# frozen_string_literal: true require 'fileutils' require 'csv' class TeamZipExport < ZipExport include StringUtility def generate_exportable_zip(user_id, data, type, options = {}) @user = User.find(user_id) zip_input_dir = FileUtils.mkdir_p( File.join(Rails.root, "tmp/temp_zip_#{Time.now.to_i}") ).first zip_dir = FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(Rails.root, 'tmp/zip-ready')).first zip_name = "projects_export_#{Time.now.utc.strftime('%F_%H-%M-%S_UTC')}.zip" full_zip_name = File.join(zip_dir, zip_name) fill_content(zip_input_dir, data, type, options) zip!(zip_input_dir, full_zip_name) zip_file.attach(io: File.open(full_zip_name), filename: zip_name) generate_notification(user) if save ensure FileUtils.rm_rf([zip_input_dir, full_zip_name], secure: true) end handle_asynchronously :generate_exportable_zip, queue: :team_zip_export def self.exports_limit (Rails.application.secrets.export_all_limit_24h || 3).to_i end private # Export all functionality def generate_teams_zip(tmp_dir, data, options = {}) # Create team folder @team = options[:team] team_path = "#{tmp_dir}/#{to_filesystem_name(@team.name)}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(team_path) # Iterate through every project p_idx = p_archive_idx = 0 data.each do |(_, p)| idx = p.archived ? (p_archive_idx += 1) : (p_idx += 1) project_path = make_model_dir(team_path, p, idx) project_name = project_path.split('/')[-1] obj_filenames = { repositories: {}, assets: {}, tables: {} } # Change current dir for correct generation of relative links Dir.chdir(project_path) project_path = '.' inventories = "#{project_path}/Inventories" FileUtils.mkdir_p(inventories) repositories = p.assigned_repositories_and_snapshots # Iterate through every inventory repo and save it to CSV repositories.each_with_index do |repo, repo_idx| next if obj_filenames[:repositories][repo.id].present? obj_filenames[:repositories][repo.id] = { file: save_inventories_to_csv(inventories, repo, repo_idx) } end # Include all experiments ex_idx = ex_archive_idx = 0 p.experiments.each do |ex| idx = ex.archived ? (ex_archive_idx += 1) : (ex_idx += 1) experiment_path = make_model_dir(project_path, ex, idx) # Include all modules mod_pos = mod_archive_pos = 0 ex.my_modules.order(:workflow_order).each do |my_module| pos = my_module.archived ? (mod_archive_pos += 1) : (mod_pos += 1) my_module_path = make_model_dir(experiment_path, my_module, pos) # Create upper directories for both elements protocol_path = "#{my_module_path}/Protocol attachments" result_path = "#{my_module_path}/Result attachments" FileUtils.mkdir_p(protocol_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(result_path) # Export protocols steps = my_module.protocols.map(&:steps).flatten obj_filenames[:assets].merge!( export_assets(StepAsset.where(step: steps), :step, protocol_path) ) obj_filenames[:tables].merge!( export_tables(StepTable.where(step: steps), :step, protocol_path) ) # Export results [false, true].each do |archived| obj_filenames[:assets].merge!( export_assets( ResultAsset.where(result: my_module.results.where(archived: archived)), :result, result_path, archived ) ) end [false, true].each do |archived| obj_filenames[:tables].merge!( export_tables( ResultTable.where(result: my_module.results.where(archived: archived)), :result, result_path, archived ) ) end end end # Generate and export whole project report HTML html_name = "#{project_name} Report.html" project_report_pdf = p.generate_teams_export_report_html( @user, @team, html_name, obj_filenames ) file = FileUtils.touch("#{project_path}/#{html_name}").first File.open(file, 'wb') { |f| f.write(project_report_pdf) } end ensure # Change current dir outside tmp_dir, since tmp_dir will be deleted Dir.chdir(Rails.root) end def generate_notification(user) notification = Notification.create( type_of: :deliver, title: I18n.t('zip_export.notification_title'), message: "" \ "#{zip_file_name}" ) UserNotification.create(notification: notification, user: user) end # Create directory for project, experiment, or module def make_model_dir(parent_path, model, index) # For MyModule, the index indicates its position in project sidebar if model.class == MyModule class_name = 'module' model_format = '(%s) %s' else class_name = model.