Siby P Varkey 00183e3d0e
New updated version with feature addition & bug fixes
Additional options in Profile creation.  Provision to enable 'Remove accounts' on expiry, grace period, price option etc.  Multiple user creation - More password type choices added.  Provision to correct IP/Host settings in the config.php file, if the present settings are wrong or not connecting to the host.
2018-07-10 16:16:17 +05:30

51 lines
2.1 KiB

header('Content-Type: application/json');
use PEAR2\Net\RouterOS;
require_once 'PEAR2/Autoload.php';
require_once 'config.php';
$util = new RouterOS\Util($client = new RouterOS\Client("$host", "$user", "$pass"));
if ( !isset($_SESSION) ) session_start();
if ($_SESSION['user_level'] == 1) {
$util->setMenu('/ip hotspot user profile print');
$printRequest = new RouterOS\Request('/ip hotspot user profile print');
$printRequest->setArgument('.proplist', '.id,name,address-pool,rate-limit,session-timeout,shared-users,mac-cookie-timeout,keepalive-timeout,on-login');
$printRequest->setQuery(RouterOS\Query::where('name', $profile_name));
foreach ($client->sendSync($printRequest)->getAllOfType(RouterOS\Response::TYPE_DATA) as $item) {
$tname = $item->getProperty("name");
$taddress_pool = $item->getProperty("address-pool");
$tshared_users = $item->getProperty("shared-users");
$trate_limit = $item->getProperty("rate-limit");
$tsession_timeout = $item->getProperty("session-timeout");
$ton_login = $item->getProperty("on-login");
$tmac_cookie_timeout = $item->getProperty("mac-cookie-timeout");
$tkeepalive_timeout = $item->getProperty("keepalive-timeout");
$exploded = explode(",",$ton_login);
$ton_expiry = $exploded[1];
$tprice = $exploded[2];
$tvalidity = $exploded[3];
$tgrace_period = $exploded[4];
$tlock_user = $exploded[6];
if($ton_expiry == "rem"){ $tton_expiry = "Remove"; }
elseif ($ton_expiry == "ntf"){ $tton_expiry = "Notice"; }
elseif ($ton_expiry == "remc") { $tton_expiry = "Remove & Record"; }
elseif ($ton_expiry == "ntfc") { $tton_expiry = "Notice & Record"; }
else $tton_expiry = "0";
$arr = array('name' => $tname, 'address_pool' => $taddress_pool, 'rate_limit' => $trate_limit, 'session_timeout' => $tsession_timeout,
'shared_users' => $tshared_users, 'mac_cookie_timeout' => $tmac_cookie_timeout,
'keepalive_timeout' => $tkeepalive_timeout, 'on_expiry' => $ton_expiry, 'price' => $tprice, 'validity' => $tvalidity,
'grace_period' => $tgrace_period, 'lock_user' => $tlock_user );
echo json_encode($arr);