module ProtocolsImporter include RenamingUtil, TinyMceJsHelper def import_new_protocol(protocol_json, organization, type, user) remove_empty_inputs(protocol_json) protocol = name: protocol_json["name"], description: protocol_json["description"], authors: protocol_json["authors"], protocol_type: (type == :public ? :in_repository_public : :in_repository_private), published_on: (type == :public ? : nil), added_by: user, organization: @organization ) # Try to rename record if protocol.invalid? then rename_record(protocol, :name) end # Okay, now save the protocol! # Protocol is saved, populate it populate_protocol(protocol, protocol_json, user) return protocol end def import_into_existing(protocol, protocol_json, user) # Firstly, destroy existing protocol's contents protocol.destroy_contents(user) protocol.reload # Alright, now populate the protocol populate_protocol(protocol, protocol_json, user) protocol.reload # Unlink the protocol protocol.unlink protocol end private def populate_protocol(protocol, protocol_json, user) protocol.reload asset_ids = [] step_pos = 0 # Check if protocol has steps if protocol_json['steps'] protocol_json['steps'].values.each do |step_json| step = Step.create!( name: step_json["name"], description: # Sanitize description HTML sanitize_tiny_mce_js_input( step_json['description'] ), position: step_pos, completed: false, user: user, last_modified_by: user, protocol: protocol ) step_pos += 1 if step_json["checklists"] step_json["checklists"].values.each do |checklist_json| checklist = Checklist.create!( name: checklist_json["name"], step: step, created_by: user, last_modified_by: user ) if checklist_json["items"] item_pos = 0 checklist_json["items"].values.each do |item_json| item = ChecklistItem.create!( text: item_json["text"], checked: false, position: item_pos, created_by: user, last_modified_by: user, checklist: checklist ) item_pos += 1 end end end end if step_json["tables"] step_json["tables"].values.each do |table_json| table = Table.create!( contents: Base64.decode64(table_json["contents"]), created_by: user, last_modified_by: user ) StepTable.create!( step: step, table: table ) end end if step_json["assets"] step_json["assets"].values.each do |asset_json| asset = created_by: user, last_modified_by: user ) # Decode the file bytes asset.file =["bytes"])) asset.file_file_name = asset_json["fileName"] asset.file_content_type = asset_json["fileType"]! asset_ids << StepAsset.create!( step: step, asset: asset ) end end end end # Post process assets asset_ids.each do |asset_id| Asset.find(asset_id).post_process_file(protocol.organization) end end def remove_empty_inputs(obj) obj.keys.each do |key| if obj[key] == "" obj[key] = nil elsif obj[key].kind_of? Hash # Recursive call remove_empty_inputs(obj[key]) end end end end