# frozen_string_literal: true Given(/^I click on team switcher$/) do find('#team-switch').click end Given('I click to {string} in team dropdown menu') do |team| find('#team-switch .change-team', text: team).click end Given('My profile page of current user') do visit(edit_user_registration_path) end Then('I am on Projects page of {string} team of current user') do |team| check_active_team(team) expect(page).to have_selector '.nav-name', text: team end Then('I am on Protocols page of {string} team of current user') do |team| check_active_team(team) expect(page).to have_selector 'a', text: 'Team protocols' end Then('I am on Inventories page of {string} team of current user') do |team| check_active_team(team) expect(page).to have_selector 'a', text: 'New Inventory' end Then('I am on Reports page of {string} team of current user') do |team| check_active_team(team) expect(page).to have_selector 'a', text: 'New report' end Then('I am on Activities page of {string} team of current user') do |team| check_active_team(team) expect(page).to have_selector '.ga-title', text: 'Global activities' end