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145 lines
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# How to use this modal:
# 1. Render it in the page (HTML) of your choice
# 2. Add an element (e.g. <a href>) with following attributes:
# * data-trigger="invite-users",
# * data-modal-id="modal-id",
# Modal parameters:
# * modal_id: unique id so the JS works if multiple modals are present
# on the same page
# * type:
# * 'invite_to_team' => params: team
# * 'invite_to_team_with_role' => params: team, role
# * 'invite',
# * 'invite_with_team_selector',
# * 'invite_with_team_selector_and_role' => params: role
# * team: invite users to the specified team
# * role: all users are invited as the specified role
# * (optional) text_title: custom title text for modal
# * (optional) text_invite_heading: custom invite heading text for modal
text_title ||= nil
text_invite_heading ||= nil
invite_to_team = type.in?(%w(invite_to_team invite_to_team_with_role))
class="modal modal-invite-users"
data-id="<%= modal_id %>"
data-type="<%= type %>"
data-url="<%= invite_users_path %>"
<%= "data-team-id=#{team.id}" if invite_to_team %>
<%= "data-team-role=#{role}" if type.in?(%w(invite_to_team_with_role invite_with_team_selector_and_role)) %>
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>
<h4 class="modal-title">
<% if text_title %>
<%= text_title %>
<% else %>
<% if invite_to_team %>
<%= t('invite_users.to_team.title', team: team.name) %>
<% else %>
<%= t('invite_users.no_team.title') %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="modal-body">
<div data-role="step-form">
<% if text_invite_heading %>
<%= text_invite_heading %>
<% else %>
<% if invite_to_team %>
<%= t('invite_users.to_team.heading', team: team.name) %>
<% else %>
<%= t('invite_users.no_team.heading') %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<select class="emails-input" multiple data-role="tags-input" name="emails[]">
<br />
<em><%= t('invite_users.input_subtitle') %></em>
<% if type.in?(['invite_with_team_selector', 'invite_with_team_selector_and_role']) %>
<% # Only allow inviting to teams where user is admin %>
<% uos = current_user ? current_user.user_teams.where(role: UserTeam.roles[:admin]).joins(:team) : [] %>
<% if uos.count > 0 %>
<div class="team-selector">
<div class="heading">
<input type="checkbox" data-role="team-selector-checkbox" />
<span><%= t('invite_users.invite_to_team_heading') %></span>
<%= select_tag(
uos.pluck('teams.name', 'teams.id')
class: 'form-control selectpicker',
'data-role' => 'team-selector-dropdown',
disabled: 'disabled'
) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="results-container" data-role="step-results" data-clear="true">
<div class="modal-footer">
<div data-role="step-form">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">
<%= t('general.cancel') %>
<!-- Invite buttons -->
<button type="button" data-role="invite-btn" class="btn btn-primary" disabled="disabled" data-action="invite">
<%= t('invite_users.invite_btn') %>
<div class="btn-group" data-role="invite-with-role-div">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-id="invite-btn" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" data-role="invite-with-role-btn" disabled="disabled">
<%= t('invite_users.invite_btn') %>
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<%= link_to t('invite_users.invite_guest'), '#', data: { action: 'invite', 'team-role' => 'guest' } %>
<%= link_to t('invite_users.invite_user'), '#', data: { action: 'invite', 'team-role' => 'normal_user' } %>
<%= link_to t('invite_users.invite_admin'), '#', data: { action: 'invite', 'team-role' => 'admin' } %>
<div data-role="step-results">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">
<%= t('general.close') %>