// scss-lint:disable SelectorDepth // scss-lint:disable NestingDepth // scss-lint:disable IdSelector @import "constants"; .folders-tree-container { --row-height: 36px; background-color: $color-concrete; border-radius: 4px; height: 250px; overflow: auto; padding: .5em; .jstree-wholerow { border-radius: 4px; height: var(--row-height); } .jstree-wholerow-hovered { background: $color-alto; } .jstree-wholerow-clicked { background: $color-white; } .jstree-search { color: unset; font-style: unset; font-weight: unset; } .jstree-leaf { height: var(--row-height); .jstree-clicked { height: var(--row-height); } .jstree-hovered { height: var(--row-height); } } .jstree-closed { line-height: var(--row-height); } .jstree-open { line-height: var(--row-height); } .jstree-icon { &.root-folder { color: $color-volcano; } &.icon-folder { color: $brand-primary-light; } } .jstree-default-large .jstree-icon { background-image: image-url("32px.png"); } .jstree-default-large>.jstree-container-ul .jstree-loading>.jstree-ocl { background: image-url("throbber.gif") center no-repeat; } li.jstree-node { i.jstree-ocl, a.jstree-anchor { margin-top: 2px; } } // Not in use but needs to be defined for proper compiling .jstree-default-responsive .jstree-icon { background-image: image-url("40px.png"); } }