Rails.application.routes.draw do devise_for :users, controllers: { registrations: "users/registrations", sessions: "users/sessions", invitations: "users/invitations", confirmations: "users/confirmations" } root 'projects#index' # Save sample table state post '/state_save/:organization_id/:user_id', to: 'user_samples#save_samples_table_status', as: 'save_samples_table_status', defaults: { format: 'json' } post '/state_load/:organization_id/:user_id', to: 'user_samples#load_samples_table_status', as: 'load_samples_table_status', defaults: { format: 'json' } resources :activities, only: [:index] get "forbidden", :to => "application#forbidden", as: "forbidden" get "not_found", :to => "application#not_found", as: "not_found" # Settings get "users/settings/preferences", to: "users/settings#preferences", as: "preferences" put "users/settings/preferences", to: "users/settings#update_preferences", as: "update_preferences" get "users/settings/preferences/tutorial", to: "users/settings#tutorial", as: "tutorial" post "users/settings/preferences/reset_tutorial/", to: "users/settings#reset_tutorial", as: "reset_tutorial" post 'users/settings/preferences/notifications_settings', to: 'users/settings#notifications_settings', as: 'notifications_settings', defaults: { format: 'json' } post 'users/settings/user_current_organization', to: 'users/settings#user_current_organization', as: 'user_current_organization' get "users/settings/organizations", to: "users/settings#organizations", as: "organizations" get "users/settings/organizations/new", to: "users/settings#new_organization", as: "new_organization" post "users/settings/organizations/new", to: "users/settings#create_organization", as: "create_organization" get "users/settings/organizations/:organization_id", to: "users/settings#organization", as: "organization" put "users/settings/organizations/:organization_id", to: "users/settings#update_organization", as: "update_organization" get "users/settings/organizations/:organization_id/name", to: "users/settings#organization_name", as: "organization_name" get "users/settings/organizations/:organization_id/description", to: "users/settings#organization_description", as: "organization_description" post "users/settings/organizations/:organization_id/users_datatable", to: "users/settings#organization_users_datatable", as: "organization_users_datatable" delete "users/settings/organizations/:organization_id", to: "users/settings#destroy_organization", as: "destroy_organization" put "users/settings/user_organizations/:user_organization_id", to: "users/settings#update_user_organization", as: "update_user_organization" get "users/settings/user_organizations/:user_organization_id/leave_html", to: "users/settings#leave_user_organization_html", as: "leave_user_organization_html" get "users/settings/user_organizations/:user_organization_id/destroy_html", to: "users/settings#destroy_user_organization_html", as: "destroy_user_organization_html" delete "users/settings/user_organizations/:user_organization_id", to: "users/settings#destroy_user_organization", as: "destroy_user_organization" # Invite users devise_scope :user do post '/invite', to: 'users/invitations#invite_users', as: 'invite_users' end # Notifications get 'users/:id/recent_notifications', to: 'user_notifications#recent_notifications', as: 'recent_notifications', defaults: { format: 'json' } get 'users/:id/unseen_notification', to: 'user_notifications#unseen_notification', as: 'unseen_notification', defaults: { format: 'json' } get 'users/notifications', to: 'user_notifications#index', as: 'notifications' resources :organizations, only: [] do resources :samples, only: [:new, :create] resources :sample_types, except: [:show, :new] do get 'sample_type_element', to: 'sample_types#sample_type_element' get 'destroy_confirmation', to: 'sample_types#destroy_confirmation' end resources :sample_groups, except: [:show, :new] do get 'sample_group_element', to: 'sample_groups#sample_group_element' get 'destroy_confirmation', to: 'sample_groups#destroy_confirmation' end resources :custom_fields, only: [:create, :update, :destroy] do get 'destroy_html' end member do post 'parse_sheet' post 'import_samples' post 'export_samples' # Used for atwho (smart annotations) get 'atwho_users', to: 'at_who#users' get 'atwho_resources', to: 'at_who#resources' end match '*path', :to => 'organizations#routing_error', via: [:get, :post, :put, :patch] end get 'projects/archive', to: 