diff --git a/app/dashboard/templates/dashboard/custom_alias.html b/app/dashboard/templates/dashboard/custom_alias.html
index da789312..53b9f08a 100644
--- a/app/dashboard/templates/dashboard/custom_alias.html
+++ b/app/dashboard/templates/dashboard/custom_alias.html
@@ -12,11 +12,15 @@
New Email Alias
{% if user_custom_domains|length == 0 and not DISABLE_ALIAS_SUFFIX %}
- You might notice a random word after the dot(
.) in the alias.
- This part is to avoid a person taking all the "nice" aliases like
hello@{{ EMAIL_DOMAIN }},
me@{{ EMAIL_DOMAIN }}, etc 😉.
- If you add your own domain, this restriction is removed and you can fully customize the alias.
+ You might notice a random word after the dot(.) in the alias.
+ This part is to avoid a person taking all the "nice" aliases like hello@{{ EMAIL_DOMAIN }},
+ me@{{ EMAIL_DOMAIN }}, etc.
+ If you add your own domain, this restriction is removed and you can fully customize the alias.
{% endif %}