var REPORT_CONTENT = '#report-content'; var ADD_CONTENTS_FORM_ID = '#add-contents-form'; var SAVE_REPORT_FORM_ID = '#save-report-form'; var addContentsModal = null; var addContentsModalBody = null; var saveReportModal = null; var saveReportModalBody = null; var ignoreUnsavedWorkAlert; // Custom jQuery function that finds elements including // the parent element $.fn.findWithSelf = function(selector) { return this.filter(selector).add(this.find(selector)); }; /** * INITIALIZATION FUNCTIONS */ /** * Initialize the hands on table on the given * element with the specified data. * @param el - The jQuery element/s selector. */ function initializeHandsonTable(el) { var input = el.siblings(""); var inputObj = JSON.parse(input.attr("value")); var data =; // Special handling if this is a samples table if (input.hasClass("hot-samples")) { var headers = inputObj.headers; var parentEl = el.closest(".report-module-samples-element"); var order = parentEl.attr("data-order") === "asc"; el.handsontable({ disableVisualSelection: true, rowHeaders: true, colHeaders: headers, columnSorting: true, editor: false, copyPaste: false, formulas: true }); el.handsontable("getInstance").loadData(data); el.handsontable('getInstance').getPlugin('columnSorting').sort(3, order); // "Hack" to disable user sorting rows by clicking on // header elements el.handsontable("getInstance") .addHook("afterRender", function() { el.find(".colHeader.columnSorting") .removeClass("columnSorting"); }); } else { el.handsontable({ disableVisualSelection: true, rowHeaders: true, colHeaders: true, editor: false, copyPaste: false, formulas: true }); el.handsontable("getInstance").loadData(data); } } /** * Initialize the controls for the specified report element. * @param el - The element in the report. */ function initializeElementControls(el) { var controls = el.find(".report-element-header:first .controls"); controls.find("[data-action='sort-asc']").click(function(e) { var el = $(this).closest(".report-element"); if (el.hasClass("report-comments-element")) { sortCommentsElement(el, true); } else if (el.hasClass("report-module-activity-element")) { sortModuleActivityElement(el, true); } else if ("[data-sort-hot]")) { sortModuleHotElement(el, true); } else { sortElementChildren(el, true, false); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); controls.find("[data-action='sort-desc']").click(function(e) { var el = $(this).closest(".report-element"); if (el.hasClass("report-comments-element")) { sortCommentsElement(el, false); } else if (el.hasClass("report-module-activity-element")) { sortModuleActivityElement(el, false); } else if ("[data-sort-hot]")) { sortModuleHotElement(el, false); } else { sortElementChildren(el, false, false); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); controls.find("[data-action='move-up']").click(function(e) { var el = $(this).closest(".report-element"); moveElement(el, true); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); controls.find("[data-action='move-down']").click(function(e) { var el = $(this).closest(".report-element"); moveElement(el, false); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); controls.find("[data-action='remove']").click(function(e) { var el = $(this).closest(".report-element"); if (el.hasClass("report-result-comments-element")) { removeResultCommentsElement(el); } else { removeElement(el); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); } /** * Initialize all the neccesary report elements stuff for all * descendants of the provided parent DOM element. * @param parentElement - The parent DOM element. */ function initializeReportElements(parentElement) { // Initialize handsontable containers _.each(parentElement.findWithSelf(".hot-table-container"), function(el) { initializeHandsonTable($(el)); }); // Add event listeners element to controls _.each(parentElement.findWithSelf(".report-element"), function(el) { initializeElementControls($(el)); updateElementControls($(el)); }); // Initialize new element click actions _.each(parentElement.findWithSelf(".new-element"), function(el) { initializeNewElement($(el)); }); } /** * Initialize the new element click action. * @param newEl - The "new element" element in the report. */ function initializeNewElement(newEl) { { var el = $(this); var dh = $("#data-holder"); var parent = el.closest(".report-element"); var parentElementId; var url; var modalTitle; if (!parent.length) { // No parent, this means adding is done on report level parentElementId = "null"; url ="add-project-contents-url"); modalTitle ="project-modal-title"); } else { parentElementId ="id"); modalTitle ="modal-title"); // Select correct AJAX URL based on type switch ("type")) { case "experiment": url ="add-experiment-contents-url"); break; case 'my_module': url ="add-module-contents-url"); break; case "step": url ="add-step-contents-url"); break; case "result_asset": case "result_table": case "result_text": url ="add-result-contents-url"); break; } } // Send AJAX request to retrieve the modal contents $.