Canaid::Permissions.register_for(Experiment) do # Experiment and its project must be active for all the specified permissions %i(manage_experiment archive_experiment clone_experiment move_experiment) .each do |perm| can perm do |_, experiment| && end end # experiment: read (read archive) # canvas: read # module: read (read users, read comments, read archive) # result: read (read comments) can :read_experiment do |user, experiment| can_read_project?(user, experiment.project) end # experiment: create/update/delete # canvas: update # module: create, copy, reposition, create/update/delete connection, # assign/reassign/unassign tags can :manage_experiment do |user, experiment| user.is_user_or_higher_of_project?(experiment.project) && MyModule.joins(:experiment) .where(experiment: experiment) .preload(my_module_status: :my_module_status_implications) .all? do |my_module| if my_module.my_module_status my_module.my_module_status.my_module_status_implications.all? { |implication| } else true end end end # experiment: archive can :archive_experiment do |user, experiment| can_manage_experiment?(user, experiment) end # NOTE: Must not be dependent on canaid parmision for which we check if it's # active # experiment: restore can :restore_experiment do |user, experiment| user.is_user_or_higher_of_project?(experiment.project) && experiment.archived? end # experiment: copy can :clone_experiment do |user, experiment| user.is_user_or_higher_of_project?(experiment.project) && user.is_normal_user_or_admin_of_team?( end # experiment: move can :move_experiment do |user, experiment| can_clone_experiment?(user, experiment) end end Canaid::Permissions.register_for(Protocol) do # Protocol needs to be in a module for all Protocol permissions below # experiment level %i(read_protocol_in_module manage_protocol_in_module complete_or_checkbox_step) .each do |perm| can perm do |_, protocol| protocol.in_module? end end # Module, its experiment and its project must be active for all the specified # permissions %i(manage_protocol_in_module complete_or_checkbox_step) .each do |perm| can perm do |_, protocol| my_module = protocol.my_module && && end end # protocol in module: read # step in module: read, read comments, read/download assets can :read_protocol_in_module do |user, protocol| can_read_experiment?(user, protocol.my_module.experiment) end # protocol in module: create/update/delete, unlink, revert, update from # protocol in repository, update from file # step in module: create/update/delete, reorder can :manage_protocol_in_module do |user, protocol| can_manage_module?(user, protocol.my_module) end # step: complete/uncomplete can :complete_or_checkbox_step do |user, protocol| can_change_my_module_flow_status?(user, protocol.my_module) end end Canaid::Permissions.register_for(Comment) do # Module, its experiment and its project must be active for all the specified # permissions %i(manage_comment_in_module) .each do |perm| can perm do |_, comment| my_module = ::PermissionsUtil.get_comment_module(comment) && && end end # module: update/delete comment # result: update/delete comment # step: update/delete comment can :manage_comment_in_module do |user, comment| my_module = ::PermissionsUtil.get_comment_module(comment) project = my_module.experiment.project # Same check as in `can_manage_comment_in_project?` project.present? && (user.is_owner_of_project?(project) || comment.user == user) end end