Wade Simmons 27d9a67dda
Proper multiqueue support for tun devices (#382)
This change is for Linux only.

Previously, when running with multiple tun.routines, we would only have one file descriptor. This change instead sets IFF_MULTI_QUEUE and opens a file descriptor for each routine. This allows us to process with multiple threads while preventing out of order packet reception issues.

To attempt to distribute the flows across the queues, we try to write to the tun/UDP queue that corresponds with the one we read from. So if we read a packet from tun queue "2", we will write the outgoing encrypted packet to UDP queue "2". Because of the nature of how multi queue works with flows, a given host tunnel will be sticky to a given routine (so if you try to performance benchmark by only using one tunnel between two hosts, you are only going to be using a max of one thread for each direction).

Because this system works much better when we can correlate flows between the tun and udp routines, we are deprecating the undocumented "tun.routines" and "listen.routines" parameters and introducing a new "routines" parameter that sets the value for both. If you use the old undocumented parameters, the max of the values will be used and a warning logged.

Co-authored-by: Nate Brown <>
2021-02-25 15:01:14 -05:00

310 lines
6.5 KiB

// +build !android
package nebula
import (
//TODO: make it support reload as best you can!
type udpConn struct {
sysFd int
type udpAddr struct {
IP uint32
Port uint16
func NewUDPAddr(ip uint32, port uint16) *udpAddr {
return &udpAddr{IP: ip, Port: port}
func NewUDPAddrFromString(s string) *udpAddr {
p := strings.Split(s, ":")
if len(p) < 2 {
return nil
port, _ := strconv.Atoi(p[1])
return &udpAddr{
IP: ip2int(net.ParseIP(p[0])),
Port: uint16(port),
type rawSockaddr struct {
Family uint16
Data [14]uint8
type rawSockaddrAny struct {
Addr rawSockaddr
Pad [96]int8
var x int
func NewListener(ip string, port int, multi bool) (*udpConn, error) {
fd, err := unix.Socket(unix.AF_INET, unix.SOCK_DGRAM, unix.IPPROTO_UDP)
if err == nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to open socket: %s", err)
var lip [4]byte
copy(lip[:], net.ParseIP(ip).To4())
if multi {
if err = unix.SetsockoptInt(fd, unix.SOL_SOCKET, unix.SO_REUSEPORT, 1); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to set SO_REUSEPORT: %s", err)
if err = unix.Bind(fd, &unix.SockaddrInet4{Addr: lip, Port: port}); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to bind to socket: %s", err)
//TODO: this may be useful for forcing threads into specific cores
//unix.SetsockoptInt(fd, unix.SOL_SOCKET, unix.SO_INCOMING_CPU, x)
//v, err := unix.GetsockoptInt(fd, unix.SOL_SOCKET, unix.SO_INCOMING_CPU)
//l.Println(v, err)
return &udpConn{sysFd: fd}, err
func (u *udpConn) Rebind() error {
return nil
func (ua *udpAddr) Copy() udpAddr {
return *ua
func (u *udpConn) SetRecvBuffer(n int) error {
return unix.SetsockoptInt(u.sysFd, unix.SOL_SOCKET, unix.SO_RCVBUFFORCE, n)
func (u *udpConn) SetSendBuffer(n int) error {
return unix.SetsockoptInt(u.sysFd, unix.SOL_SOCKET, unix.SO_SNDBUFFORCE, n)
func (u *udpConn) GetRecvBuffer() (int, error) {
return unix.GetsockoptInt(int(u.sysFd), unix.SOL_SOCKET, unix.SO_RCVBUF)
func (u *udpConn) GetSendBuffer() (int, error) {
return unix.GetsockoptInt(int(u.sysFd), unix.SOL_SOCKET, unix.SO_SNDBUF)
func (u *udpConn) LocalAddr() (*udpAddr, error) {
var rsa rawSockaddrAny
var rLen = unix.SizeofSockaddrAny