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: parentElementId, success: function(data, status, jqxhr) { // Open modal, set its title, and display module contents addContentsModal.find(".modal-title").text(modalTitle); addContentsModalBody.html(data.html); // Add logic for checkbox hierarchies var dependencies = { '_module_steps': $('#_step_all'), '_module_results': $('#_result_comments')} addContentsModalBody.checkboxTreeLogic(dependencies, true); // Bind to the ajax events of the modal form in its body $(ADD_CONTENTS_FORM_ID) .on("ajax:beforeSend", function(){ animateSpinner(this); }) .on("ajax:success", function(e, xhr, opts, data) { if (data.status == 204) { // No content was added, simply hide modal } else if (data.status == 200) { // Add elements addElements(el, data.responseJSON.elements); } }) .on("ajax:error", function(e, xhr, settings, error) { // TODO }) .on("ajax:complete", function(){ animateSpinner(this, false); addContentsModal.modal("hide"); }); // Execute any JS code the response might contain _.each(addContentsModalBody.find("script"), function (script) { eval(script.text); }); // Finally, show the modal addContentsModal.modal("show"); }, error: function(jqxhr, status, error) { // TODO } }); // Prevent page reload e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); } /** * Initialize the modal window for adding content. */ function initializeAddContentsModal() { addContentsModal = $("#add-contents-modal"); addContentsModalBody = addContentsModal.find(".modal-body"); // Remove "add contents" modal content when modal // window is closed addContentsModal.on("", function () { addContentsModalBody.html(""); }); // Bind click action of "add" button in modal footer to // submit the form in the modal body addContentsModal.find(".modal-footer button[data-action='add']") .click(function(e) { $(ADD_CONTENTS_FORM_ID).submit(); }); } /** * Initialize the save report modal window etc. * for saving the report. */ function initializeSaveReport() { var dh = $("#data-holder"); var saveReportLink = $("#save-report-link"); saveReportModal = $("#save-report-modal"); saveReportModalBody = saveReportModal.find(".modal-body"); var modalContentsUrl ="save-report-url"); var reportId ="report-id"); // Remove "save report" modal content when modal // window is closed saveReportModal.on("", function () { saveReportModalBody.html(""); }); { // Send AJAX request to retrieve the modal contents $.ajax({ url: modalContentsUrl, type: "POST", global: false, dataType: "json", data: { id: reportId, contents: JSON.stringify(constructReportContentsJson()) }, success: function(data, status, jqxhr) { // Display module contents saveReportModalBody.html(data.html); // Bind to the ajax events of the modal form in its body $(SAVE_REPORT_FORM_ID) .on("ajax:beforeSend", function() { animateSpinner(this); }) .on("ajax:success", function(e, xhr, opts, data) { if (data.status == 200) { // Redirect back to index // Turn off all hooks related to alert window ignoreUnsavedWorkAlert = true; $(window).off('beforeunload'); $(document).off('page:before-change'); $(location).attr("href", xhr.url); } }) .on("ajax:error", function(e, xhr, settings, error) { // Display errors if (xhr.status == 422) { $(this).renderFormErrors("report", xhr.responseJSON); } else { // TODO } }) .on("ajax:complete", function () { animateSpinner(this, false); }); // Finally, show the modal saveReportModal.modal("show"); }, error: function(jqxhr, status, error) { // TODO } }); }); // Bind click action of "save" button in modal footer to // submit the form in the modal body saveReportModal.find(".modal-footer button[data-action='save']") .click(function(e) { $(SAVE_REPORT_FORM_ID).submit(); }); } /** * Initialize global report sorting action. */ function initializeGlobalReportSort() { $("#sort-report .dropdown-menu a[data-sort]").click(function(ev) { var dh = $("#data-holder"); var $this = $(this); var asc = true; if ($("sort") == "desc") { asc = false; } if (confirm("global-sort-text"))) { sortWholeReport(asc); } }); } /** * Initialize the print popup functionality. */ function initializePrintPopup() { $("#print-report").click(function() { var html = $(REPORT_CONTENT).html(); var dh = $("#data-holder"); var print_window = "", "_blank", "width=" + screen.width + ",height=" + screen.height + ",fullscreen=yes" + ",scrollbars=yes" );; print_window.document.write( "" + "" + "" +"print-title") + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" ); print_window.document.close(); }); } /** * Initialize the save to File functionality. */ function initializeSaveToFile(format) { var saveToFileBtn = $('#get-report-' + format); { var content; var $form = $('