'projects#archive', as: 'projects_archive' resources :projects, except: [:new, :destroy] do resources :user_projects, path: '/users', only: [:create, :index, :update, :destroy] resources :project_comments, path: '/comments', only: [:create, :index, :edit, :update, :destroy] # Activities popup (JSON) for individual project in projects index, # as well as all activities page for single project (HTML) resources :project_activities, path: "/activities", only: [:index] resources :tags, only: [:create, :update, :destroy] resources :reports, path: "/reports", only: [:index, :new, :create, :edit, :update] do collection do # The posts following here should in theory be gets, # but are posts because of parameters payload post 'generate', to: 'reports#generate' get 'new/', to: 'reports#new' get 'new/project_contents_modal', to: 'reports#project_contents_modal', as: :project_contents_modal post 'new/project_contents', to: 'reports#project_contents', as: :project_contents get 'new/experiment_contents_modal', to: 'reports#experiment_contents_modal', as: :experiment_contents_modal post 'new/experiment_contents', to: 'reports#experiment_contents', as: :experiment_contents get 'new/module_contents_modal', to: 'reports#module_contents_modal', as: :module_contents_modal post 'new/module_contents', to: 'reports#module_contents', as: :module_contents get 'new/step_contents_modal', to: 'reports#step_contents_modal', as: :step_contents_modal post 'new/step_contents', to: 'reports#step_contents', as: :step_contents get 'new/result_contents_modal', to: 'reports#result_contents_modal', as: :result_contents_modal post 'new/result_contents', to: 'reports#result_contents', as: :result_contents post '_save', to: 'reports#save_modal', as: :save_modal post 'destroy', as: :destroy # Destroy multiple entries at once end end resources :experiments, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update], defaults: { format: 'json' } member do get 'notifications' # Notifications popup for individual project in projects index get 'samples' # Samples for single project post 'samples_index' # Renders sample datatable for single project (ajax action) get 'experiment_archive' # Experiment archive for single project post :delete_samples, constraints: CommitParamRouting.new(MyModulesController::DELETE_SAMPLES), action: :delete_samples end # This route is defined outside of member block to preserve original :project_id parameter in URL. get 'users/edit', to: 'user_projects#index_edit' end resources :experiments do member do get 'canvas' # Overview/structure for single experiment # AJAX-loaded canvas edit mode (from canvas) get 'canvas/edit', to: 'canvas#edit' get 'canvas/full_zoom', to: 'canvas#full_zoom' # AJAX-loaded canvas zoom # AJAX-loaded canvas zoom get 'canvas/medium_zoom', to: 'canvas#medium_zoom' get 'canvas/small_zoom', to: 'canvas#small_zoom' # AJAX-loaded canvas zoom post 'canvas', to: 'canvas#update' # Save updated canvas action get 'module_archive' # Module archive for single experiment get 'archive' # archive experiment get 'clone_modal' # return modal with clone options post 'clone' # clone experiment get 'move_modal' # return modal with move options post 'move' # move experiment get 'samples' # Samples for single project get 'updated_img' # Checks if the workflow image is updated get 'fetch_workflow_img' # Get udated workflow img # Renders sample datatable for single project (ajax action) post 'samples_index' post :delete_samples, constraints: CommitParamRouting.new( MyModulesController::DELETE_SAMPLES ), action: :delete_samples end end # Show action is a popup (JSON) for individual module in full-zoom canvas, # as well as "module info" page for single module (HTML) resources :my_modules, path: '/modules', only: [:show, :update] do resources :my_module_tags, path: '/tags', only: [:create, :destroy] resources :user_my_modules, path: '/users', only: [:index, :create, :destroy] resources :my_module_comments, path: '/comments', only: [:index, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy] resources :sample_my_modules, path: "/samples_index", only: [:index] resources :result_texts, only: [:new, :create] resources :result_assets, only: [:new, :create] resources :result_tables, only: [:new, :create] member do # AJAX popup accessed from full-zoom canvas for single module, # as well as full activities view (HTML) for single module get 'description' get 'activities' get 'activities_tab' # Activities in tab