2016-07-29 16:32:54 +02:00

239 lines
10 KiB

<% provide(:head_title, t("search.index.head_title")) %>
<h1 class="page-header"><%= t('search.index.results_title_html', query: @display_query) %></h1>
<%= form_tag search_path, method: :get do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :q, @search_query %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :category, @search_category %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3" id="search-menu">
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked nav-stacked-arrow">
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :projects %>
<%= "disabled" if @project_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'projects', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @project_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-blackboard"></span>
<%= t'Projects' %>
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :workflows %>
<%= "disabled" if @workflow_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'workflows', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @workflow_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-random"></span>
<%= t'Workflows' %>
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :modules %>
<%= "disabled" if @module_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'modules', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @module_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-credit-card"></span>
<%= t'Modules' %>
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :results %>
<%= "disabled" if @result_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'results', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @result_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-modal-window"></span>
<%= t'Results' %>
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :tags %>
<%= "disabled" if @tag_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'tags', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @tag_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tags"></span>
<%= t'Tags' %>
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :reports %>
<%= "disabled" if @report_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'reports', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @report_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-align-left"></span>
<%= t'Reports' %>
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :protocols %>
<%= "disabled" if @protocol_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'protocols', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @protocol_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt"></span>
<%= t'Protocols' %>
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :steps %>
<%= "disabled" if @step_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'steps', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @step_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-right"></span>
<%= t'Steps' %>
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :checklists %>
<%= "disabled" if @checklist_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'checklists', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @checklist_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list"></span>
<%= t'Checklists' %>
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :samples %>
<%= "disabled" if @sample_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'samples', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @sample_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tint"></span>
<%= t'Samples' %>
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :assets %>
<%= "disabled" if @asset_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'assets', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @asset_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-file"></span>
<%= t'Assets' %>
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :tables %>
<%= "disabled" if @table_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'tables', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @table_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th"></span>
<%= t'Tables' %>
<li role="presentation"
<%= "active" if @search_category.present? and @search_category == :comments %>
<%= "disabled" if @comment_search_count == 0 %>"
<a href="?<%= {category: 'comments', q: @search_query, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>">
<span class="badge pull-right"><%= @comment_search_count %></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span>
<%= t'Comments' %>
<% if not @search_category.empty? %>
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-9" id="search-content">
<div class="container-fluid" id="search-container">
<% if @search_results_count == 0 %>
<p><%= t'search.index.error.no_results', q: @search_query %></p>
<% end %>
<hr class="visible-xs">
<% if @search_category == :projects and @project_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/projects', search_query: @search_query, results: @project_results %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_category == :workflows and @workflow_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/workflows', search_query: @search_query, results: @workflow_results %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_category == :modules and @module_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/modules', search_query: @search_query, results: @module_results %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_category == :results and @result_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/results', search_query: @search_query, results: @result_results %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_category == :tags and @tag_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/tags', search_query: @search_query, results: @tag_results %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_category == :reports and @report_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/reports', search_query: @search_query, results: @report_results %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_category == :protocols and @protocol_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/protocols', search_query: @search_query, results: @protocol_results %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_category == :steps and @step_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/steps', search_query: @search_query, results: @step_results %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_category == :checklists and @checklist_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/checklists', search_query: @search_query, results: @checklist_results %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_category == :samples and @sample_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/samples', search_query: @search_query, results: @sample_results %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_category == :assets and @asset_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/assets', search_query: @search_query, results: @asset_results %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_category == :tables and @table_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/tables', search_query: @search_query, results: @table_results %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_category == :comments and @comment_search_count > 0 %>
<%= render 'search/results/comments', search_query: @search_query, results: @comment_results %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @search_pages > 1 %>
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<ul class="pagination">
<% if @search_page > 1 %>
<a href="?<%= {q: @search_query, category: @search_category, page: @search_page - 1, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>" aria-label="Previous">
<span aria-hidden="true">&laquo;</span>
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<li <% if @search_page == page_i %>class="active"<% end %>>
<a href="?<%= {q: @search_query, category: @search_category, page: page_i, utf8: '✓'}.to_query %>"><%= page_i %></a>
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