Feature: Forgot password I forgot my password I would like a new password So that I can use sciNote Background: Given the following users are registered | email | password | password_confirmation | | nonadmin@myorg.com | mypassword1234 | mypassword1234 | @javascript Scenario: User forgot their password and requests for new password Given I am on reset password page Then I fill in "nonadmin@myorg.com" in "user_email" input field And I click "Send me reset password instruction" button Then I should see "You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes." flash message @javascript Scenario: User forgot their password and enters non valid email Given I am on reset password page Then I fill in "nonuser@myorg.com" in "user_email" input field And I click "Send me reset password instruction" button Then I should see "Email not found" @worker Scenario: User has got Reset Your Password email and click to link Given I click on Reset Password link in the reset password email for user "nonadmin@myorg.com" Then I should be on Change your password page Scenario: User successfully Change password at Change your password page Given I am on Change your password page Then I fill in New password "mypassword1234" and I fill in Confirm new password "mypassword1234" And I click on "Change my password" button Then I should see "BioSistemika Process" And I should see "Your password has been changed successfully. You are now logged in." flash message Scenario: User unsuccessfully Change password at Change your password page Given I am on Change your password page Then I fill in New password "mypassword12344" and I fill in Confirm new password "mypassword1234" And I click on "Change my password" button Then I should see "Password confirmation doesn't match Password" flash message