'); if (format === 'pdf') { content = $(REPORT_CONTENT).html(); } else if (format === 'docx') { content = JSON.stringify(constructReportContentsJson()); } $form.append(''); $form.find('input').attr('value', content); $form.appendTo('body').submit().remove(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); } function initializeUnsavedWorkDialog() { var dh = $('#data-holder'); var alertText = dh.attr('data-unsaved-work-text'); ignoreUnsavedWorkAlert = false; /** * Before unload event logic */ function beforeUnload() { var exit; if (ignoreUnsavedWorkAlert) { exit = true; } else { exit = confirm(alertText); } if (exit) { // We leave the page so remove all listeners $(document).off('turbolinks:before-visit'); } return exit; } $(document).on('turbolinks:before-visit', beforeUnload); } /** * Initializes page */ function init() { initializeReportElements($(REPORT_CONTENT)); initializeGlobalReportSort(); initializePrintPopup(); initializeSaveToFile('pdf'); initializeSaveToFile('docx'); initializeSaveReport(); initializeAddContentsModal(); initializeUnsavedWorkDialog(); // Automatically display the "Add content" modal $('.new-element.initial').click(); } /** * INDIVIDUAL ELEMENTS SORTING/MODIFYING FUNCTIONS */ /** * Update the enabled/disabled state of element controls. * @param el - The element in the report. */ function updateElementControls(el) { var controls = el.find(".report-element-header:first .controls"); var isFirst = !el.prevAll(".report-element:not(.report-project-header-element)").length; var isLast = !el.nextAll(".report-element").length; controls.find("[data-action='move-up']") .css("display", isFirst ? "none" : ""); controls.find("[data-action='move-down']") .css("display", isLast ? "none" : ""); } /** * Sort the whole report with all of its elements. * @param asc - True to sort in ascending order, false to sort * in descending order. */ function sortWholeReport(asc) { animateLoading(); var reportContent = $(REPORT_CONTENT); var experimentElements = reportContent.children(".report-experiment-element"); var newEls = reportContent.children(".new-element"); if ( experimentElements.length === 0 || // Nothing to sort experimentElements.length != newEls.length - 1 // This should never happen ) { return; } experimentElements = _.sortBy(experimentElements, function(el) { if (!asc) { return -$(el).data("ts"); } return $(el).data("ts"); }); newEls.detach(); experimentElements = $(experimentElements); experimentElements.detach(); // Re-insert the children into DOM reportContent.append(newEls[0]); for (var i = 0; i < experimentElements.length; i++) { reportContent.append(experimentElements[i]); reportContent.append(newEls[i + 1]); } // Finally, fix their controls _.each(experimentElements, function(el) { updateElementControls($(el)); sortElementChildren($(el), asc, true); }); animateLoading(false); } /** * Sort the element's children. * @param el - The element in the report. * @param asc - True to sort in ascending order, false to sort * in descending order. * @param recursive - True to recursively sort the element's * children; false otherwise. */ function sortElementChildren(el, asc, recursive) { var childrenEl = el.find(".report-element-children:first"); var newEls = childrenEl.children(".new-element"); var children = childrenEl.children(".report-element"); if ( children.length === 0 || // No children, keep things children.length != newEls.length - 1 // This should never happen ) { return; } children = _.sortBy(children, function(child) { if (!asc) { return -$(child).data("ts"); } return $(child).data("ts"); }); newEls.detach(); children = $(children); children.detach(); // Re-insert the children into DOM childrenEl.append(newEls[0]); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { childrenEl.append(children[i]); childrenEl.append(newEls[i + 1]); } // Finally, fix their controls _.each(children, function(child) { updateElementControls($(child)); if (recursive) { sortElementChildren($(child), asc, true); } }); } /** * Sort the comments element (special handling needs to be * done in this case). * @param el - The comments element in the report. * @param asc - True to sort in ascending order, false to sort * in descending order. */ function sortCommentsElement(el, asc) { var commentsList = el.find(".comments-list:first"); var comments = commentsList.children(".comment"); comments = _.sortBy(comments, function(comment) { if (!asc) { return -$(comment).data("ts"); } return $(comment).data("ts"); }); comments = $(comments); comments.detach(); _.each(comments, function(comment) { commentsList.append(comment); }); // Update data attribute on sorting on the element el.attr("data-order", asc ? "asc" : "desc"); } /** * Sort the module activity element (special handling needs * to be done in this case). * @param el - The module activity element in the report. * @param asc - True to sort in ascending order, false to sort * in descending order. */ function sortModuleActivityElement(el, asc) { var activityList = el.find(".activity-list:first"); var activities = activityList.children(".activity"); activities = _.sortBy(activities, function(activity) { if (!asc) { return -$(activity).data("ts"); } return $(activity).data("ts"); }); activities = $(activities); activities.detach(); _.each(activities, function(activity) { activityList.append(activity); }); // Update data attribute on sorting on the element el.attr("data-order", asc ? "asc" : "desc"); } /** * Sort the module HoT element (special handling needs * to be done in this case). * @param el - The module element in the report that contains handsontables. * @param asc - True to sort in ascending order, false to sort * in descending order. */ function sortModuleHotElement(el, asc) { var hotEl = el.find(".report-element-body .hot-table-container"); var hotInstance = hotEl.handsontable("getInstance"); var col = el.attr('data-sort-hot'); hotInstance.sort(col, asc); // Update data attribute on sorting on the element el.attr("data-order", asc ? "asc" : "desc"); } /** * Move the specified element up or down. * @param el - The element in the report. * @param up - True to move element up; false to move it down. */ function moveElement(el, up) { var prevNewEl = el.prev(); var nextNewEl =; if ( !prevNewEl.length || !prevNewEl.hasClass("new-element") || !nextNewEl.length || !nextNewEl.hasClass("new-element")) { return; } if (up) { var prevEl = prevNewEl.prev(); if (!prevEl.length || !prevEl.hasClass("report-element")) { return; } el.detach(); nextNewEl.detach(); prevEl.before(el); prevEl.before(nextNewEl); updateElementControls(prevEl); } else { var nextEl =; if (!nextEl.length || !nextEl.hasClass("report-element")) { return; } prevNewEl.detach(); el.detach(); nextEl.after(el); nextEl.after(prevNewEl); updateElementControls(nextEl); } updateElementControls(el); } /** * Remove the specified element (and all its children) * from the report. * @param el - The element in the report. */ function removeElement(el) { var prevNewEl = el.prev(); var nextNewEl =; if ( !prevNewEl.length || !prevNewEl.hasClass("new-element") || !nextNewEl.length || !nextNewEl.hasClass("new-element")) { return; } // TODO Remove event listeners prevNewEl.remove(); el.remove(); // Fix controls of previous / next element var prevEl = prevNewEl.prev(); var nextEl =; if (prevEl.length && prevEl.hasClass("report-element")) { updateElementControls(prevEl); } if (nextEl.length && nextEl.hasClass("report-element")) { updateElementControls(nextEl); } } /** * Remove the specified comment element from the report. * @param el - The comments element in the report. */ function removeResultCommentsElement(el) { var parent = el.closest(".report-element-children"); // TODO Remove event listeners // Remove element, show the new element container el.remove(); parent.children(".new-element").removeClass("hidden"); } /** * ADDING CONTENT FUNCTIONS */ /** * Inject new elements into the place where the "old", * new element
