']") .off("click"); }) // Archive modal hidden action $("#archive-results-modal").on("hidden.bs.modal", function(e) { refresh($(this)); updateDataTableSelectAllCheckbox(); updateButtons(); }); // Restore modal hidden action $("#restore-results-modal").on("hidden.bs.modal", function(e) { refresh($(this)); updateDataTableSelectAllCheckbox(); updateButtons(); }); // Linked children modal close action $("#linked-children-modal").on("hidden.bs.modal", function(e) { $(this).find(".modal-title").html(""); // Destroy the embedded data table $(this).find(".modal-body #linked-children-table").DataTable().destroy(); $(this).find(".modal-body").html(""); }); // Protocol preview modal close action $("#protocol-preview-modal").on("hidden.bs.modal", function(e) { $(this).find(".modal-title").html(""); $(this).find(".modal-body").html(""); $(this).find(".modal-footer").html(""); }); } function updateDataTableSelectAllCheckbox() { var table = protocolsDatatable.table().node(); var checkboxesAll = $("tbody input[type='checkbox']", protocolsTableEl); var checkboxesChecked = $("tbody input[type='checkbox']:checked", protocolsTableEl); var checkboxSelectAll = $("thead input[name='select_all']", table).get(0); if (checkboxesChecked.length === 0) { // If none of the checkboxes are checked checkboxSelectAll.checked = false; if("indeterminate" in checkboxSelectAll) { checkboxSelectAll.indeterminate = false; } } else if (checkboxesChecked.length === checkboxesAll.length) { // If all of the checkboxes are checked checkboxSelectAll.checked = true; if ("indeterminate" in checkboxSelectAll) { checkboxSelectAll.indeterminate = false; } } else { // If some of the checkboxes are checked checkboxSelectAll.checked = true; if ("indeterminate" in checkboxSelectAll) { checkboxSelectAll.indeterminate = true; } } } function updateButtons() { var editBtn = $("[data-action='edit']"); var cloneBtn = $("[data-action='clone']"); var makePrivateBtn = $("[data-action='make-private']"); var publishBtn = $("[data-action='publish']"); var archiveBtn = $("[data-action='archive']"); var restoreBtn = $("[data-action='restore']"); var exportBtn = $("[data-action='export']"); var row = $("tr[data-row-id='" + rowsSelected[0] + "']"); var rows = []; if (rowsSelected.length === 1) { // 1 ROW SELECTED if (row.is('[data-can-edit]')) { editBtn.removeClass('disabled hidden'); editBtn.off('click').on('click', function() { editSelectedProtocol(); }); } else { editBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); editBtn.off('click'); } if (row.is('[data-can-clone]')) { cloneBtn.removeClass('disabled hidden'); cloneBtn.off('click').on('click', function() { cloneSelectedProtocol(); }); } else { cloneBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); cloneBtn.off('click'); } if (row.is('[data-can-make-private]')) { makePrivateBtn.removeClass('disabled hidden'); makePrivateBtn.off('click').on('click', function() { processMoveButtonClick($(this)); }); } else { makePrivateBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); makePrivateBtn.off('click'); } if (row.is('[data-can-publish]')) { publishBtn.removeClass('disabled hidden'); publishBtn.off('click').on('click', function() { processMoveButtonClick($(this)); }); } else { publishBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); publishBtn.off('click'); } if (row.is('[data-can-archive]')) { archiveBtn.removeClass('disabled hidden'); archiveBtn.off('click').on('click', function() { processMoveButtonClick($(this)); }); } else { archiveBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); archiveBtn.off('click'); } if (row.is('[data-can-restore]')) { restoreBtn.removeClass('disabled hidden'); restoreBtn.off('click').on('click', function() { processMoveButtonClick($(this)); }); } else { restoreBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); restoreBtn.off('click'); } if (row.is('[data-can-export]')) { exportBtn.removeClass('disabled hidden'); exportBtn.off('click').on('click', function() { exportProtocols(rowsSelected); }); } else { exportBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); exportBtn.off('click'); } } else if (rowsSelected.length === 0) { // 0 ROWS SELECTED editBtn.addClass('disabled hidden'); editBtn.off('click'); cloneBtn.addClass('disabled hidden'); cloneBtn.off('click'); makePrivateBtn.addClass('disabled hidden'); makePrivateBtn.off('click'); publishBtn.addClass('disabled hidden'); publishBtn.off('click'); archiveBtn.addClass('disabled hidden'); archiveBtn.off('click'); restoreBtn.addClass('disabled hidden'); restoreBtn.off('click'); exportBtn.addClass('disabled hidden'); exportBtn.off('click'); } else { // > 1 ROWS SELECTED _.each(rowsSelected, function(rowId) { rows.push($("tr[data-row-id='" + rowId + "']")[0]); }); rows = $(rows); // Only enable button if all selected rows can // be published/archived/restored/exported editBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); editBtn.off('click'); cloneBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); cloneBtn.off('click'); if (!rows.is(':not([data-can-make-private])')) { makePrivateBtn.removeClass('disabled hidden'); makePrivateBtn.off('click').on('click', function() { processMoveButtonClick($(this)); }); } else { makePrivateBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); makePrivateBtn.off('click'); } if (!rows.is(':not([data-can-publish])')) { publishBtn.removeClass('disabled hidden'); publishBtn.off('click').on('click', function() { processMoveButtonClick($(this)); }); } else { publishBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); publishBtn.off('click'); } if (!rows.is(':not([data-can-archive])')) { archiveBtn.removeClass('disabled hidden'); archiveBtn.off('click').on('click', function() { processMoveButtonClick($(this)); }); } else { archiveBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); archiveBtn.off('click'); } if (!rows.is(':not([data-can-restore])')) { restoreBtn.removeClass('disabled hidden'); restoreBtn.off('click').on('click', function() { processMoveButtonClick($(this)); }); } else { restoreBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); restoreBtn.off('click'); } if (!rows.is(':not([data-can-export])')) { exportBtn.removeClass('disabled hidden'); exportBtn.off('click').on('click', function() { exportProtocols(rowsSelected); }); } else { exportBtn.removeClass('hidden').addClass('disabled'); exportBtn.off('click'); } } } function exportProtocols(ids) { if (ids.length > 0) { var params = '?protocol_ids[]=' + ids[0]; for (var i = 1; i < ids.length; i++) { params += '&protocol_ids[]=' + ids[i]; } params = encodeURI(params); window.location.href = $("[data-action='export']") .data('export-url') + params; } } function editSelectedProtocol() { if (rowsSelected.length && rowsSelected.length == 1) { var row = $("tr[data-row-id='" + rowsSelected[0] + "']"); // Redirect to edit page $(location).attr("href", row.attr("data-edit-url")); } } function cloneSelectedProtocol() { if (rowsSelected.length && rowsSelected.length == 1) { var row = $("tr[data-row-id='" + rowsSelected[0] + "']"); animateSpinner(); $.ajax({ url: row.attr("data-clone-url"), type: "POST", dataType: "json", success: function (data) { animateSpinner(null, false); // Reload page location.reload(); }, error: function (error) { animateSpinner(null, false); // Reload page location.reload(); } }); } } function processMoveButtonClick(btn) { var action = btn.attr("data-action"); var url = btn.attr("data-url"); if (action === "archive") { confirmModal = $("#confirm-archive-modal"); confirmModal .find(".modal-footer [data-action='submit']") .on("click", function(e) { confirmModal.modal("hide"); moveSelectedProtocols(action, url); }); // Show the modal confirmModal.modal("show"); } else { moveSelectedProtocols(action, url); } } function moveSelectedProtocols(action, url) { animateSpinner(); $.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", dataType: "json", data: { protocol_ids: rowsSelected }, success: function (data) { rowsSelected = []; // Display the modal var modal = $("#" + action + "-results-modal"); var modalBody = modal.find(".modal-body"); modalBody.html(data.html); animateSpinner(null, false); modal.modal("show"); }, error: function (error) { animateSpinner(null, false); if (error.status == 401) { // Unauthorized alert(I18n.t("protocols.index." + action.replace("-", "_") + "_unauthorized")); } else { // Generic error alert(I18n.t("protocols.index." + action.replace("-", "_") + "_error")); } } }); } function initImport() { // Some templating code duplication. I know, I hate myself function newElement(name, values) { var template = $("[data-template='" + name + "']").clone(); template.removeAttr("data-template"); template.show(); // Populate values in the template if (values !== null) { _.each(values, function(val, key) { template.find("[data-val='" + key + "']").html(val); }); } return template; } function addChildToElement(parentEl, name, childEl) { parentEl.find("[data-hold='" + name + "']").append(childEl); } var importResultsModal = $("#import-results-modal"); var fileInput = $("[data-role='import-file-input']"); // Make sure multiple selections of same file // always prompt new modal fileInput.find("input[type='file']").on("click", function() { this.value = null; }); // Hack to hide "No file chosen" tooltip fileInput.attr("title", window.webkitURL ? " " : ""); fileInput.on("change", function(ev) { var importUrl = fileInput.attr("data-import-url"); var teamId = fileInput.attr("data-team-id"); var type = fileInput.attr("data-type"); importProtocolFromFile( ev.target.files[0], importUrl, { team_id: teamId, type: type }, false, function(datas) { var nrSuccessful = 0; var failed = []; var unchanged = []; var renamed = []; _.each(datas, function(data) { if (data.status === "ok") { nrSuccessful++; if (data.name === data.new_name) { unchanged.push(data); } else { renamed.push(data); } } else { failed.push(data); } }); // Display the results modal by cloning // templates and populating them var modalBody = importResultsModal.find(".modal-body"); if (failed.length > 0) { var failedMessageEl = newElement( "import-result-message-error", { message: I18n.t("protocols.index.import_results.message_failed", { nr: failed.length }) } ); modalBody.append(failedMessageEl); animateSpinner(null, false); } if (nrSuccessful > 0) { var successMessageEl = newElement( "import-result-message-success", { message: I18n.t("protocols.index.import_results.message_ok", { nr: nrSuccessful }) } ); modalBody.append(successMessageEl); } var resultsListEl = newElement("import-result-list"); modalBody.append(resultsListEl); if (unchanged.length > 0) { _.each(unchanged, function(pr) { var itemEl = newElement( "import-result-unchanged-item", { message: pr.name } ); addChildToElement(resultsListEl, "items", itemEl); }); } if (renamed.length > 0) { _.each(renamed, function(pr) { var itemEl = newElement( "import-result-renamed-item", { message: I18n.t("protocols.index.row_renamed_html", { old_name: pr.name, new_name: pr.new_name }) } ); addChildToElement(resultsListEl, "items", itemEl); }); } if (failed.length > 0) { _.each(failed, function(pr) { var itemEl = newElement( "import-result-failed-item", { message: pr.name, message2: (pr.status === "size_too_large" ? I18n.t("protocols.index.import_results.row_file_too_large") : "") } ); addChildToElement(resultsListEl, "items", itemEl); }); } importResultsModal.modal("show"); } ); $(this).val(""); }); importResultsModal.on("hidden.bs.modal", function() { importResultsModal.find(".modal-body").html(""); // Also reload table protocolsDatatable.ajax.reload(); }); } init();