Given(/^I'm on the Protocols page of a "([^"]*)" task$/) do |task_name| task = MyModule.find_by_name(task_name) visit protocols_my_module_path(task) end Then(/^I should see "([^"]*)" attachment on "([^"]*)" step$/) do |file, step_name| wait_for_ajax expect(find('.step', text: step_name)).to have_content(file) end Then(/^I'm opening protocol section$/) do find(:css, '.task-section-caret[aria-controls="protocol-container"]').click end Then("I select {string} color") do |color1| find("[data-color='#{color1}']").click end Then("I click on Edit sign of {string} tag") do |text1| page.find("[data-name='#{text1}']").find('.edit-tag-link').click end Given("I click on {string} tag button") do |button2| find('.btn', text: button2, match: :first).click end Given("task page of Experiment design") do visit "/modules/1/protocols" end