var previousIndex; var disabledOptions; var loadingSamples = false; $('select').focus(function() { previousIndex = $(this)[0].selectedIndex; }).change(function() { var currSelect = $(this); var currIndex = $(currSelect)[0].selectedIndex; $('select').each(function() { if (currSelect !== $(this) && currIndex > 0) { $(this).children().eq(currIndex).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } $(this).children().eq(previousIndex).removeAttr('disabled'); }); previousIndex = currIndex; }); // Create import samples ajax $('form#form-import') .submit(function(e) { // Check if we already uploading samples if (loadingSamples) { return false; } disabledOptions = $("option[disabled='disabled']"); disabledOptions.removeAttr('disabled'); loadingSamples = true; animateSpinner(); }) .on('ajax:success', function(ev, data, status) { // Simply reload page to show flash and updated samples list loadingSamples = false; location.reload(); }) .on('ajax:error', function(ev, data, status) { loadingSamples = false; if (_.isUndefined(data.responseJSON.html)) { // Simply reload page to show flash location.reload(); } else { // Re-disable options disabledOptions.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // Populate the errors container $('#import-errors-container').html(data.responseJSON.html); } });