class Repository < ApplicationRecord include SearchableModel belongs_to :team, optional: true belongs_to :created_by, foreign_key: :created_by_id, class_name: 'User', optional: true has_many :repository_rows has_many :repository_table_states, inverse_of: :repository, dependent: :destroy has_many :report_elements, inverse_of: :repository, dependent: :destroy auto_strip_attributes :name, nullify: false validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: :team, case_sensitive: false }, length: { maximum: Constants::NAME_MAX_LENGTH } validates :team, presence: true validates :created_by, presence: true def user, _include_archived, query = nil, page = 1, current_team = nil, options = {} ) team_ids = if current_team else Team.joins(:user_teams) .where('user_teams.user_id = ?', .distinct .pluck(:id) end row_ids = RepositoryRow .search(nil, query, Constants::SEARCH_NO_LIMIT, options) .select(:id) new_query = Repository .select('repositories.*, COUNT( AS counter') .joins(:team) .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN repository_rows ON ' \ ' = repository_rows.repository_id') .where(team: team_ids) .where(' IN (?)', row_ids) .group('') # Show all results if needed if page == Constants::SEARCH_NO_LIMIT new_query else new_query .limit(Constants::SEARCH_LIMIT) .offset((page - 1) * Constants::SEARCH_LIMIT) end end def open_spreadsheet(file) filename = file.original_filename file_path = file.path if file.class == Paperclip::Attachment && file.is_stored_on_s3? fa = file.fetch file_path = fa.path end generate_file(filename, file_path) end def available_repository_fields fields = {} # First and foremost add record name fields['-1'] = I18n.t('repositories.default_column') # Add all other custom columns repository_columns.order(:created_at).each do |rc| fields[] = end fields end def copy(created_by, name) new_repo = nil begin Repository.transaction do # Clone the repository object new_repo = dup new_repo.created_by = created_by = name! # Clone columns (only if new_repo was saved) repository_columns.find_each do |col| new_col = col.dup new_col.repository = new_repo new_col.created_by = created_by! end end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid return false end # If everything is okay, return new_repo new_repo end # Imports records def import_records(sheet, mappings, user) errors = false columns = [] name_index = -1 total_nr = 0 nr_of_added = 0 mappings.each.with_index do |(_k, value), index| if value == '-1' # Fill blank space, so our indices stay the same columns << nil name_index = index else columns << repository_columns.find_by_id(value) end end # Check for duplicate columns col_compact = columns.compact unless == col_compact.length return { status: :error, nr_of_added: nr_of_added, total_nr: total_nr } end # Now we can iterate through record data and save stuff into db transaction do (2..sheet.last_row).each do |i| total_nr += 1 record_row = sheet.row(i)[name_index], repository: self, created_by: user, last_modified_by: user) record_row.transaction(requires_new: true) do unless errors = true raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end row_cell_values = [] sheet.row(i).each.with_index do |value, index| if columns[index] && value cell_value = data: value, created_by: user, last_modified_by: user, repository_cell_attributes: { repository_row: record_row, repository_column: columns[index] } ) cell = record_row, repository_column: columns[index], value: cell_value) cell.skip_on_import = true cell_value.repository_cell = cell unless cell.valid? && cell_value.valid? errors = true raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end row_cell_values << cell_value end end if RepositoryTextValue.import(row_cell_values, recursive: true, validate: false).failed_instances.any? errors = true raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end nr_of_added += 1 end end end if errors return { status: :error, nr_of_added: nr_of_added, total_nr: total_nr } end { status: :ok, nr_of_added: nr_of_added, total_nr: total_nr } end private def generate_file(filename, file_path) case File.extname(filename) when '.csv', extension: :csv) when '.tsv', csv_options: { col_sep: "\t" }) when '.txt' # This assumption is based purely on biologist's habits, csv_options: { col_sep: "\t" }) when '.xlsx' else raise TypeError end end end