class ResultTablesController < ApplicationController include ResultsHelper before_action :load_vars, only: [:edit, :update, :download] before_action :convert_contents_to_utf8, only: [:update] before_action :check_manage_permissions, only: %i(edit update) before_action :check_archive_permissions, only: [:update] before_action :check_view_permissions, except: %i(edit update) def edit render json: { html: render_to_string({ partial: 'edit', formats: :html }) }, status: :ok end def update update_params = result_params @result.last_modified_by = current_user @result.table.last_modified_by = current_user = current_team @result.assign_attributes(update_params) @result.table.metadata = JSON.parse(update_params[:table_attributes][:metadata]) if update_params[:table_attributes] flash_success = t("result_tables.update.success_flash", module: if @result.archived_changed?(from: false, to: true) saved = @result.archive(current_user) flash_success = t("result_tables.archive.success_flash", module: if saved log_activity(:archive_result) end elsif @result.archived_changed?(from: true, to: false) render_403 else saved = if saved then log_activity(:edit_result) end end respond_to do |format| if saved format.html { flash[:success] = flash_success redirect_to results_my_module_path(@my_module) } format.json { render json: { html: render_to_string( partial: 'my_modules/result', locals: { result: @result }, formats: :html ) }, status: :ok } else format.json { render json: @result.errors, status: :bad_request } end end end def download _ = JSON.parse @result_table.table.contents @table_data = _["data"] || [] data = render_to_string partial: 'download' send_data data, filename: + '.txt', type: 'plain/text' end private def load_vars @result_table = ResultTable.find_by_id(params[:id]) if @result_table @result = @result_table.result @my_module = @result.my_module else render_404 end end def convert_contents_to_utf8 if params.include? :result and params[:result].include? :table_attributes and params[:result][:table_attributes].include? :contents then params[:result][:table_attributes][:contents] = params[:result][:table_attributes][:contents].encode(Encoding::UTF_8).force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end end def check_manage_permissions render_403 unless can_manage_result?(@result) end def check_archive_permissions if result_params[:archived].to_s != '' && !can_manage_result?(@result) render_403 end end def check_view_permissions render_403 unless can_read_result?(@result) end def result_params params.require(:result).permit( :name, :archived, table_attributes: [ :id, :contents, :metadata ] ) end def log_activity(type_of) Activities::CreateActivityService .call(activity_type: type_of, owner: current_user, subject: @result, team:, project: @my_module.project, message_items: { result:, type_of_result: t('activities.result_type.table') }) end end