Feature: Team settings As a creator of a team I want to be able to change team name, team description and user roles So that I can manage my team Background: Given the "BioSistemika Process" team exists Given the following users are registered | email | password | password_confirmation | full_name | initials | | karli@myorg.com | mypassword1234 | mypassword1234 | Karli Novak | KN | | marija@myorg.com | mypassword5555 | mypassword5555 | Marija Novak | MN | | suazana@myorg.com | mypassword6666 | mypassword6666 | Suazana Novak | SN | And "karli@myorg.com" is in "BioSistemika Process" team as a "admin" And "marija@myorg.com" is in "BioSistemika Process" team as a "normal_user" And "suazana@myorg.com" is in "BioSistemika Process" team as a "guest" And is signed in with "karli@myorg.com", "mypassword1234" @javascript Scenario: Successfully changes team name Given I'm on "BioSistemika Process" team settings page Then I click on ".team-name-title" element And I change "BioSistemika Process" with "BioSistemika Process Company" in "settings_page.update_team_name_modal" input field Then I click "Update" button And I should see "BioSistemika Process Company" on ".team-name-title" element @javascript Scenario: Successfully adds team description Given I'm on "BioSistemika Process" team settings page Then I click on ".team-description" element And I fill in "I was on Triglav one summer." in "teamDescription" textarea field Then I click "Update" button And I should see "I was on Triglav one summer." on ".team-description" element @javascript Scenario: Successfully changes team description Given I'm on "BioSistemika Process" team settings page Then I click on ".team-description" element And I change "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing eli." with "I was on Triglav one summer." in "teamDescription" textarea field Then I click "Update" button And I should see "I was on Triglav one summer." on ".team-description" element @javascript Scenario: Successfully changes user role Given I'm on "BioSistemika Process" team settings page Then I click on "marija@myorg.com" action button within Team members table And I click "Guest" link within "marija@myorg.com" actions dropdown within Team members table Then I should see "Guest" in Role column of "marija@myorg.com" within Team members table @javascript Scenario: Successfully changes user role Given I'm on "BioSistemika Process" team settings page Then I click on "suazana@myorg.com" action button within Team members table And I click "Normal user" link within "suazana@myorg.com" actions dropdown within Team members table Then I should see "Normal user" in Role column of "suazana@myorg.com" within Team members table @javascript Scenario: Successfully changes user role Given I'm on "BioSistemika Process" team settings page Then I click on "marija@myorg.com" action button within Team members table And I click "Administrator" link within "marija@myorg.com" actions dropdown within Team members table Then I should see "Administrator" in Role column of "marija@myorg.com" within Team members table @javascript Scenario: Successfully removes user Given I'm on "BioSistemika Process" team settings page Then I click on "suazana@myorg.com" action button within Team members table And I click "Remove" link within "suazana@myorg.com" actions dropdown within Team members table And I should see "Are you sure you wish to remove user Suazana Novak from team BioSistemika Process?" on ".remove-user-modal-body" element Then I click "Remove user" button Then I should not see "suazana@myorg.com" in Team members table