sboursen-scinote 706c2e492b Fix CSS and icon inconsistencies [SCI-8164][SCI-8726]
- Use the correct arrow-left/arrow-right icons.
- Show the tasks of active experiments in archived branch in the Navigator.
- Fix minor style issues in P/E/T.

Co-authored-by: Sboursen <>
2023-06-26 15:22:36 +02:00

32 lines
1.4 KiB

<div class="well">
<%= form_for(@result, url: my_module_result_assets_path(format: :json), data: { type: :json }) do |f| %>
<div id="new-result-assets-select" class="text-center new-asset-box">
<label class="flex align-center justify-center">
<h2 class="inline-block font-normal my-auto"><%= t('assets.drag_n_drop.label_html') %></h2>
<span class="btn btn-light btn-sm new-asset-upload-button">
<span class="sn-icon sn-icon-import new-asset-upload-icon"></span>
<%= t('assets.drag_n_drop.browse_label') %>
<%= f.file_field :file,
id: 'drag-n-drop-assets',
class: 'drag-n-drop-file-input',
direct_upload: true,
multiple: true %>
<br />
<div class="align-right new-result-assets-buttons">
<%= f.button t(''),
class: 'btn btn-primary save-result',
data: { href: my_module_result_assets_path(page: params[:page], order: params[:order], format: :json) } %>
<%= f.button t('general.cancel'),
class: 'btn btn-secondary cancel-new',
type: 'button '%>
<% end %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'results/result_assets/new' %>