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synced 2025-03-10 06:37:32 +08:00
109 lines
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109 lines
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<% if my_module.blank? and @my_module.present? then my_module = @my_module end %>
<% timestamp = my_module.created_at %>
<% name = my_module.name %>
<% for_export_all = defined?(export_all) && export_all %>
<div class="report-element report-module-element" data-ts="<%= timestamp.to_i %>" data-type="my_module" data-id='{ "my_module_id": <%= my_module.id %> }' data-scroll-id="<%= my_module.id %>" data-modal-title="<%=t "projects.reports.elements.modals.module_contents.head_title", module: my_module.name %>" data-name="<%= name %>" data-icon-class="fas fa-credit-card">
<div class="report-element-header">
<div class="row">
<div class="pull-left user-time">
<%= t("projects.reports.elements.module.user_time", timestamp: l(timestamp, format: :full)) %>
<b><%= link_to t('projects.reports.elements.all.scinote_link'), protocols_my_module_url(my_module), target: :_blank %></b>
<div class="pull-right controls">
<%= render partial: "reports/elements/element_controls.html.erb", locals: { show_sort: true } %>
<div class="report-element-body">
<div class="row">
<div class="pull-left module-name">
<span class="fas fa-credit-card"></span>
<%= name %>
<% if my_module.archived? %>
<span class="label label-warning"><%=t 'search.index.archived' %></span>
<% end %>
<p class="module-start-date">
<% if my_module.started_on.present? %>
<%= t('projects.reports.elements.module.started_on', started_on: l(my_module.started_on, format: :full)) %>
<% else %>
<em><%= t("projects.reports.elements.module.no_start_date") %></em>
<% end %>
<p class="module-due-date">
<% if my_module.due_date.present? %>
<%= t("projects.reports.elements.module.due_date", due_date: l(my_module.due_date, format: :full)) %>
<% else %>
<em><%= t("projects.reports.elements.module.no_due_date") %></em>
<% end %>
<p class="module-status">
<% status = my_module.my_module_status %>
<%= t("projects.reports.elements.module.status") %>
<span class="status-block" style="background: <%= status.color %>"><%= status.name %></span>
<% if my_module.completed? %>
<span style="margin-left: 10px;">
<%= t("my_modules.states.completed") %>
<%= l(my_module.completed_on, format: :full) %>
<% end %>
<div class="row module-tags">
<div class="pull-left">
<%= t("projects.reports.elements.module.tags_header") %>
<% if my_module.tags.any? %>
<% my_module.tags.each do |tag| %>
<div class="pull-left module-tag" style="background-color: <%= tag.color %>;">
<%= tag.name %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<div class="pull-left module-no-tag">
<em><%= t("projects.reports.elements.module.no_tags") %></em>
<% end %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<% if my_module.description.present? %>
<%= custom_auto_link(my_module.prepare_for_report(:description, for_export_all),
team: current_team,
simple_format: false,
base64_encoded_imgs: for_export_all) %>
<% else %>
<em><%= t("projects.reports.elements.module.no_description") %></em>
<% end %>
<div class="report-element-children">
<% if @settings.dig('task', 'protocol', 'description') %>
<%= render partial: 'reports/elements/my_module_protocol_element.html.erb', locals: { protocol: my_module.protocol } %>
<% end %>
<% filter_steps_for_report(my_module.protocol.steps, @settings).order(:position).each do |step| %>
<%= render partial: 'reports/elements/my_module_step_element.html.erb', locals: { step: step } %>
<% end %>
<% order_results_for_report(my_module.results, @settings.dig('task', 'result_order')).each do |result| %>
<% if result.is_asset && @settings.dig('task', 'file_results') %>
<%= render partial: 'reports/elements/my_module_result_asset_element.html.erb', locals: { result: result, report: report } %>
<% elsif result.is_table && @settings.dig('task', 'table_results') %>
<%= render partial: 'reports/elements/my_module_result_table_element.html.erb', locals: { result: result } %>
<% elsif result.is_text && @settings.dig('task', 'text_results') %>
<%= render partial: 'reports/elements/my_module_result_text_element.html.erb', locals: { result: result } %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @settings.dig('task', 'activities') %>
<%= render partial: 'reports/elements/my_module_activity_element.html.erb', locals: { my_module: my_module } %>
<% end %>
<div class="report-element-children">
<%= children if (defined? children and children.present?) %>