class CanvasController < ApplicationController before_action :load_vars before_action :check_view_canvas, except: %i(edit update) before_action :check_edit_canvas, only: %i(edit update) def edit render partial: 'canvas/edit', locals: { experiment: @experiment, my_modules: @my_modules }, content_type: 'text/html' end def full_zoom @my_modules = @my_modules.left_outer_joins(:designated_users, :task_comments) .select('COUNT(DISTINCT as designated_users_count') .select('COUNT(DISTINCT as task_comments_count') .select('my_modules.*').group(:id) render partial: 'canvas/full_zoom', locals: { experiment: @experiment, my_modules: @my_modules } end def medium_zoom render partial: 'canvas/medium_zoom', locals: { experiment: @experiment, my_modules: @my_modules } end def small_zoom render partial: 'canvas/small_zoom', locals: { experiment: @experiment, my_modules: @my_modules } end def update # Make sure that remove parameter is valid to_archive = [] if update_params[:remove].present? to_archive = update_params[:remove].split(',') if to_archive.all? { |id| can_archive_my_module?(MyModule.find_by(id: id)) } to_archive.collect!(&:to_i) else return render_403 end end # Make sure connections parameter is valid connections = [] if update_params[:connections].present? conns = update_params[:connections].split(',') if conns.length.even? && conns.all? { |c| c.is_a? String } conns.each_slice(2).each do |c| connections << [c[0], c[1]] end else return render_403 end end # Make sure positions parameter is valid positions = {} if update_params[:positions].present? poss = update_params[:positions].split(';') (poss.collect { |pos| pos.split(',') }).each_with_index do |pos, _| unless pos.length == 3 && pos[0].is_a?(String) && float?(pos[1]) && float?(pos[2]) return render_403 end x = pos[1].to_i y = pos[2].to_i positions[pos[0]] = { x: x, y: y } end end # Make sure that to_add is an array of strings, # as well as that positions for newly added modules exist to_add = [] if update_params[:add].present? && update_params['add-names'].present? ids = update_params[:add].split(',') names = update_params['add-names'].split('|') if ids.length == names.length && ids.all? { |id| id.is_a?(String) && positions.include?(id) } && names.all? { |name| name.is_a? String } ids.each_with_index do |id, i| to_add << { id: id, name: names[i], x: positions[id][:x], y: positions[id][:y] } end else return render_403 end end # Make sure rename parameter is valid to_rename = {} if update_params[:rename].present? begin to_rename = JSON.parse(update_params[:rename]) # Okay, JSON parsed! unless to_rename.is_a?(Hash) && to_rename.keys.all? do |id| id.is_a?(String) && can_manage_my_module?(MyModule.find_by(id: id)) end && to_rename.values.all? { |new_name| new_name.is_a? String } return render_403 end rescue return render_403 end end # Make sure move parameter is valid to_move = {} if update_params[:move].present? begin to_move = JSON.parse(update_params[:move]) # Okay, JSON parsed! unless to_move.is_a?(Hash) && to_move.keys.all? do |id| !is_int?(id) || can_move_my_module?(MyModule.find_by(id: id)) end && to_move.values.all? do |exp_id| can_manage_experiment?(Experiment.find_by(id: exp_id)) end return render_403 end rescue StandardError return render_403 end end # Distinguish between moving modules/module_groups to_move_groups = {} to_move.each do |key, value| if key =~ /.*,.*/ to_move_groups[key.split(',')] = value to_move.delete(key) end end # Make sure that to_clone is an array of pairs, # as well as that all IDs exist to_clone = {} if update_params[:cloned].present? clones = update_params[:cloned].split(';') (clones.collect { |v| v.split(',') }).each do |val| if val.length == 2 && is_int?(val[0]) && val[1].is_a?(String) && to_add.any? { |m| m[:id] == val[1] } to_clone[val[1]] = val[0] else return render_403 end end end # Call the "master" function to do all the updating for us unless @experiment.update_canvas( to_archive, to_add, to_rename, to_move, to_move_groups, to_clone, connections, positions, current_user ) return render_403 end # Save activities that modules were archived to_archive.each do |module_id| my_module = MyModule.find_by_id(module_id) next if my_module.blank? end flash[:success] = t('experiments.canvas.update.success_flash') redirect_to canvas_experiment_path(@experiment) end private def update_params params.permit( :id, :connections, :positions, :add, "add-names", :rename, :move, :cloned, :remove, "module-groups" ) end def load_vars @experiment = Experiment.preload(user_assignments: %i(user user_role)).find_by(id: params[:id]) unless @experiment respond_to do |format| format.html { render_404 and return } format.any(:xml, :json, :js) { render(json: { redirect_url: not_found_url }, status: :not_found) and return } end end @my_modules = @experiment.my_modules .active .preload(:tags, outputs: :to, user_assignments: %i(user user_role)) .preload(:my_module_status, :my_module_group) end def check_edit_canvas @experiment_managable = can_manage_experiment?(@experiment) return render_403 unless @experiment_managable end def check_view_canvas render_403 unless can_read_experiment?(@experiment) end # Check if given value is "integer" string (e.g. "15") def is_int?(val) /\A[-+]?\d+\z/ === val end def float?(val) true if Float(val) rescue ArgumentError false end end