class OrganizationUsersDatatable < AjaxDatatablesRails::Base def_delegator :@view, :link_to def_delegator :@view, :update_user_organization_path def_delegator :@view, :destroy_user_organization_html_path def initialize(view, org, user) super(view) @org = org @user = user end def sortable_columns @sortable_columns ||= [ "User.full_name", "", "UserOrganization.created_at", "User.confirmed_at", "UserOrganization.role" ] end def searchable_columns @searchable_columns ||= [ "User.full_name", "", "UserOrganization.created_at" ] end # A hack that overrides the new_search_contition method default behavior of the ajax-datatables-rails gem # now the method checks if the column is the created_at and generate a custom SQL to parse # it back to the caller method def new_search_condition(column, value) model, column = column.split('.') model = model.constantize formated_date = (I18n.t 'time.formats.datatables_date').gsub!(/^\"|\"?$/, '') if column == 'created_at' casted_column ='CAST', [ Arel.sql("to_char( users.created_at, '#{ formated_date }' ) AS VARCHAR") ] ) else casted_column ='CAST', [model.arel_table[column.to_sym].as(typecast)]) end casted_column.matches("%#{value}%") end private # Returns json of current samples (already paginated) def data do |record| { "DT_RowId":, "0": record.user.full_name, "1":, "2": I18n.l(record.created_at, format: :full), "3": record.user.active_status_str, "4": record.role_str, "5": partial: "users/settings/organizations/user_dropdown.html.erb", locals: { user_organization: record, update_role_path: update_user_organization_path(record, format: :json), destroy_uo_link: link_to( I18n.t("users.settings.organizations.edit.user_dropdown.remove_label"), destroy_user_organization_html_path(record, format: :json), remote: true, data: { action: "destroy-user-organization" } ), user: @user } ) } end end # Query database for records (this will be later paginated and filtered) # after that "data" function will return json def get_raw_records UserOrganization .includes(:user) .references(:user) .where(organization: @org) .distinct end end