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* Converts JSON data received from the server to flat array of values.
function jsonToValuesArray(jsonData) {
var errMsgs = [];
for (var key in jsonData) {
var values = jsonData[key];
$.each(values, function (idx, val) {
return errMsgs;
* Calls callback function on AJAX success (because built-in functions don't
* work!)
$.fn.onAjaxComplete = function (cb) {
.on('ajax:success', function () {
.on('ajax:error', function () {
// Number of all tutorial steps
* Initializes tutorial steps for the current page.
* NOTE: You can specify steps manually in JS with steps parameter (preferred
* way), or hardcode them in HTML
* NOTE: If some steps edit page, then this function needs to be called several
* times for the same page, but for different steps. The same goes if the page
* has discontinuous tutorial steps. In such cases, use steps branching, e.g.:
* @example
* var tutorialData = Cookies.get('tutorial_data');
* if (tutorialData) {
* tutorialData = JSON.parse(tutorialData);
* var stepNum = parseInt(Cookies.get('current_tutorial_step'), 10);
* if (stepNum >= 6 && stepNum <= 7) {
* ...
* } else if ...
* NOTE: If an element the popup is pointing at is of lesser horizontal length
* than the popup itself, then it will not be positioned correctly if it's
* position is top or bottom, so set/change the step's position to either left
* or right (and don't use any custom styling!), e.g.:
* @example
* var steps = [
* {
* ...
* position: 'right'
* },
* {
* ...
* ];
* NOTE: If only one page step is needed, then make pageFirstStepN ==
* pageLastStepN (both represent the one and only step number)
* @param {number} pageFirstStepN Page's first step number
* @param {number} pageLastStepN Page's last step number
* @param {string} nextPagePath Next page absolute path
* @param {function} beforeCb Callback called before the tutorial starts. Mainly
* used for setting 'pointer-events: none' on the elements the page's steps
* highlight.
* @param {function} endCb Callback called after the tutorial ends. Mainly used
* for setting 'pointer-events: auto' on the elements the page's steps
* highlight.
* @param {object} steps JSON containing intro.js steps.
function initPageTutorialSteps(pageFirstStepN, pageLastStepN, nextPagePath,
beforeCb, endCb, steps) {
var tutorialData = Cookies.get('tutorial_data');
if (tutorialData) {
tutorialData = JSON.parse(tutorialData);
var stepNum = parseInt(Cookies.get('current_tutorial_step'), 10);
if (isNaN(stepNum)) {
// Cookies data initialization
stepNum = 1;
Cookies.set('current_tutorial_step', stepNum);
tutorialData[0].backPagesPaths = [];
Cookies.set('tutorial_data', tutorialData);
var thisPagePath = window.location.pathname;
// Initialize tutorial for the current pages' steps
var doneLabel;
if (pageLastStepN == TUTORIAL_STEPS_CNT) {
doneLabel = I18n.t('tutorial.finish_tutorial');
} else {
doneLabel = I18n.t('tutorial.skip_tutorial');
// Add extra fake step, so that next button on last step of current page
// gets focused. Also, if current page has only one step, this adds back
// and next buttons to the popup.
