Wade Simmons 27d9a67dda
Proper multiqueue support for tun devices (#382)
This change is for Linux only.

Previously, when running with multiple tun.routines, we would only have one file descriptor. This change instead sets IFF_MULTI_QUEUE and opens a file descriptor for each routine. This allows us to process with multiple threads while preventing out of order packet reception issues.

To attempt to distribute the flows across the queues, we try to write to the tun/UDP queue that corresponds with the one we read from. So if we read a packet from tun queue "2", we will write the outgoing encrypted packet to UDP queue "2". Because of the nature of how multi queue works with flows, a given host tunnel will be sticky to a given routine (so if you try to performance benchmark by only using one tunnel between two hosts, you are only going to be using a max of one thread for each direction).

Because this system works much better when we can correlate flows between the tun and udp routines, we are deprecating the undocumented "tun.routines" and "listen.routines" parameters and introducing a new "routines" parameter that sets the value for both. If you use the old undocumented parameters, the max of the values will be used and a warning logged.

Co-authored-by: Nate Brown <>
2021-02-25 15:01:14 -05:00

272 lines
7 KiB

package nebula
import (
const mtu = 9001
type Inside interface {
Activate() error
CidrNet() *net.IPNet
DeviceName() string
WriteRaw([]byte) error
NewMultiQueueReader() (io.ReadWriteCloser, error)
type InterfaceConfig struct {
HostMap *HostMap
Outside *udpConn
Inside Inside
certState *CertState
Cipher string
Firewall *Firewall
ServeDns bool
HandshakeManager *HandshakeManager
lightHouse *LightHouse
checkInterval int
pendingDeletionInterval int
DropLocalBroadcast bool
DropMulticast bool
UDPBatchSize int
routines int
MessageMetrics *MessageMetrics
version string
type Interface struct {
hostMap *HostMap
outside *udpConn
inside Inside
certState *CertState
cipher string
firewall *Firewall
connectionManager *connectionManager
handshakeManager *HandshakeManager
serveDns bool
createTime time.Time
lightHouse *LightHouse
localBroadcast uint32
dropLocalBroadcast bool
dropMulticast bool
udpBatchSize int
routines int
version string
writers []*udpConn
readers []io.ReadWriteCloser
metricHandshakes metrics.Histogram
messageMetrics *MessageMetrics
func NewInterface(c *InterfaceConfig) (*Interface, error) {
if c.Outside == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no outside connection")
if c.Inside == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no inside interface (tun)")
if c.certState == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no certificate state")
if c.Firewall == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no firewall rules")
ifce := &Interface{
hostMap: c.HostMap,
outside: c.Outside,
inside: c.Inside,
certState: c.certState,
cipher: c.Cipher,
firewall: c.Firewall,
serveDns: c.ServeDns,
handshakeManager: c.HandshakeManager,
createTime: time.Now(),
lightHouse: c.lightHouse,
localBroadcast: ip2int(c.certState.certificate.Details.Ips[0].IP) | ^ip2int(c.certState.certificate.Details.Ips[0].Mask),
dropLocalBroadcast: c.DropLocalBroadcast,
dropMulticast: c.DropMulticast,
udpBatchSize: c.UDPBatchSize,
routines: c.routines,
version: c.version,
writers: make([]*udpConn, c.routines),
readers: make([]io.ReadWriteCloser, c.routines),
metricHandshakes: metrics.GetOrRegisterHistogram("handshakes", nil, metrics.NewExpDecaySample(1028, 0.015)),
messageMetrics: c.MessageMetrics,
ifce.connectionManager = newConnectionManager(ifce, c.checkInterval, c.pendingDeletionInterval)
