# frozen_string_literal: true class Result < ApplicationRecord include ArchivableModel include SearchableModel include SearchableByNameModel include ViewableModel auto_strip_attributes :name, nullify: false validates :name, length: { maximum: Constants::NAME_MAX_LENGTH } enum assets_view_mode: { thumbnail: 0, list: 1, inline: 2 } belongs_to :user, inverse_of: :results belongs_to :last_modified_by, class_name: 'User', optional: true belongs_to :archived_by, class_name: 'User', optional: true belongs_to :restored_by, class_name: 'User', optional: true belongs_to :my_module, inverse_of: :results has_many :result_orderable_elements, inverse_of: :result, dependent: :destroy has_many :result_assets, inverse_of: :result, dependent: :destroy has_many :assets, through: :result_assets has_many :result_tables, inverse_of: :result, dependent: :destroy has_many :tables, through: :result_tables has_many :result_texts, inverse_of: :result, dependent: :destroy has_many :result_comments, inverse_of: :result, foreign_key: :associated_id, dependent: :destroy has_many :report_elements, inverse_of: :result, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :result_texts accepts_nested_attributes_for :assets accepts_nested_attributes_for :tables def self.search(user, include_archived, query = nil, page = 1, _current_team = nil, options = {}) module_ids = MyModule.search(user, include_archived, nil, Constants::SEARCH_NO_LIMIT).pluck(:id) new_query = Result .distinct .left_outer_joins(:result_texts) .where(results: { my_module_id: module_ids }) .where_attributes_like(['results.name', 'result_texts.text'], query, options) new_query = new_query.active unless include_archived # Show all results if needed if page == Constants::SEARCH_NO_LIMIT new_query else new_query.limit(Constants::SEARCH_LIMIT).offset((page - 1) * Constants::SEARCH_LIMIT) end end def default_view_state { 'assets' => { 'sort' => 'new' } } end def validate_view_state(view_state) unless %w(new old atoz ztoa).include?(view_state.state.dig('assets', 'sort')) view_state.errors.add(:state, :wrong_state) end end def self.viewable_by_user(user, teams) where(my_module: MyModule.viewable_by_user(user, teams)) end def self.filter_by_teams(teams = []) return self if teams.blank? joins(my_module: { experiment: :project }).where(my_module: { experiments: { projects: { team: teams } } }) end def navigable? !my_module.archived? && my_module.navigable? end def space_taken result_assets.joins(asset: { file_attachment: :blob }).sum('active_storage_blobs.byte_size') end def last_comments(last_id = 1, per_page = Constants::COMMENTS_SEARCH_LIMIT) last_id = Constants::INFINITY if last_id <= 1 comments = ResultComment.joins(:result) .where(results: { id: id }) .where('comments.id < ?', last_id) .order(created_at: :desc) .limit(per_page) ResultComment.from(comments, :comments).order(created_at: :asc) end def is_text raise StandardError, 'Deprecated method, needs to be replaced!' end def is_table raise StandardError, 'Deprecated method, needs to be replaced!' end def is_asset raise StandardError, 'Deprecated method, needs to be replaced!' end def unlocked?(result) result.assets.none?(&:locked?) end def comments result_comments end end