_, _, err := unix.Syscall(
if err != 0 {
return nil, err
addr := &udpAddr{}
if rsa.Addr.Family == unix.AF_INET {
addr.Port = uint16(rsa.Addr.Data[0])<<8 + uint16(rsa.Addr.Data[1])
addr.IP = uint32(rsa.Addr.Data[2])<<24 + uint32(rsa.Addr.Data[3])<<16 + uint32(rsa.Addr.Data[4])<<8 + uint32(rsa.Addr.Data[5])
} else {
addr.Port = 0
addr.IP = 0
return addr, nil
func (u *udpConn) ListenOut(f *Interface, q int) {
plaintext := make([]byte, mtu)
header := &Header{}
fwPacket := &FirewallPacket{}
udpAddr := &udpAddr{}
nb := make([]byte, 12, 12)
lhh := f.lightHouse.NewRequestHandler()
//TODO: should we track this?
//metric := metrics.GetOrRegisterHistogram("test.batch_read", nil, metrics.NewExpDecaySample(1028, 0.015))
msgs, buffers, names := u.PrepareRawMessages(f.udpBatchSize)
read := u.ReadMulti
if f.udpBatchSize == 1 {
read = u.ReadSingle
for {
n, err := read(msgs)
if err != nil {
l.WithError(err).Error("Failed to read packets")
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
udpAddr.IP = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(names[i][4:8])
udpAddr.Port = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(names[i][2:4])
f.readOutsidePackets(udpAddr, plaintext[:0], buffers[i][:msgs[i].Len], header, fwPacket, lhh, nb, q)
func (u *udpConn) ReadSingle(msgs []rawMessage) (int, error) {
for {
n, _, err := unix.Syscall6(
if err != 0 {
return 0, &net.OpError{Op: "recvmsg", Err: err}
msgs[0].Len = uint32(n)
return 1, nil
func (u *udpConn) ReadMulti(msgs []rawMessage) (int, error) {
for {
n, _, err := unix.Syscall6(
if err != 0 {
return 0, &net.OpError{Op: "recvmmsg", Err: err}
return int(n), nil
func (u *udpConn) WriteTo(b []byte, addr *udpAddr) error {
var rsa unix.RawSockaddrInet4
//TODO: sometimes addr is nil!
rsa.Family = unix.AF_INET
p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rsa.Port))
p[0] = byte(addr.Port >> 8)
p[1] = byte(addr.Port)
rsa.Addr[0] = byte(addr.IP & 0xff000000 >> 24)
rsa.Addr[1] = byte(addr.IP & 0x00ff0000 >> 16)
rsa.Addr[2] = byte(addr.IP & 0x0000ff00 >> 8)
rsa.Addr[3] = byte(addr.IP & 0x000000ff)
for {
_, _, err := unix.Syscall6(
if err != 0 {
return &net.OpError{Op: "sendto", Err: err}
//TODO: handle incomplete writes
return nil
func (u *udpConn) reloadConfig(c *Config) {
b := c.GetInt("listen.read_buffer", 0)
if b > 0 {
err := u.SetRecvBuffer(b)
if err == nil {
s, err := u.GetRecvBuffer()
if err == nil {
l.WithField("size", s).Info("listen.read_buffer was set")
} else {
l.WithError(err).Warn("Failed to get listen.read_buffer")
} else {
l.WithError(err).Error("Failed to set listen.read_buffer")
b = c.GetInt("listen.write_buffer", 0)
if b > 0 {
err := u.SetSendBuffer(b)
if err == nil {
s, err := u.GetSendBuffer()
if err == nil {
l.WithField("size", s).Info("listen.write_buffer was set")
} else {
l.WithError(err).Warn("Failed to get listen.write_buffer")
} else {
l.WithError(err).Error("Failed to set listen.write_buffer")
func (ua *udpAddr) Equals(t *udpAddr) bool {
if t == nil || ua == nil {
return t == nil && ua == nil
return ua.IP == t.IP && ua.Port == t.Port
func (ua *udpAddr) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v", int2ip(ua.IP), ua.Port)
func (ua *udpAddr) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(m{"ip": int2ip(ua.IP), "port": ua.Port})
func udp2ip(addr *udpAddr) net.IP {
return int2ip(addr.IP)
func udp2ipInt(addr *udpAddr) uint32 {
return addr.IP
func hostDidRoam(addr *udpAddr, newaddr *udpAddr) bool {
return !addr.Equals(newaddr)