Adrian Oprea 6d84790bdb Merge branch 'decoupling' of into feat/external-components-loader
* 'decoupling' of (21 commits)
  fixes bug in the invitation_controller with full_name sanitization [fixes SCI-1944]
  Remove Addons info test from core [SCI-1875]
  Remove skip_on_import from repository_cell [SCI-1939]
  fixes bug with comment actions dropdown [fixes SCI-1938]
  fixes first element in global activities logs[fixes SCI-1866]
  Fix task repository row selector [SCI-1940]
  Fix repository item export [SCI-1945]
  Fix samples import [SCI-1946]
  adds first date to _list.html.erb view
  Remove Addons caption if no addons in info modal and fix linter packages [SCI-1875]
  Fix repository records import [SCI-1939]
  Fix export samples button [SCI-1936]
  adds additional tests for permissions controller
  fix HOC to recive objects
  fixes flow, and before_action in permissions_controller
  fixes per @duco 's request
  remove unneeded import
  add permissions endpoint on the API
  fix request
2018-01-17 18:14:41 +02:00

103 lines
3.2 KiB

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