view for single module get 'due_date' get 'protocols' # Protocols view for single module get 'results' # Results view for single module get 'samples' # Samples view for single module get 'archive' # Archive view for single module post 'samples_index' # Renders sample datatable for single module (ajax action) post :assign_samples, constraints: CommitParamRouting.new(MyModulesController::ASSIGN_SAMPLES), action: :assign_samples post :assign_samples, constraints: CommitParamRouting.new(MyModulesController::UNASSIGN_SAMPLES), action: :unassign_samples post :assign_samples, constraints: CommitParamRouting.new(MyModulesController::DELETE_SAMPLES), action: :delete_samples end # Those routes are defined outside of member block to preserve original id parameters in URL. get 'tags/edit', to: 'my_module_tags#index_edit' get 'users/edit', to: 'user_my_modules#index_edit' end resources :steps, only: [:edit, :update, :destroy, :show] do resources :step_comments, path: '/comments', only: [:create, :index, :edit, :update, :destroy] member do post 'checklistitem_state' post 'toggle_step_state' get 'move_down' get 'move_up' end end resources :results, only: [:update, :destroy] do resources :result_comments, path: '/comments', only: [:create, :index, :edit, :update, :destroy] end resources :samples, only: [:edit, :update, :destroy] get 'samples/:id', to: 'samples#show' resources :result_texts, only: [:edit, :update, :destroy] get 'result_texts/:id/download' => 'result_texts#download', as: :result_text_download resources :result_assets, only: [:edit, :update, :destroy] get 'result_assets/:id/download' => 'result_assets#download', as: :result_asset_download resources :result_tables, only: [:edit, :update, :destroy] get 'result_tables/:id/download' => 'result_tables#download', as: :result_table_download resources :protocols, only: [:index, :edit, :create] do resources :steps, only: [:new, :create] member do get "linked_children", to: "protocols#linked_children" post "linked_children_datatable", to: "protocols#linked_children_datatable" patch "metadata", to: "protocols#update_metadata" patch "keywords", to: "protocols#update_keywords" post "clone", to: "protocols#clone" get "unlink_modal", to: "protocols#unlink_modal" post "unlink", to: "protocols#unlink" get "revert_modal", to: "protocols#revert_modal" post "revert", to: "protocols#revert" get "update_parent_modal", to: "protocols#update_parent_modal" post "update_parent", to: "protocols#update_parent" get "update_from_parent_modal", to: "protocols#update_from_parent_modal" post "update_from_parent", to: "protocols#update_from_parent" post "load_from_repository_datatable", to: "protocols#load_from_repository_datatable" get "load_from_repository_modal", to: "protocols#load_from_repository_modal" post "load_from_repository", to: "protocols#load_from_repository" post "load_from_file", to: "protocols#load_from_file" get "copy_to_repository_modal", to: "protocols#copy_to_repository_modal" post "copy_to_repository", to: "protocols#copy_to_repository" get "protocol_status_bar", to: "protocols#protocol_status_bar" get "updated_at_label", to: "protocols#updated_at_label" get "edit_name_modal", to: "protocols#edit_name_modal" get "edit_keywords_modal", to: "protocols#edit_keywords_modal" get "edit_authors_modal", to: "protocols#edit_authors_modal" get "edit_description_modal", to: "protocols#edit_description_modal" end collection do get "create_new_modal", to: "protocols#create_new_modal" post "datatable", to: "protocols#datatable" post "make_private", to: "protocols#make_private" post "publish", to: "protocols#publish" post "archive", to: "protocols#archive" post "restore", to: "protocols#restore" post "import", to: "protocols#import" get "export", to: "protocols#export" end end get 'search' => 'search#index' get 'search/new' => 'search#new', as: :new_search # We cannot use 'resources :assets' because assets is a reserved route # in Rails (assets pipeline) and causes funky behavior get "files/:id/present", to: "assets#file_present", as: "file_present_asset" get "files/:id/download", to: "assets#download", as: "download_asset" get "files/:id/preview", to: "assets#preview", as: "preview_asset" post 'asset_signature' => 'assets#signature' devise_scope :user do get 'avatar/:id/:style' => 'users/registrations#avatar', as: 'avatar' post 'avatar_signature' => 'users/registrations#signature' get 'users/auth_token_sign_in' => 'users/sessions#auth_token_create' end end