# frozen_string_literal: true module Users module Settings class TeamsController < ApplicationController include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper include ApplicationHelper include InputSanitizeHelper before_action :load_user, only: %i( index datatable new create show users_datatable ) before_action :load_team, only: %i( show users_datatable name_html description_html update destroy ) before_action :check_create_team_permission, only: %i(new create) before_action :set_breadcrumbs_items, only: %i(index show) layout 'fluid' def index @member_of = @user.teams.count end def datatable render json: ::TeamsDatatable.new(view_context, @user) end def new @new_team = Team.new end def create @new_team = Team.new(create_params) @new_team.created_by = @user if @new_team.save # Redirect to new team page redirect_to team_path(@new_team) else render :new end end def show @user_team = UserTeam.find_by(user: @user, team: @team) end def users_datatable render json: ::TeamUsersDatatable.new(view_context, @team, @user) end def name_html render json: { html: render_to_string( partial: 'users/settings/teams/name_modal_body', locals: { team: @team }, formats: :html ) } end def description_html render json: { html: render_to_string( partial: 'users/settings/teams/description_modal_body', locals: { team: @team }, formats: :html ) } end def update if @team.update(update_params) @team.update(last_modified_by: current_user) render json: { status: :ok, html: custom_auto_link( @team.tinymce_render(:description), simple_format: false, tags: %w(img), team: current_team ) } else render json: @team.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity end end def destroy @team.destroy flash[:notice] = I18n.t( 'users.settings.teams.edit.modal_destroy_team.flash_success', team: @team.name ) # Redirect back to all teams page redirect_to action: :index end def switch team = current_user.teams.find_by(id: params[:team_id]) if team && current_user.update(current_team_id: team.id) flash[:success] = t('users.settings.changed_team_flash', team: current_user.current_team.name) render json: { current_team: team.id } else render json: { message: t('users.settings.changed_team_error_flash') }, status: :unprocessable_entity end end private def check_create_team_permission render_403 unless can_create_teams? end def load_user @user = current_user end def load_team @team = Team.find_by(id: params[:id]) render_403 unless can_manage_team?(@team) end def create_params params.require(:team).permit( :name, :description ) end def update_params params.require(:team).permit( :name, :description ) end def set_breadcrumbs_items @breadcrumbs_items = [] @breadcrumbs_items.push({ label: t('breadcrumbs.teams'), url: teams_path }) if @team @breadcrumbs_items.push({ label: @team.name, url: team_path(@team) }) end end end end end