/* eslint no-unused-vars: ["error", { "varsIgnorePattern": "initInlineEditing" }]*/
/* global SmartAnnotation */
function initInlineEditing(title) {
var editBlocks = $('.' + title + '-editable-field');
function prepareText(text) {
return text.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '
$.each(editBlocks, function(i, element) {
var editBlock = element;
var $editBlock = $(editBlock);
var $inputString = $editBlock.find('input');
var inputString;
if (editBlock.dataset.editMode !== undefined) return true;
editBlock.dataset.editMode = 0;
if ($inputString.length === 0) {
$inputString = $editBlock.find('textarea');
inputString = $inputString[0];
if (editBlock.dataset.smartAnnotation === 'true') {
function saveAllEditFields() {
function updateField() {
var params = {};
if (inputString.value === editBlock.dataset.originalName) {
inputString.disabled = true;
editBlock.dataset.editMode = 0;
return false;
params[editBlock.dataset.paramsGroup] = {};
params[editBlock.dataset.paramsGroup][editBlock.dataset.fieldToUpdate] = inputString.value;
url: editBlock.dataset.pathToUpdate,
type: 'PUT',
dataType: 'json',
data: params,
success: function(result) {
var viewData;
if (editBlock.dataset.responseField) {
// If we want to modify preview element on backend
// we can use this data field and we will take string from response
viewData = result[editBlock.dataset.responseField];
} else {
// By default we just copy value from input string
viewData = inputString.value;
editBlock.dataset.originalName = inputString.value;
editBlock.dataset.error = false;
inputString.disabled = true;
editBlock.dataset.editMode = 0;
error: function(response) {
var errors = response.responseJSON;
editBlock.dataset.error = true;
if (response.responseJSON.errors === undefined) {
errors = errors[editBlock.dataset.fieldToUpdate][0];
} else {
errors = errors.errors[editBlock.dataset.fieldToUpdate][0];
$editBlock.find('.error-block')[0].innerHTML = errors;
return true;
$editBlock.click((e) => {
// 'A' mean that, if we click on element we will not go in edit mode
if (e.target.tagName === 'A') return true;
if (inputString.disabled) {
editBlock.dataset.editMode = 1;
inputString.disabled = false;
return true;
$(window).click((e) => {
if ($(e.target).closest('.atwho-view').length > 0) return false;
if (inputString.disabled === false) {
editBlock.dataset.editMode = 0;
return true;
$($editBlock.find('.save-button')).click(e => {
$($editBlock.find('.cancel-button')).click(e => {
inputString.disabled = true;
editBlock.dataset.editMode = 0;
editBlock.dataset.error = false;
inputString.value = editBlock.dataset.originalName;
return true;