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# feature/home page. feature
Feature: Home page
As a creator of team
want to create a project
want to edit, archive project
want to add user, comment to a project
Given default screen size
Given the "BioSistemika Process" team exists
Given the "BioSistemika Path" team exists
Given the following users are registered
| name | email | password | password_confirmation |
| Karli Novak | nonadmin@myorg.com | mypassword1234 | mypassword1234 |
| Marjeta Novak | nonadmin2@myorg.com | mypassword1234 | mypassword1234 |
And "nonadmin@myorg.com" is in "BioSistemika Process" team as a "admin"
And "nonadmin2@myorg.com" is in "BioSistemika Process" team as a "normal_user"
And "nonadmin@myorg.com" is in "BioSistemika Path" team as a "normal_user"
And "nonadmin@myorg.com" is signed in with "mypassword1234"
Scenario: Successful create new project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "All team members" button
And I click "Create" button
Then I should see "Project Mangart successfully created." flash message
Then I should see "Mangart"
Scenario: Unsuccessful create new project1
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I click "Create" button
Then I should see "is too short (minimum is 2 characters)"
And I click "Cancel" button
@javascript @wip
Scenario: Unsuccessful create new project2
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
Then I should see "This project name has to be unique inside a team (this includes the archive)"
Scenario: Successful edit project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I click to down arrow of a "Mangart" project card
And I click to "Edit" of a Options modal window
And I fill in "Golica" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Project members only" button
And I click "Save" button
Then I should see "Golica"
Scenario: Successful add user to a project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I click "fa-users" icon
And I click "Manage users" link
And I click "Select Role" button
And I click on "User" within dropdown menu
And I click "Add" button
Then I should see "Marjeta Novak"
Scenario: Successful change user role to a project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I click "fa-users" icon
And I click "Manage users" link
And I click "Select Role" button
And I click on "User" within dropdown menu
And I click "Add" button
And I click "Change Role" button
And I click on "Viewer" within dropdown menu
Then I should see "Viewer"
Scenario: Successful add new SciNote user to a project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I click "fa-users" icon
And I click "Manage users" link
And I click "Invite users" link
And I click "Add team members" button
And I fill bootsrap tags input with "random@org.com"
And confirm with ENTER key to ".bootstrap-tagsinput > input"
And I click "Invite Users" button
And I click "As Normal Users" link
Then I should see "User successfully invited to SciNote"
Scenario: Unsuccessful adding user to a project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I click "fa-users" icon
And I click "Manage users" link
And I click "Invite users" link
And I click "Add team members" button
And I fill bootsrap tags input with "random"
And confirm with ENTER key to ".bootstrap-tagsinput > input"
And I click "Invite Users" button
And I click "As Normal Users" link
Then I should see "Invalid email."
Scenario: Removing user from a project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click element with css "html body.modal-open div#content-wrapper div#wrapper.container-fluid div#fluid-content.container-fluid div#new-project-modal.modal.in form#new_project.new_project div.modal-dialog div.modal-content div.modal-footer input.btn.btn-primary"
And I click element with css ".fa-users"
And I click element with css ".manage-users-link"
And I click element with css "#manageProjectUsersModal > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > span:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1)"
And I click element with css ".dropdown-teams-user"
And I click element with css ".open > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(7) > a:nth-child(1)"
And I click "Remove" button
Scenario: Successful add comment to a project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I click "fa-comment" icon
And I fill in "I was on Triglav one summer." in ".smart-text-area" field
And I click "fa-paper-plane" icon
Then I should see "I was on Triglav one summer."
Scenario: Unsuccessful add comment to a project BUG!!!
Given I'm on the home page of "Biosistemika Process" team
And I click on Comments of a "Golica" project card
And I click on "paper plane" sign
Then I should see "Message can't be blank" error message
Scenario: Successful edit comment to a project CANNOT DIFERENTIATE BETWEEN THE NEW AND OLD TEXTAREA
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click element with css "html body.modal-open div#content-wrapper div#wrapper.container-fluid div#fluid-content.container-fluid div#new-project-modal.modal.in form#new_project.new_project div.modal-dialog div.modal-content div.modal-footer input.btn.btn-primary"
And I click element with css ".fa-comment"
And I fill in "I was on Triglav one summer." in ".smart-text-area" field
And I click "fa-paper-plane" icon
And I hover over comment
And I click element with css ".edit-button"
And I change "I was on Triglav one summer." with "Sladoled se lahko je vsak dan" in "message" textarea field
And I click element with css ".save-button"
Then I should see "Sladoled se lahko je vsak dan"
Scenario: Unsuccessful edit comment to a project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I click "fa-comment" icon
And I fill in "I was on Triglav one summer." in ".smart-text-area" field
And I click "fa-paper-plane" icon
And I hover over comment
And I click "fa-pen" icon
And I click "fa-times" icon
Then I should see "I was on Triglav one summer."
Scenario: Unsuccessful delete comment to a project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I click "fa-comment" icon
And I fill in "I was on Triglav one summer." in ".smart-text-area" field
And I click "fa-paper-plane" icon
And I hover over comment
And I click "fa-trash" icon
And I click to Cancel on confirm dialog
Then I should see "I was on Triglav one summer."
Scenario: Successful delete comment to a project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I click "fa-comment" icon
And I fill in "I was on Triglav one summer." in ".smart-text-area" field
And I click "fa-paper-plane" icon
And I hover over comment
And I click "fa-trash" icon
And I click to OK on confirm dialog
Then I should not see "I was on Triglav one summer."
Scenario: Unsuccessful archived project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I hover over element with css ".panel-heading"
And I click button with id "dropdownMenu1"
And I click on "Archive" within dropdown menu
And I click to Cancel on confirm dialog
Then I should see "Mangart"
Scenario: Successful archived project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I hover over element with css ".panel-heading"
And I click button with id "dropdownMenu1"
And I click on "Archive" within dropdown menu
And I click to OK on confirm dialog
Then I should not see "Mangart"
Scenario: Restore archived project
Given I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
And I click "New Project" button
And I fill in "Mangart" in "#project_name" field
And I click "Create" button
And I hover over element with css ".panel-heading"
And I click button with id "dropdownMenu1"
And I click on "Archive" within dropdown menu
And I click to OK on confirm dialog
And I click "Archived" link
And I hover over element with css ".panel-title"
And I click button with id "dropdownMenu1"
And I click on "Restore" within dropdown menu
And I am on the home page of Biosistemika Process team
Then I should see "Mangart"