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* Mixin for adjusting stackable headers on scroll.
* - Tracks scroll position to modify headers' styles & positions.
* - Observes changes in the secondary navigation's height.
* - Adjusts TinyMCE editor header offset if present.
export default {
data() {
return {
lastScrollTop: 0,
headerSticked: false,
secondaryNavigation: null,
taskSecondaryMenuHeight: 0,
computed: {
headerRef() {
return this.getHeader();
mounted() {
this.secondaryNavigation = document.querySelector('#taskSecondaryMenu');
if (this.secondaryNavigation) {
this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
entries.forEach((entry) => {
this.taskSecondaryMenuHeight = entry.target.offsetHeight;
window.addEventListener('tinyMCEOpened', (e) => {
beforeUnmount() {
if (this.resizeObserver) {
window.removeEventListener('tinyMCEOpened', this.handleTinyMCEOpened);
methods: {
handleTinyMCEOpened(target) {
const getVisibleHeight = (elemTop, elemHeight) => {
let visibleHeight = 0;
if (elemTop >= 0) {
visibleHeight = Math.min(elemHeight, window.innerHeight - elemTop);
} else if (elemTop + elemHeight > 0) {
visibleHeight = elemTop + elemHeight;
return visibleHeight;
let headerHeight = 0;
let headerTop = 0;
let secondaryNavigationHeight = 0;
let secondaryNavigationTop = 0;
if (this.headerRef) {
headerHeight = this.headerRef.offsetHeight;
headerTop = this.headerRef.getBoundingClientRect().top;
if (this.secondaryNavigation) {
secondaryNavigationHeight = this.secondaryNavigation.offsetHeight;
secondaryNavigationTop = this.secondaryNavigation.getBoundingClientRect().top;
const editorHeaderTop = target.offset().top;
let totalHeight = 0;
const visibleHeaderHeight = getVisibleHeight(headerTop, headerHeight);
if (headerTop + visibleHeaderHeight < editorHeaderTop) {
totalHeight += visibleHeaderHeight;
const visibleSecondaryNavHeight = getVisibleHeight(secondaryNavigationTop, secondaryNavigationHeight);
if (secondaryNavigationTop + visibleSecondaryNavHeight < editorHeaderTop) {
totalHeight += visibleSecondaryNavHeight;
const editorHeader = $('.tox-editor-header');
// For Protocol Templates
if (!this.headerRef && !this.secondaryNavigation) {
if (target[0].getBoundingClientRect().top < 0 && editorHeader.css('position') !== 'fixed') {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: target.offset().top - editorHeader.outerHeight(),
}, 100); // 100ms works best for editorHeader to be fully visible
} else {
editorHeader.css('left', '');
// Handle opening TinyMCE toolbars when only a small bottom area of editor is visible
const targetBottom = target[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
if (targetBottom < 3 * headerHeight) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (editorHeader.css('position') === 'fixed') {
top: totalHeight - 1,
left: '',
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: target.offset().top + (visibleHeaderHeight + visibleSecondaryNavHeight),
}, 100);
const headerBottom = this.headerRef.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
// Handle showing TinyMCE toolbar for fixed/static position of toolbar
if (editorHeader.css('position') === 'fixed') {
editorHeader.css('left', '');
if (this.headerSticked) {
editorHeader.css('top', totalHeight - 1);
} else if (headerTop < (visibleHeaderHeight + visibleSecondaryNavHeight)
&& target[0].getBoundingClientRect().top <= headerBottom) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: target.offset().top + (visibleHeaderHeight + visibleSecondaryNavHeight),
}, 100);
initStackableHeaders() {
const header = this.headerRef;
const headerHeight = header.offsetHeight;
const headerTop = header.getBoundingClientRect().top;
const secondaryNavigationTop = this.secondaryNavigation.getBoundingClientRect().top;
// TinyMCE offset calculation
let stickyNavigationHeight = this.taskSecondaryMenuHeight;
if ($('.tox-editor-header').length > 0 && $('.tox-editor-header')[0].getBoundingClientRect().top > headerTop) {
stickyNavigationHeight += headerHeight;
// Add shadow to secondary navigation when it starts fly
if (this.secondaryNavigation.getBoundingClientRect().top === 0 && !this.headerSticked) {
this.secondaryNavigation.style.boxShadow = '0 9px 8px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)';
this.secondaryNavigation.style.zIndex = 252;
} else {
this.secondaryNavigation.style.boxShadow = 'none';
if (headerTop - 5 < this.taskSecondaryMenuHeight) { // When secondary navigation touch header
this.secondaryNavigation.style.top = `${headerTop - headerHeight}px`; // Secondary navigation starts slowly disappear
header.style.boxShadow = '0 9px 8px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)'; // Flying shadow
header.style.zIndex = 250;
this.headerSticked = true;
if (this.lastScrollTop > window.scrollY) { // When user scroll up
let newSecondaryTop = secondaryNavigationTop - (window.scrollY - this.lastScrollTop); // Calculate new top position of secondary navigation
if (newSecondaryTop > 0) newSecondaryTop = 0;
this.secondaryNavigation.style.top = `${newSecondaryTop}px`; // Secondary navigation starts slowly appear
this.secondaryNavigation.style.zIndex = 252;
header.style.top = `${this.taskSecondaryMenuHeight + newSecondaryTop - 1}px`; // Header starts getting offset to compensate secondary navigation position
// -1 to compensate small gap between header and secondary navigation
} else { // When user scroll down
let newSecondaryTop = secondaryNavigationTop - (window.scrollY - this.lastScrollTop); // Calculate new top position of secondary navigation
if (newSecondaryTop * -1 > this.taskSecondaryMenuHeight) newSecondaryTop = this.taskSecondaryMenuHeight * -1;
this.secondaryNavigation.style.top = `${newSecondaryTop}px`; // Secondary navigation starts slowly disappear
header.style.top = `${newSecondaryTop + this.taskSecondaryMenuHeight - 1}px`; // Header starts getting offset to compensate secondary navigation position
// -1 to compensate small gap between header and secondary navigation
if (newSecondaryTop * -1 >= this.taskSecondaryMenuHeight) this.secondaryNavigation.style.zIndex = 11;
} else {
// Just reset secondary navigation and header styles to initial state
this.secondaryNavigation.style.top = '0px';
header.style.top = '0px';
header.style.boxShadow = 'none';
header.style.zIndex = 100;
this.headerSticked = false;
// Apply TinyMCE offset
stickyNavigationHeight + parseInt($(this.secondaryNavigation).css('top'), 10) - 1,
this.lastScrollTop = window.scrollY; // Save last scroll position to when user scroll up/down