was previously located. Also take * care of everything else. * @param newElToBeReplaced - The "new element" to be replaced. * @param elements - A JSON array of elements to be injected. */ function addElements(newElToBeReplaced, elements) { var parent; // Remove event listener on the new element to be replaced"click"); parent = newElToBeReplaced.parent(); newElToBeReplaced.addClass("original-new-el"); var prevEl = newElToBeReplaced; var lastChild, secLastChild; var newElements = []; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var newEl = addElement(elements[i], prevEl); prevEl = newEl; newElements.push(newEl); } if (parent.length && parent.length > 0) { // Remove a potential last new child element remaining lastChild = parent.children().last(); if (lastChild.length && lastChild.length > 0) { secLastChild = lastChild.prev(); if (secLastChild.length && secLastChild.length > 0) { if (lastChild.hasClass("new-element") && secLastChild.hasClass("new-element")) { // TODO Remove event listeners on existing element lastChild.remove(); } } } } // Remove the temporary class from all // added new elements $(".new-element.added-new-element") .removeClass("added-new-element"); // Remove the "replaced" element newElToBeReplaced.remove(); // Initialize everything on all elements _.each(newElements, function(element) { initializeReportElements($(element)); // Update previous and next element controls updateElementControls(element.prev()) updateElementControls( }); } /** * Add a single element to the DOM after the * previous element. This function is recursive. * @param jsonEl - The JSON element to be inserted. * @param prevEl - The jQuery element preceeding * the newly injected element. * @returns The newly created jQuery element. */ function addElement(jsonEl, prevEl) { var el = $(jsonEl.html); // If such an element already exists in the report, remove it // (this only applies to report elements) if (el.hasClass("report-element")) { var existing = $(REPORT_CONTENT) .find( ".report-element" + "[data-type='" + el.attr("data-type") + "']" + "[data-scroll-id='" + el.attr("data-scroll-id") + "']" ); if (existing.length && existing.length > 0) { // TODO Remove event listeners on existing element // First, remove the "new element" before the existing one var prevNewEl = existing.prev(); if (prevNewEl.hasClass("new-element") && !prevNewEl.hasClass("original-new-el") && !prevNewEl.hasClass("added-new-element")) { // TODO Remove event listeners on existing element prevNewEl.remove(); } existing.remove(); } } else if (el.hasClass("new-element")) { el.addClass("added-new-element"); } // Add the new element after the previous one prevEl.after(el); // If element has children, recursively add them to the element var children = jsonEl.children; var childrenContainer = el.find(".report-element-children"); var child, prevChild; var lastChild, secLastChild; if (!_.isUndefined(children) && children.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (i === 0) { // Make a "dummy" child so following children // can be added after it recursively var tmpDiv = $(""); childrenContainer.append(tmpDiv); child = addElement(children[i], tmpDiv); tmpDiv.remove(); } else { child = addElement(children[i], prevChild); } prevChild = child; } // Remove a potential last new child element remaining lastChild = childrenContainer.children().last(); if (lastChild.length && lastChild.length > 0) { secLastChild = lastChild.prev(); if (secLastChild.length && secLastChild.length > 0) { if (lastChild.hasClass("new-element") && secLastChild.hasClass("new-element")) { // TODO Remove event listeners on existing element lastChild.remove(); } } } } return el; } /** * Construct the report contents JSON. This is used * when saving/updating the report. * @return The JSON representation of report contents. */ function constructReportContentsJson() { var res = []; var rootEls = $(REPORT_CONTENT).children(".report-element"); _.each(rootEls, function(el) { res.push(constructElementContentsJson($(el))); }); return res; } /** * Recursive function to retrieve element JSON contents. * @return The JSON representation of the element. */ function constructElementContentsJson(el) { var jsonEl = {}; jsonEl["type_of"] ="type"); jsonEl["id"] ="id"); jsonEl["sort_order"] = null; if (!_.isUndefined("order"))) { jsonEl["sort_order"] ="order"); } var jsonChildren = []; var childrenContainer = el.children(".report-element-children"); if (childrenContainer.length && childrenContainer.length == 1) { var children = childrenContainer.children(".report-element"); _.each(children, function(child) { jsonChildren.push(constructElementContentsJson($(child))); }); } jsonEl["children"] = jsonChildren; return jsonEl; } // Check if we are actually at new report page if ($(REPORT_CONTENT).length) { init(); } /** Convert Handsone table to normal table **/ function reportHandsonTableConverter() { setTimeout(() => { $.each($('.hot-table-container'), function(index, value) { var table = $(value); var header = table.find('.ht_master thead'); var body = table.find('.ht_master tbody');; table.remove(); }); }, 0); }