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synced 2025-02-24 15:53:22 +08:00
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import arrow
from app import email_utils
from app.extensions import db
from app.log import LOG
from app.models import Subscription, User, GenEmail, ForwardEmailLog, ForwardEmail
from server import create_app
def late_payment():
"""check for late payment
q = db.session.query(Subscription, User).filter(Subscription.user_id == User.id)
for ie in _ignored_emails:
q = q.filter(~User.email.contains(ie))
for sub, user in q.all():
LOG.error(f"user {user.email} has late payment. {sub}")
_ignored_emails = ["nguyenkims", "mbpcmeo", "son@simplelogin.io", "demo.simplelogin"]
def stats():
"""send admin stats everyday"""
# nb user
q = User.query
for ie in _ignored_emails:
q = q.filter(~User.email.contains(ie))
nb_user = q.count()
LOG.d("total number user %s", nb_user)
# nb gen emails
q = db.session.query(GenEmail, User).filter(GenEmail.user_id == User.id)
for ie in _ignored_emails:
q = q.filter(~User.email.contains(ie))
nb_gen_email = q.count()
LOG.d("total number alias %s", nb_gen_email)
# nb mails forwarded
q = db.session.query(ForwardEmailLog, ForwardEmail, GenEmail, User).filter(
ForwardEmailLog.forward_id == ForwardEmail.id,
ForwardEmail.gen_email_id == GenEmail.id,
GenEmail.user_id == User.id,
for ie in _ignored_emails:
q = q.filter(~User.email.contains(ie))
nb_forward = nb_block = nb_reply = 0
for fel, _, _, _ in q:
if fel.is_reply:
nb_reply += 1
elif fel.blocked:
nb_block += 1
nb_forward += 1
LOG.d("nb forward %s, nb block %s, nb reply %s", nb_forward, nb_block, nb_reply)
today = arrow.now().format()
f"SimpleLogin Stats for {today}",
Stats for {today} <br>
nb_user: {nb_user} <br>
nb_alias: {nb_gen_email} <br>
nb_forward: {nb_forward} <br>
nb_reply: {nb_reply} <br>
nb_block: {nb_block} <br>
if __name__ == "__main__":
LOG.d("Start running cronjob")
app = create_app()
with app.app_context():
# TODO: re-enable when take into account user with 100% discount
# late_payment()