class ProjectsController < ApplicationController include SampleActions include RenamingUtil include TeamsHelper include InputSanitizeHelper before_action :generate_intro_demo, only: :index before_action :load_vars, only: %i(show edit update notifications reports samples experiment_archive delete_samples samples_index) before_action :load_projects_by_teams, only: %i(index show samples archive) before_action :check_view_permissions, only: %i(show reports notifications samples experiment_archive samples_index) before_action :check_create_permissions, only: %i(new create) before_action :check_manage_permissions, only: :edit @filter_by_archived = false # except parameter could be used but it is not working. layout 'fluid' # Action defined in SampleActions DELETE_SAMPLES = 'Delete'.freeze def index if params[:team] current_team_switch(Team.find_by_id(params[:team])) end @teams = current_user.teams # New project for create new project modal @project = end def archive @filter_by_archived = true index end def new @project = end def create @project = @project.created_by = current_user @project.last_modified_by = current_user if == project_params[:team_id].to_i && # Create user-project association up = role: :owner, user: current_user, project: @project ) # Create "project created" activity Activity.create( type_of: :create_project, user: current_user, project: @project, message: t( "activities.create_project", user: current_user.full_name, project: ) ) flash[:success] = t("projects.create.success_flash", name: respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: { url: projects_path }, status: :ok } end else respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: @project.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end def edit respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: { html: render_to_string({ partial: "edit.html.erb", locals: { project: @project } }), title: t('projects.index.modal_edit_project.modal_title', project: escape_input( } } end end def update return_error = false flash_error = t('projects.update.error_flash', name: # Check archive permissions if archiving/restoring if project_params.include? :archived if (project_params[:archived] == 'true' && !can_archive_project?(@project)) || (project_params[:archived] == 'false' && !can_restore_project?(@project)) return_error = true is_archive = URI(request.referer).path == projects_archive_path ? "restore" : "archive" flash_error = t("projects.#{is_archive}.error_flash", name: end elsif !can_manage_project?(@project) render_403 && return end message_renamed = nil message_visibility = nil if project_params.include? :name and project_params[:name] != then message_renamed = t( "activities.rename_project", user: current_user.full_name, project_old:, project_new: project_params[:name] ) end if project_params.include? :visibility and project_params[:visibility] != @project.visibility then message_visibility = t( "activities.change_project_visibility", user: current_user.full_name, project:, visibility: project_params[:visibility] == "visible" ? t("general.public") : t("general.private") ) end @project.last_modified_by = current_user if @project.update(project_params) # Add activities if needed if message_visibility.present? Activity.create( type_of: :change_project_visibility, user: current_user, project: @project, message: message_visibility ) end if message_renamed.present? Activity.create( type_of: :rename_project, user: current_user, project: @project, message: message_renamed ) end flash_success = t('projects.update.success_flash', name: respond_to do |format| format.html { # Redirect URL for archive view is different as for other views. if URI(request.referer).path == projects_archive_path # The project should be restored unless @project.archived @project.restore(current_user) # "Restore project" activity Activity.create( type_of: :restore_project, user: current_user, project: @project, message: t( "activities.restore_project", user: current_user.full_name, project: ) ) flash_success = t('projects.restore.success_flash', name: end redirect_to projects_archive_path else # The project should be archived if @project.archived @project.archive(current_user) # "Archive project" activity Activity.create( type_of: :archive_project, user: current_user, project: @project, message: t( "activities.archive_project", user: current_user.full_name, project: ) ) flash_success = t('projects.archive.success_flash', name: end redirect_to projects_path end flash[:success] = flash_success } format.json { render json: { status: :ok, html: render_to_string({ partial: "projects/index/project.html.erb", locals: { project: @project } }) } } end else return_error = true end if return_error then respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:error] = flash_error # Redirect URL for archive view is different as for other views. if URI(request.referer).path == projects_archive_path redirect_to projects_archive_path else redirect_to projects_path end } format.json { render json: @project.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end def show # save experiments order if params[:sort] @project.experiments_order = params[:sort].to_s end # This is the "info" view current_team_switch( @current_sort = @project.experiments_order end def notifications @modules = @project .assigned_modules(current_user) .order(due_date: :desc) respond_to do |format| #format.html format.json { render :json => { :html => render_to_string({ :partial => "notifications.html.erb" }) } } end end def samples @samples_index_link = samples_index_project_path(@project, format: :json) @team = end def experiment_archive current_team_switch( end def samples_index @team = @user = current_user respond_to do |format| format.html format.json do render json:, @team, @project, nil, nil, @user) end end end private def generate_intro_demo return unless current_user.sign_in_count == 1 team = current_user.teams.where(created_by: current_user).first seed_demo_data(current_user, team) if team && team.projects.blank? end def project_params params.require(:project).permit(:name, :team_id, :visibility, :archived) end def load_vars @project = Project.find_by_id(params[:id]) unless @project render_404 end end def load_projects_by_teams if current_user.teams.any? @current_team_id = if current_team @current_team_id ||= @current_sort = params[:sort].to_s @projects_by_teams = current_user.projects_by_teams(@current_team_id, @current_sort, @filter_by_archived) else @projects_by_teams = [] end end def check_view_permissions render_403 unless can_read_project?(@project) end def check_create_permissions render_403 unless can_create_projects?(current_team) end def check_manage_permissions render_403 unless can_manage_project?(@project) end end