require 'zip' require 'fileutils' require 'csv' class TeamZipExport < ZipExport has_attached_file :zip_file, path: '/zip_exports/:attachment/:id_partition/' \ ':hash/:style/:filename' validates_attachment :zip_file, content_type: { content_type: 'application/zip' } # Length of allowed name size MAX_NAME_SIZE = 20 def generate_exportable_zip(user, data, type, options = {}) @user = user FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(Rails.root, 'tmp/zip-ready')) dir_to_zip = FileUtils.mkdir_p( File.join(Rails.root, "tmp/temp-zip-#{}") ).first output_file = File.join(Rails.root, "tmp/zip-ready/projects-export-#{}.zip"), 'w+' ) fill_content(dir_to_zip, data, type, options) zip!(dir_to_zip, output_file.path) self.zip_file = generate_notification(user) if save end handle_asynchronously :generate_exportable_zip private # Export all functionality def generate_teams_zip(tmp_dir, data, options = {}) # Create team folder @team = options[:team] team_path = "#{tmp_dir}/#{handle_name(}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(team_path) # Create Projects folders FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{team_path}/Projects") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{team_path}/Archived projects") # Iterate through every project data.each_with_index do |(_, p), ind| project_name = handle_name( + "_#{ind}" root = if p.archived "#{team_path}/Archived projects" else "#{team_path}/Projects" end root += "/#{project_name}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(root) FileUtils.touch("#{root}/#{project_name}_Report.pdf").first inventories = "#{root}/Inventories" FileUtils.mkdir_p(inventories) # Find all assigned inventories through all tasks in the project task_ids = p.project_my_modules repo_rows = RepositoryRow.joins(:my_modules) .where(my_modules: { id: task_ids }) .distinct # Iterate through every inventory repo and save it to CSV do |repo, repo_idx| curr_repo_rows = { |x| x.repository_id == } save_inventories_to_csv(inventories, repo, curr_repo_rows, repo_idx) end # Include all experiments p.experiments.each_with_index do |ex, ex_ind| experiment_path = "#{root}/#{handle_name(}_#{ex_ind}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(experiment_path) # Include all modules ex.my_modules.each_with_index do |my_module, mod_ind| my_module_path = "#{experiment_path}/" \ "#{handle_name(}_#{mod_ind}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(my_module_path) # Create upper directories for both elements protocol_path = "#{my_module_path}/Protocol attachments" result_path = "#{my_module_path}/Result attachments" FileUtils.mkdir_p(protocol_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(result_path) # Export protocols steps = export_assets(StepAsset.where(step: steps), :step, protocol_path) export_tables(StepTable.where(step: steps), :step, protocol_path) # Export results export_assets(ResultAsset.where(result: my_module.results), :result, result_path) export_tables(ResultTable.where(result: my_module.results), :result, result_path) end end end end def generate_notification(user) notification = Notification.create( type_of: :deliver, title: I18n.t('zip_export.notification_title'), message: "" \ "#{zip_file_file_name}" ) UserNotification.create(notification: notification, user: user) end def handle_name(name) # Handle reserved directories if name == '..' return '__' elsif name == '.' return '_' end # Truncate and replace reserved characters name = name[0, MAX_NAME_SIZE].gsub(%r{[*":<>?/\\|~]}, '_') # Remove control characters name = { |s| (s > 31 && s < 127) || s > 127 } .pack('U*') # Remove leading hyphens, trailing dots/spaces name.gsub(/^-|\.+$| +$/, '_') end # Appends given suffix to file_name and then adds original extension def append_file_suffix(file_name, suffix) ext = File.extname(file_name) File.basename(file_name, ext) + suffix + ext end # Helper method to extract given assets to the directory def export_assets(elements, type, directory) elements.each_with_index do |element, i| asset = element.asset if type == :step name = "#{directory}/" \ "#{append_file_suffix(asset.file_file_name, "_#{i}_Step#{element.step.position + 1}")}" elsif type == :result name = "#{directory}/#{append_file_suffix(asset.file_file_name, "_#{i}")}" end file = FileUtils.touch(name).first, 'wb') { |f| f.write( } end end # Helper method to extract given tables to the directory def export_tables(elements, type, directory) elements.each_with_index do |element, i| table = element.table table_name = || 'Table' table_name += i.to_s if type == :step name = "#{directory}/#{handle_name(table_name)}" \ "_#{i}_Step#{element.step.position + 1}.csv" elsif type == :result name = "#{directory}/#{handle_name(table_name)}.csv" end file = FileUtils.touch(name).first, 'wb') { |f| f.write(table.to_csv) } end end # Helper method for saving inventories to CSV def save_inventories_to_csv(path, repo, repo_rows, id) repo_name = handle_name( + "_#{id}" file = FileUtils.touch("#{path}/#{repo_name}.csv").first # Attachment folder rel_attach_path = "#{repo_name}_attachments" attach_path = "#{path}/#{rel_attach_path}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(attach_path) # Define headers and columns IDs col_ids = [-3, -4, -5, -6] + # Define callback function for file name assets = {} asset_counter = 0 handle_name_func = lambda do |asset| file_name = append_file_suffix(asset.file_file_name, "_#{asset_counter}").to_s # Save pair for downloading it later assets[asset] = "#{attach_path}/#{file_name}" asset_counter += 1 rel_path = "#{rel_attach_path}/#{file_name}" return "=HYPERLINK(\"#{rel_path}\", \"#{rel_path}\")" end # Generate CSV csv_data = RepositoryZipExport.to_csv(repo_rows, col_ids, @user, @team, handle_name_func), 'wb') { |f| f.write(csv_data) } # Save all attachments (it doesn't work directly in callback function assets.each do |asset, asset_path| file = FileUtils.touch(asset_path).first, 'wb') { |f| f.write } end end # Recursive zipping def zip!(input_dir, output_file) files = Dir.entries(input_dir) # Don't zip current/above directory files.delete_if { |el| ['.', '..'].include?(el) }, Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile| write_entries(input_dir, files, '', zipfile) end end # A helper method to make the recursion work. def write_entries(input_dir, entries, path, io) entries.each do |e| zip_file_path = path == '' ? e : File.join(path, e) disk_file_path = File.join(input_dir, zip_file_path) puts 'Deflating ' + disk_file_path if io.mkdir(zip_file_path) subdir = Dir.entries(disk_file_path) # Remove current/above directory to prevent infinite recursion subdir.delete_if { |el| ['.', '..'].include?(el) } write_entries(input_dir, subdir, zip_file_path, io) else io.get_output_stream(zip_file_path) do |f| f.puts, 'rb').read end end end end end