# frozen_string_literal: true Given(/^I'm on the Results page of a "([^"]*)" task$/) do |task_name| task = MyModule.find_by(name: task_name) visit results_my_module_path(task) end Given(/^I click edit "(.+)" result icon$/) do |result_name| find('.panel-heading', text: result_name).find('.edit-result-asset').click end Then('I input {string} in cell') do |input| find('.handsontableInput').set(input) end Then('I click on table cell one') do find('.htCore tbody td', match: :first).double_click end Given('I am on Task archive page') do visit '/modules/1/archive' end Then('I change comment {string} with {string} of {string}') do |text1, text2, message_id| find(message_id.to_s, text: text1).set(text2) end Given('I am on Task results page') do visit '/modules/1/results' end