# frozen_string_literal: true class Asset < ApplicationRecord include SearchableModel include DatabaseHelper include Encryptor include WopiUtil include ActiveStorageFileUtil include ActiveStorageConcerns require 'tempfile' # Lock duration set to 30 minutes LOCK_DURATION = 60 * 30 SEARCHABLE_ATTRIBUTES = ['active_storage_blobs.filename', 'asset_text_data.data_vector'].freeze enum view_mode: { thumbnail: 0, list: 1, inline: 2 } # ActiveStorage configuration has_one_attached :file has_one_attached :file_pdf_preview has_one_attached :preview_image # Asset validation # This could cause some problems if you create empty asset and want to # assign it to result validate :step_or_result_or_repository_asset_value validate :wopi_filename_valid, on: :wopi_file_creation validate :check_file_size, on: :on_api_upload belongs_to :created_by, class_name: 'User', optional: true belongs_to :last_modified_by, class_name: 'User', optional: true belongs_to :team, optional: true has_one :step_asset, inverse_of: :asset, dependent: :destroy has_one :step, through: :step_asset, touch: true has_one :result_asset, inverse_of: :asset, dependent: :destroy has_one :result, through: :result_asset, touch: true has_one :repository_asset_value, inverse_of: :asset, dependent: :destroy has_one :repository_cell, through: :repository_asset_value has_many :report_elements, inverse_of: :asset, dependent: :destroy has_one :asset_text_datum, inverse_of: :asset, dependent: :destroy has_many :asset_sync_tokens, dependent: :destroy scope :sort_assets, lambda { |sort_value = 'new'| sort = case sort_value when 'old' then { created_at: :asc } when 'atoz' then { 'active_storage_blobs.filename': :asc } when 'ztoa' then { 'active_storage_blobs.filename': :desc } else { created_at: :desc } end joins(file_attachment: :blob).order(sort) } attr_accessor :file_content, :file_info before_save :reset_file_processing, if: -> { file.new_record? } def self.search( user, include_archived, query = nil, current_team = nil, options = {} ) teams = options[:teams] || current_team || user.teams.select(:id) assets_in_steps = Asset.joins(:step) .where(steps: { protocol: Protocol.search(user, include_archived, nil, teams) }) .pluck(:id) assets_in_results = Asset.joins(:result) .where(results: { id: Result.search(user, include_archived, nil, teams) }) .pluck(:id) assets_in_inventories = Asset.joins(repository_cell: { repository_column: :repository }) .where(repositories: { team: teams }) .where.not(repositories: { type: 'RepositorySnapshot' }) .pluck(:id) assets = distinct.where('assets.id IN (?) OR assets.id IN (?) OR assets.id IN (?)', assets_in_steps, assets_in_results, assets_in_inventories) Asset.left_outer_joins(:asset_text_datum) .joins(file_attachment: :blob) .from(assets, 'assets') .where_attributes_like_boolean(SEARCHABLE_ATTRIBUTES, query, options) end def blob file&.blob end def previewable? return false unless preview_image.attached? || file.attached? previewable_document?(blob) || previewable_image? end def preview_attachment preview_image.attached? ? preview_image : file end def medium_preview preview_attachment.representation(resize_to_limit: Constants::MEDIUM_PIC_FORMAT) end def large_preview preview_attachment.representation(resize_to_limit: Constants::LARGE_PIC_FORMAT) end def file_name return '' unless file.attached? file.blob&.filename&.sanitized end def preview_image_file_name return '' unless preview_image.attached? preview_image.blob&.filename&.sanitized end def render_file_name if file.attached? && file.metadata['asset_type'] file.metadata['name'] else file_name end end def file_size return 0 unless file.attached? file.blob&.byte_size end def content_type return '' unless file.attached? file&.blob&.content_type end def duplicate new_asset = dup return unless new_asset.save duplicate_file(new_asset) new_asset end def duplicate_file(to_asset) return unless file.attached? raise ArgumentError, 'Destination asset should be persisted first!' unless to_asset.persisted? file.blob.open do |tmp_file| to_blob = ActiveStorage::Blob.create_and_upload!(io: tmp_file, filename: blob.filename) to_asset.file.attach(to_blob) end if preview_image.attached? preview_image.blob.open do |tmp_preview_image| to_blob = ActiveStorage::Blob.create_and_upload!( io: tmp_preview_image, filename: blob.filename, metadata: blob.metadata ) to_asset.preview_image.attach(to_blob) end end to_asset.post_process_file end def image? content_type =~ %r{^image/#{Regexp.union(Constants::WHITELISTED_IMAGE_TYPES)}} end def text? Constants::TEXT_EXTRACT_FILE_TYPES.any? do |v| file&.blob&.content_type&.start_with? v end end def marvinjs? file.metadata[:asset_type] == 'marvinjs' end def pdf_preview_ready? return false if pdf_preview_processing return true if file_pdf_preview.attached? PdfPreviewJob.perform_later(id) ActiveRecord::Base.no_touching { update(pdf_preview_processing: true) } false end def pdf? content_type == 'application/pdf' end def pdf_previewable? pdf? || (previewable_document?