# frozen_string_literal: true module ProtocolImporters class SearchProtocolsService extend Service attr_reader :errors, :protocols_list CONSTANTS = Constants::PROTOCOLS_IO_V3_API def initialize(protocol_source:, query_params: {}) @protocol_source = protocol_source @query_params = query_params.except(:protocol_source) @errors = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = {} } end def call return self unless valid? # Call api client api_response = api_client.protocol_list(@query_params) # Normalize protocols list @protocols_list = normalizer.normalize_list(api_response) self rescue client_errors => e @errors[e.error_type] = e.message self end def succeed? @errors.none? end private def valid? # try if page id is ok @errors[:invalid_params][:page_id] = 'Page needs to be positive' if @query_params[:page_id]&.to_i&.negative? # try if endpints exists @errors[:invalid_params][:source_endpoint] = 'Wrong source endpoint' unless endpoint_name&.is_a?(String) succeed? end def endpoint_name Constants::PROTOCOLS_ENDPOINTS.dig(*@protocol_source.split('/').map(&:to_sym)) end def api_client "ProtocolImporters::#{endpoint_name}::ApiClient".constantize.new end def normalizer "ProtocolImporters::#{endpoint_name}::ProtocolNormalizer".constantize.new end def client_errors "ProtocolImporters::#{endpoint_name}::Error".constantize end end end