namespace :paperclip do def trim_url(url) url.split("?").first end def print_model_files(model, file_attr) model.all.each do |a| file = a.send file_attr styles = file.options[:styles] url = file.url puts trim_url(url) if styles styles.each do |style, option| url = file.url style puts trim_url(url) end end end end desc 'List all paperclip files' task files: :environment do print_model_files Asset, :file print_model_files User, :avatar end desc 'Reprocess the Assets attachents styles' task :reprocess, [:before] => :environment do |_, args| error = false assets = Asset if args.present? && args[:before].present? assets = assets.where('updated_at < ?', eval(args[:before])) end assets.find_each(batch_size: 100) do |asset| next unless asset.is_image? begin asset.file.reprocess! :medium, :large rescue error = true $stderr.puts "exception while processing #{asset.file_file_name} " \ "ID: #{}:" end end unless error $stderr.puts 'All gone well! ' \ 'You can grab a beer now and enjoy the evening.' end end end