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize model_format = '%s (%s)' end model_name = format(model_format, idx: index, name: to_filesystem_name(model.name)) model_path = parent_path if model.archived model_path += "/Archived #{class_name}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(model_path) end model_path += "/#{model_name}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(model_path) model_path end # Appends given suffix to file_name and then adds original extension def append_file_suffix(file_name, suffix) ext = File.extname(file_name) File.basename(file_name, ext) + suffix + ext end def create_archived_results_folder(result_path) path = "#{result_path}/Archived attachments" FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) unless File.directory?(path) path end # Helper method to extract given assets to the directory def export_assets(elements, type, directory, archived = false) directory = create_archived_results_folder(directory) if archived && elements.present? asset_indexes = {} elements.each_with_index do |element, i| asset = element.asset preview = prepare_preview(asset) if type == :step name = "#{directory}/" \ "#{append_file_suffix(asset.file_name, "_#{i}_Step#{element.step.position_plus_one}")}" if preview preview_name = "#{directory}/" \ "#{append_file_suffix(preview[:file_name], "_#{i}_Step#{element.step.position_plus_one}_preview")}" end elsif type == :result name = "#{directory}/#{append_file_suffix(asset.file_name, "_#{i}")}" preview_name = "#{directory}/#{append_file_suffix(preview[:file_name], "_#{i}_preview")}" if preview end if asset.file.attached? File.open(name, 'wb') { |f| f.write(asset.file.download) } File.open(preview_name, 'wb') { |f| f.write(preview[:file_data]) } if preview end asset_indexes[asset.id] = { file: name, preview: preview_name } end asset_indexes end def prepare_preview(asset) if asset.previewable? && !asset.list? preview = asset.inline? ? asset.large_preview : asset.medium_preview if preview.is_a?(ActiveStorage::Preview) return unless preview.image.attached? file_name = preview.image.filename.to_s file_data = preview.image.download else file_name = preview.blob.filename.to_s begin file_data = preview.processed.service.download(preview.key) rescue Vips::Error # handle files not processable by Vips (no preview available) return nil end end { file_name: file_name, file_data: file_data } end end # Helper method to extract given tables to the directory def export_tables(elements, type, directory, archived = false) directory = create_archived_results_folder(directory) if archived && elements.present? table_indexes = {} elements.each_with_index do |element, i| table = element.table table_name = table.name.presence || 'Table' table_name += i.to_s if type == :step name = "#{directory}/#{to_filesystem_name(table_name)}" \ "_#{i}_Step#{element.step.position_plus_one}.csv" elsif type == :result name = "#{directory}/#{to_filesystem_name(table_name)}.csv" end file = FileUtils.touch(name).first File.open(file, 'wb') { |f| f.write(table.to_csv) } table_indexes[table.id] = { file: name } end table_indexes end # Helper method for saving inventories to CSV def save_inventories_to_csv(path, repo, idx) repo_name = "#{to_filesystem_name(repo.name)} (#{idx})" # Attachment folder rel_attach_path = "#{repo_name} attachments" attach_path = "#{path}/#{rel_attach_path}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(attach_path) # CSV file csv_file_path = "#{path}/#{repo_name}.csv" csv_file = FileUtils.touch(csv_file_path).first # Define headers and columns IDs col_ids = [-3, -4, -5, -6] + repo.repository_columns.map(&:id) # Define callback function for file name assets = {} asset_counter = 0 handle_name_func = lambda do |asset| file_name = append_file_suffix(asset.file_name, "_#{asset_counter}").to_s # Save pair for downloading it later assets[asset] = "#{attach_path}/#{file_name}" asset_counter += 1 rel_path = "#{rel_attach_path}/#{file_name}" return "=HYPERLINK(\"#{rel_path}\", \"#{rel_path}\")" end # Generate CSV csv_data = RepositoryZipExport.to_csv(repo.repository_rows, col_ids, @user, repo, handle_name_func) File.open(csv_file, 'wb') { |f| f.write(csv_data) } # Save all attachments (it doesn't work directly in callback function assets.each do |asset, asset_path| asset.file.open do |file| FileUtils.cp(file.path, asset_path) end end csv_file_path end end