overlayOpacity: '0.2',
prevLabel: I18n.t('tutorial.back'),
nextLabel: I18n.t('tutorial.next'),
skipLabel: I18n.t('tutorial.skip_tutorial'),
doneLabel: doneLabel,
showBullets: false,
showStepNumbers: false,
exitOnOverlayClick: false,
exitOnEsc: false,
disableInteraction: true,
keyboardNavigation: false,
tooltipClass: 'custom next-page-link',
steps: steps
.goToStep(stepNum - (pageFirstStepN - 1))
.onexit(function() {
.oncomplete(function() {
// Page navigation when coming to this page from previous or from next page
$(function() {
if (stepNum === pageFirstStepN && stepNum > 1) {
} else if (stepNum === pageLastStepN && stepNum < TUTORIAL_STEPS_CNT) {
// Page navigation when already on this page
$('.introjs-skipbutton').click(function() {
$('.introjs-prevbutton').click(function() {
if (stepNum > 1) {
Cookies.set('current_tutorial_step', --stepNum);
if (stepNum === pageFirstStepN && stepNum > 1) {
} else if (stepNum < pageFirstStepN) {
// Go to previous page;
var prevPagePath = tutorialData[0].backPagesPaths.pop();
Cookies.set('tutorial_data', tutorialData);
$('.introjs-prevbutton').attr('href', prevPagePath);
$('.introjs-nextbutton').click(function() {
if (stepNum < TUTORIAL_STEPS_CNT) {
Cookies.set('current_tutorial_step', ++stepNum);
if (stepNum === pageLastStepN && stepNum < TUTORIAL_STEPS_CNT) {
} else if (stepNum > pageLastStepN) {
// Go to next page
Cookies.set('tutorial_data', tutorialData);
$('.introjs-nextbutton').attr('href', nextPagePath);
* Checkbox on/off logic. For each checkbox hierarchy add 'checkbox-tree' class
* to a parent 'div' surrounding the checkbox hierarchy, represented with 'ul',
* and apply this function to some ancestor tag.
* @param {object} dependencies Hash of checkbox IDs (as keys), on whose
* children and itself the corresponding checkbox object (as value) and its'
* children depend on, BUT are in a seperate 'tree branch'
* @param {boolean} checkAll Whether to check all the checkboxes by default,
* otherwise leave them as is (the parameter can be left out)
$.fn.checkboxTreeLogic = function(dependencies, checkAll) {
var $checkboxTree = $(this).find('.checkbox-tree').addBack('.checkbox-tree');
var $checkboxTreeCheckboxes = $checkboxTree.find('input:checkbox');
if (checkAll) {
$checkboxTreeCheckboxes.prop('checked', true);
$checkboxTreeCheckboxes.change(function() {
// Update descendent checkboxes
var $checkbox = $(this);
var checkboxChecked = $checkbox.prop('checked');
var $childCheckboxes = $checkbox.closest('li').find('ul input:checkbox');
$childCheckboxes.each(function() {
$(this).prop('checked', checkboxChecked);
// Update ancestor checkboxes
// Loop until topmost checkbox is reached or until there's no parent
// checkbox
while ($checkbox.length) {
var $checkboxesContainer = $checkbox.closest('ul');
var $parentCheckbox = $checkboxesContainer.siblings()
var $checkboxes = $checkboxesContainer.find('input:checkbox');
var $checkedCheckboxes = $checkboxes.filter(':checked');
$checkboxes.length === $checkedCheckboxes.length);
$checkbox = $parentCheckbox;
// Disable/enable dependent checkboxes
$.each(dependencies, function(responsibleParentID, $dependentParent) {
var $responsibleParent = $checkboxTree.find('#' + responsibleParentID);
if ($responsibleParent.length) {
var enable = $responsibleParent.closest('li')
.prop('disabled', !enable);
* Show modal on link click and handle its' submition and validation.
* On link click it gets HTTP reponse with modal partial, shows it, and then on
* submit gets JSON response, displays errors if any or either refreshes the
* page or redirects it (if 'url' parameter is specified in JSON response).
* @param {string} modalID Modal ID
* @param {object} $fn Link objects for opening the modal (can have more
* links for same modal)
$.fn.initializeModal = function(modalID) {
* Popup modal validator
* @param {object} $modal Modal object
function modalResponse($modal) {
var $modalForm = $modal.find('form');
.on('ajax:success', function(ev, data) {
if (_.isUndefined(data)) {
} else {
$(location).attr('href', data.url);
.on('ajax:error', function(e, data) {
$(this).renderFormErrors('repository', data.responseJSON);
var $linksToModal = $(this);
.on('ajax:success', function(e, data) {
// Add and show modal
$(modalID).modal('show', {
backdrop: true,
keyboard: false
// Remove modal when it gets closed
$(modalID).on('hidden.bs.modal', function() {
.on('ajax:error', function() {