return ifce, nil
func (f *Interface) run() {
// actually turn on tun dev
addr, err := f.outside.LocalAddr()
if err != nil {
l.WithError(err).Error("Failed to get udp listen address")
l.WithField("interface", f.inside.DeviceName()).WithField("network", f.inside.CidrNet().String()).
WithField("build", f.version).WithField("udpAddr", addr).
Info("Nebula interface is active")
metrics.GetOrRegisterGauge("routines", nil).Update(int64(f.routines))
// Launch n queues to read packets from udp
for i := 0; i < f.routines; i++ {
go f.listenOut(i)
// Launch n queues to read packets from tun dev
var reader io.ReadWriteCloser = f.inside
for i := 0; i < f.routines; i++ {
if i > 0 {
reader, err = f.inside.NewMultiQueueReader()
if err != nil {
f.readers[i] = reader
go f.listenIn(reader, i)
if err := f.inside.Activate(); err != nil {
func (f *Interface) listenOut(i int) {
var li *udpConn
// TODO clean this up with a coherent interface for each outside connection
if i > 0 {
li = f.writers[i]
} else {
li = f.outside
li.ListenOut(f, i)
func (f *Interface) listenIn(reader io.ReadWriteCloser, i int) {
packet := make([]byte, mtu)
out := make([]byte, mtu)
fwPacket := &FirewallPacket{}
nb := make([]byte, 12, 12)
for {
n, err := reader.Read(packet)
if err != nil {
l.WithError(err).Error("Error while reading outbound packet")
// This only seems to happen when something fatal happens to the fd, so exit.
f.consumeInsidePacket(packet[:n], fwPacket, nb, out, i)
func (f *Interface) RegisterConfigChangeCallbacks(c *Config) {
for _, udpConn := range f.writers {
func (f *Interface) reloadCA(c *Config) {
// reload and check regardless
// todo: need mutex?
newCAs, err := loadCAFromConfig(c)
if err != nil {
l.WithError(err).Error("Could not refresh trusted CA certificates")
trustedCAs = newCAs
l.WithField("fingerprints", trustedCAs.GetFingerprints()).Info("Trusted CA certificates refreshed")
func (f *Interface) reloadCertKey(c *Config) {
// reload and check in all cases
cs, err := NewCertStateFromConfig(c)
if err != nil {
l.WithError(err).Error("Could not refresh client cert")
// did IP in cert change? if so, don't set
oldIPs := f.certState.certificate.Details.Ips
newIPs := cs.certificate.Details.Ips
if len(oldIPs) > 0 && len(newIPs) > 0 && oldIPs[0].String() != newIPs[0].String() {
l.WithField("new_ip", newIPs[0]).WithField("old_ip", oldIPs[0]).Error("IP in new cert was different from old")
f.certState = cs
l.WithField("cert", cs.certificate).Info("Client cert refreshed from disk")
func (f *Interface) reloadFirewall(c *Config) {
//TODO: need to trigger/detect if the certificate changed too
if c.HasChanged("firewall") == false {
l.Debug("No firewall config change detected")
fw, err := NewFirewallFromConfig(f.certState.certificate, c)
if err != nil {
l.WithError(err).Error("Error while creating firewall during reload")
oldFw := f.firewall
conntrack := oldFw.Conntrack
defer conntrack.Unlock()
fw.rulesVersion = oldFw.rulesVersion + 1
// If rulesVersion is back to zero, we have wrapped all the way around. Be
// safe and just reset conntrack in this case.
if fw.rulesVersion == 0 {
l.WithField("firewallHash", fw.GetRuleHash()).
WithField("oldFirewallHash", oldFw.GetRuleHash()).
WithField("rulesVersion", fw.rulesVersion).
Warn("firewall rulesVersion has overflowed, resetting conntrack")
} else {
fw.Conntrack = conntrack
f.firewall = fw
l.WithField("firewallHash", fw.GetRuleHash()).
WithField("oldFirewallHash", oldFw.GetRuleHash()).
WithField("rulesVersion", fw.rulesVersion).
Info("New firewall has been installed")
func (f *Interface) emitStats(i time.Duration) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(i)
for range ticker.C {