(blob) && Rails.application.config.x.enable_pdf_previews) end def post_process_file # Update asset's estimated size immediately update_estimated_size unless text? || marvinjs? if Rails.application.config.x.enable_pdf_previews && previewable_document?(blob) PdfPreviewJob.perform_later(id) ActiveRecord::Base.no_touching { update(pdf_preview_processing: true) } end end # If team is provided, its space_taken # is updated as well def update_estimated_size return if file_size.blank? es = file_size if asset_text_datum.present? && asset_text_datum.persisted? asset_text_datum.reload es += get_octet_length_record(asset_text_datum, :data) es += get_octet_length_record(asset_text_datum, :data_vector) end es *= Constants::ASSET_ESTIMATED_SIZE_FACTOR update(estimated_size: es) Rails.logger.info "Asset #{id}: Estimated size successfully calculated" # Finally, update team's space if team.present? team.take_space(es) team.save end end def can_perform_action(action) if ENV['WOPI_ENABLED'] == 'true' file_ext = file_name.split('.').last if file_ext == 'wopitest' && (!ENV['WOPI_TEST_ENABLED'] || ENV['WOPI_TEST_ENABLED'] == 'false') return false end action = get_action(file_ext, action) return false if action.nil? true else false end end def get_action_url(user, action, with_tokens = true) file_ext = file_name.split('.').last&.downcase action = get_action(file_ext, action) if !action.nil? action_url = action[:urlsrc] if ENV['WOPI_BUSINESS_USERS'] && ENV['WOPI_BUSINESS_USERS'] == 'true' action_url = action_url.gsub(//, 'IsLicensedUser=1&') action_url = action_url.gsub(//, 'IsLicensedUser=1') else action_url = action_url.gsub(//, 'IsLicensedUser=0&') action_url = action_url.gsub(//, 'IsLicensedUser=0') end action_url = action_url.gsub(/<.*?=.*?>/, '') rest_url = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.wopi_rest_endpoint_url( host: ENV['WOPI_ENDPOINT_URL'], id: id ) action_url += "WOPISrc=#{rest_url}" if with_tokens token = user.get_wopi_token action_url + "&access_token=#{token.token}"\ "&access_token_ttl=#{(token.ttl * 1000)}" else action_url end else return nil end end def favicon_url(action) file_ext = file_name.split('.').last action = get_action(file_ext, action) action[:icon] if action[:icon] end # locked?, lock_asset and refresh_lock rely on the asset # being locked in the database to prevent race conditions def locked? unlock_expired !lock.nil? end def lock_asset(lock_string) self.lock = lock_string self.lock_ttl = Time.now.to_i + LOCK_DURATION save! end def refresh_lock self.lock_ttl = Time.now.to_i + LOCK_DURATION save! end def unlock self.lock = nil self.lock_ttl = nil save! end def unlock_expired with_lock do if !lock_ttl.nil? && lock_ttl < Time.now.to_i self.lock = nil self.lock_ttl = nil save! end end end def update_contents(new_file) file.attach(io: new_file, filename: file_name) self.version = version.nil? ? 1 : version + 1 save end def editable_image? !locked? && (%r{^image/#{Regexp.union(Constants::WHITELISTED_IMAGE_TYPES_EDITABLE)}} =~ file.content_type).present? end def generate_base64(style) return convert_variant_to_base64(medium_preview) if style == :medium end def my_module (result || step)&.my_module end def parent step || result || repository_cell end private def tempdir Rails.root.join('tmp') end def previewable_image? preview_image.attached? || file.blob&.content_type&.match?(%r{^image/#{Regexp.union(Constants::WHITELISTED_IMAGE_TYPES)}}) end def step_or_result_or_repository_asset_value # We must allow both step and result to be blank because of GUI # (even though it's not really a "valid" asset) if step.present? && result.present? || step.present? && repository_asset_value.present? || result.present? && repository_asset_value.present? errors.add( :base, 'Asset can only be result or step or repository cell, not ever.' ) end end def wopi_filename_valid # Check that filename without extension is not blank if file_name[0..-6].blank? errors.add( :file, I18n.t('general.text.not_blank') ) end # Check maximum filename length if file_name.length > Constants::FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH errors.add( :file, I18n.t( 'general.file.file_name_too_long', limit: Constants::FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH ) ) end end def check_file_size if file.attached? if file.blob.byte_size > Rails.application.config.x.file_max_size_mb.megabytes errors.add(:file, I18n.t('activerecord.errors.models.asset.attributes.file.too_big')) end end end def reset_file_processing self.file_processing = false end end