#!/usr/local/bin/python import re import os class Environment(object): """ Configure container via environment variables """ def __init__( self, env=os.environ, zope_conf="/home/senaite/senaitelims/parts/instance/etc/zope.conf", custom_conf="/home/senaite/senaitelims/custom.cfg", zeopack_conf="/home/senaite/senaitelims/bin/zeopack", zeoserver_conf="/home/senaite/senaitelims/parts/zeoserver/etc/zeo.conf", cors_conf="/home/senaite/senaitelims/parts/instance/etc/package-includes/999-additional-overrides.zcml" ): self.env = env self.zope_conf = zope_conf self.custom_conf = custom_conf self.zeopack_conf = zeopack_conf self.zeoserver_conf = zeoserver_conf self.cors_conf = cors_conf def zeoclient(self): """ ZEO Client """ server = self.env.get("ZEO_ADDRESS", None) if not server: return config = "" with open(self.zope_conf, "r") as cfile: config = cfile.read() # Already initialized if "" not in config: return read_only = self.env.get("ZEO_READ_ONLY", "false") zeo_ro_fallback = self.env.get("ZEO_CLIENT_READ_ONLY_FALLBACK", "false") shared_blob_dir = self.env.get("ZEO_SHARED_BLOB_DIR", "off") zeo_storage = self.env.get("ZEO_STORAGE", "1") zeo_client_cache_size = self.env.get("ZEO_CLIENT_CACHE_SIZE", "128MB") zeo_conf = ZEO_TEMPLATE.format( zeo_address=server, read_only=read_only, zeo_client_read_only_fallback=zeo_ro_fallback, shared_blob_dir=shared_blob_dir, zeo_storage=zeo_storage, zeo_client_cache_size=zeo_client_cache_size ) pattern = re.compile(r".+", re.DOTALL) config = re.sub(pattern, zeo_conf, config) with open(self.zope_conf, "w") as cfile: cfile.write(config) def zeopack(self): """ ZEO Pack """ server = self.env.get("ZEO_ADDRESS", None) if not server: return if ":" in server: host, port = server.split(":") else: host, port = (server, "8100") with open(self.zeopack_conf, 'r') as cfile: text = cfile.read() text = text.replace('address = "8100"', 'address = "%s"' % server) text = text.replace('host = ""', 'host = "%s"' % host) text = text.replace('port = "8100"', 'port = "%s"' % port) with open(self.zeopack_conf, 'w') as cfile: cfile.write(text) def zeoserver(self): """ ZEO Server """ pack_keep_old = self.env.get("ZEO_PACK_KEEP_OLD", '') if pack_keep_old.lower() in ("false", "no", "0", "n", "f"): with open(self.zeoserver_conf, 'r') as cfile: text = cfile.read() if 'pack-keep-old' not in text: text = text.replace( '', ' pack-keep-old false\n' ) with open(self.zeoserver_conf, 'w') as cfile: cfile.write(text) def cors(self): """ Configure CORS Policies """ if not [e for e in self.env if e.startswith("CORS_")]: return allow_origin = self.env.get("CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN", "http://localhost:3000,") allow_methods = self.env.get("CORS_ALLOW_METHODS", "DELETE,GET,OPTIONS,PATCH,POST,PUT") allow_credentials = self.env.get("CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS", "true") expose_headers = self.env.get("CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS", "Content-Length,X-My-Header") allow_headers = self.env.get("CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS", "Accept,Authorization,Content-Type,X-Custom-Header") max_age = self.env.get("CORS_MAX_AGE", "3600") cors_conf = CORS_TEMPLACE.format( allow_origin=allow_origin, allow_methods=allow_methods, allow_credentials=allow_credentials, expose_headers=expose_headers, allow_headers=allow_headers, max_age=max_age ) with open(self.cors_conf, "w") as cfile: cfile.write(cors_conf) def buildout(self): """ Buildout from environment variables """ # Already configured if os.path.exists(self.custom_conf): return findlinks = self.env.get("FIND_LINKS", "").strip().split() eggs = self.env.get("PLONE_ADDONS", self.env.get("ADDONS", "")).strip().split() zcml = self.env.get("PLONE_ZCML", self.env.get("ZCML", "")).strip().split() develop = self.env.get("PLONE_DEVELOP", self.env.get("DEVELOP", "")).strip().split() site = self.env.get("PLONE_SITE", self.env.get("SITE", "")).strip() profiles = self.env.get("PLONE_PROFILES", self.env.get("PROFILES", "")).strip().split() versions = self.env.get("PLONE_VERSIONS", self.env.get("VERSIONS", "")).strip().split() sources = self.env.get("SOURCES", "").strip().split(",") # If profiles not provided. Install ADDONS :default profiles if not profiles: for egg in eggs: base = egg.split("=")[0] profiles.append("%s:default" % base) enabled = bool(site) if not (eggs or zcml or develop or enabled): return buildout = BUILDOUT_TEMPLATE.format( findlinks="\n\t".join(findlinks), eggs="\n\t".join(eggs), zcml="\n\t".join(zcml), develop="\n\t".join(develop), profiles="\n\t".join(profiles), versions="\n".join(versions), sources="\n".join(sources), site=site or "senaite", enabled=enabled, ) # If we need to create a senaitesite and we have a zeo setup # configure collective.recipe.senaitesite properly server = self.env.get("ZEO_ADDRESS", None) if server: buildout += ZEO_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE.format( zeoaddress=server, ) with open(self.custom_conf, 'w') as cfile: cfile.write(buildout) def setup(self, **kwargs): self.buildout() self.cors() self.zeoclient() self.zeopack() self.zeoserver() __call__ = setup ZEO_TEMPLATE = """ read-only {read_only} read-only-fallback {zeo_client_read_only_fallback} blob-dir /data/blobstorage shared-blob-dir {shared_blob_dir} server {zeo_address} storage {zeo_storage} name zeostorage var /home/senaite/senaitelims/parts/instance/var cache-size {zeo_client_cache_size} """.strip() CORS_TEMPLACE = """ """ BUILDOUT_TEMPLATE = """ [buildout] extends = develop.cfg find-links += {findlinks} develop += {develop} eggs += {eggs} zcml += {zcml} [plonesite] enabled = {enabled} site-id = {site} profiles += {profiles} [versions] {versions} [sources] {sources} """ ZEO_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE = """ [instance] zeo-client = true zeo-address = {zeoaddress} shared-blob = off http-fast-listen = off """ def initialize(): """ Configure Instance as ZEO Client """ environment = Environment() environment.setup() if __name__ == "__main__": initialize()