2019-11-29 10:17:53 +01:00

119 lines
3.4 KiB

* Define AJAX methods for handling errors on forms.
* Render errors specified in array of strings format (or string if
* just one error) for a single form element.
* Show error message/s and mark error input (if errMsgs is defined)
* and, if present, mark and show the tab where the error occured and
* focus/scroll to the error input, if it is the first one to be
* specified or if errMsgs is undefined.
* @param {string} errAttributes Span element (error) attributes
* @param {boolean} clearErr Set clearErr to true if this is the only
* error that can happen/show.
var renderFormError = function(ev, input, errMsgs, clearErr, errAttributes) {
clearErr = _.isUndefined(clearErr) ? false : clearErr;
errAttributes = _.isUndefined(errAttributes) ? '' : ' ' + errAttributes;
var $form = $(input).closest('form');
if (!_.isUndefined(errMsgs)) {
if (clearErr) {
// Mark error form group
var $formGroup = $(input).closest('.form-group');
if (!$formGroup.hasClass('has-error')) {
// Add error message/s
var errorText = ($.makeArray(errMsgs).map(function(m) {
if( m instanceof Array ) {
return m.join(', ').strToErrorFormat();
} else {
return m.strToErrorFormat();
})).join('<br />');
var $errSpan = "<span class='help-block'" +
errAttributes + '>' + errorText + '</span>';
var $parent;
var $tab = $(input).closest('.tab-pane');
if ($tab.length) {
// Mark error tab
$parent = $tab;
} else {
$parent = $form;
// Focus and scroll to the error if it is the first (most upper) one
if ($parent.find('.form-group.has-error').length === 1 ||
_.isUndefined(errMsgs)) {
if (!_.isUndefined(ev)) {
// Don't submit form
* Render errors specified in JSON format for many form elements.
$.fn.renderFormErrors = function(modelName, errors, clear, ev) {
clear = _.isUndefined(clear) ? true : clear;
if (clear) {
var $form = $(this);
$.each(errors, function(field, messages) {
// Special exception for file uploads in steps and results
if (field === 'assets.file') {
field = 'assets_attributes';
} else if (field === 'asset.file') {
field = 'asset_attribute';
var types = 'input, file, select, textarea';
var $input = $(_.filter($form.find(types), function(el) {
var name = $(el).attr('name');
if (name) {
return name.match(new RegExp(modelName + '\\[' + field + '\\(?'));
return false;
renderFormError(ev, $input, messages);
* If any of form tabs (if exist) has errors, mark it and
* and show the first erroneous tab.
function tabsPropagateErrorClass($form) {
var $contents = $form.find('');
_.each($contents, function(tab) {
var $tab = $(tab);
var $errorFields = $tab.find('.has-error');
if ($errorFields.length) {
var id = $tab.attr('id');
var navLink = $form.find("a[href='#" + id + "'][data-toggle='tab']");
if (navLink.parent().length) {
$form.find('.nav-tabs .has-error:first > a', $form).tab('show');