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# feature/profile.feature
Feature: Settings
I want to Change Profile data for my account: Avatar, Full name, Initials, Email and Password
Given the following users is registered:
| email | password | full name | Initials |
| nonadmin@myorg.com | mypassword1234 | Karli Novak | KN |
And the following file:
| file | size |
| Moon.png | 0.5 MB |
| Star.png | 0.2 MB |
| File.txt | 0.2 MB |
Scenario: Successful navigate to profile page
Given home page of BioSistemika Process team of a Karli Novak user
Then I click to Avatar
Then I click to Settings in avatar drop down menu
Then I should see "My profile page" of a Karli Novak user
Scenario: Unsuccessful add avatar, file is too big
Given My profile page of a Karli Novak user
Then I click to Avatar
Then I click to Browse button
And I select a Moon.png file
Then I click to Open button
Then I click to Upload button
And I should see "You can upload max 0.2 MB of files at one time. Please remove one or more files and try to submit again" error message under "Avatar" field
Scenario: Unsuccessful add avatar, file is invalid
Given My profile page of a Karli Novak user
Then I click to Avatar
Then I click to Browse button
And I select a File.txt file
Then I click to Open button
Then I click to Upload button
And I should see "Avatar content type is invalid" error message under "Avatar" field
Scenario: Successful add avatar
Given My profile page of a Karli Novak user
Then I click to Avatar
Then I click to Browse button
And I select a Star.png file
Then I click to Open button
Then I click to Upload button
And I should see "Your account has been updated successfully" flash message
Scenario: Successful Full name Change
Given My profile page of a Karli Novak user
Then I click to Edit button under Full name field
And I fill in "Novakovic"
Then I click to Update button
And I should see "Karli Novak Novakovic" in Full name field
Scenario: Unsuccessful Initials Change, is too long
Given My profile page of a Karli Novak user
Then I click to Edit button under Initials field
And I fill in "KNOCK"
Then I click to Update button
And I should see "is too long (maximum is 4 characters)" flash message
Scenario: Successful Initials Change
Given My profile page of a Karli Novak user
Then I click to Edit button under Initials field
And I fill in "KN"
Then I click to Update button
And I should see "KNKN" in Full name field
Scenario: Successful Email Change
Given My profile page of a Karli Novak user
Then I click to Edit button under Email field
And I Change "nonadmin@myorg.com" with "user@myorg.com"
And I fill in "mypassword1234" in Current password field
Then I click to Update button
And I should see "user@myorg.com" in Email field
Scenario: Unsuccessful Password Change, is too short
Given My profile page of a Karli Novak user
Then I click to Edit button under Password field
And I fill in "mypassword1234" in Current pasword field
And I fill in "mypass" in New pasword field
And I fill in "mypass" in New pasword confiramtion field
Then I click to Update button
And I should see "is too short (minimum is 8 characters)" flash message under New password field
And I should see "is too short (minimum is 8 characters)" flash message under New password confiramtion field
Scenario: Unsuccessful Password Change, does not match
Given My profile page of a Karli Novak user
Then I click to Edit button under Password field
And I fill in "mypassword1234" in Current pasword field
And I fill in "mypassword5678" in New pasword field
And I fill in "mypassword56788" in New pasword confiramtion field
Then I click to Update button
And I should see "doesn't match Password" flash message under New password confiramtion field
Scenario: Unsuccessful Password Change, current password is invalid
Given My profile page of a Karli Novak user
Then I click to Edit button under Password field
And I fill in "mypassword123" in Current pasword field
And I fill in "mypassword5678" in New pasword field
And I fill in "mypassword5678" in New pasword confiramtion field
Then I click to Update button
And I should see "is invalid" flash message under Current password field
Scenario: Successful Password Change
Given My profile page of a Karli Novak user
Then I click to Edit button under Password field
And I fill in "mypassword1234" in Current pasword field
And I fill in "mypassword5678" in New pasword field
And I fill in "mypassword5678" in New pasword confiramtion field
Then I click to Update button
And I should see "XXXXX"