
158 lines
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Raw Normal View History

if eval "!header.mime-version.exists" {
if eval "header.content-type.exists || header.content-transfer-encoding.exists" {
} elsif eval "header.mime-version.raw_name != 'MIME-Version'" {
let "t.MV_CASE" "1";
let "has_text_part" "0";
let "is_encrypted" "0";
foreverypart {
let "type" "to_lowercase(header.content-type.type)";
let "subtype" "to_lowercase(header.content-type.subtype)";
let "cte" "header.content-transfer-encoding";
let "part_is_attachment" "is_attachment()";
if eval "cte != '' && !is_lowercase(cte)" {
let "cte" "to_lowercase(cte)";
let "t.CTE_CASE" "1";
if eval "ends_with(header.content-type.raw, ';')" {
# Content-Type header ends with a semi-colon
let "t.CT_EXTRA_SEMI" "1";
if eval "type == 'multipart'" {
if eval "subtype == 'alternative'" {
let "has_plain_part" "0";
let "has_html_part" "0";
let "text_part_words" "";
let "text_part_uris" "0";
let "html_part_words" "";
let "html_part_uris" "0";
foreverypart {
let "ma_ct" "to_lowercase(header.content-type)";
if eval "!has_plain_part && ma_ct == 'text/plain'" {
let "text_part" "part.text";
let "text_part_words" "tokenize_words(text_part)";
let "text_part_uris" "count(tokenize_url(text_part, true))";
let "has_plain_part" "1";
} elsif eval "!has_html_part && ma_ct == 'text/html'" {
let "html_part" "html_to_text(part.text)";
let "html_part_words" "tokenize_words(html_part)";
let "html_part_uris" "count(tokenize_url(html_part, true))";
let "has_html_part" "1";
# Multipart message mostly text/html MIME
if eval "has_html_part" {
if eval "!has_plain_part" {
} elsif eval "has_plain_part" {
# HTML and text parts are different
if eval "!t.R_PARTS_DIFFER && has_html_part && has_plain_part &&
(!is_empty(text_part_words) || !is_empty(html_part_words)) &&
cosine_similarity(text_part_words, html_part_words) < 0.95" {
let "t.R_PARTS_DIFFER" "1";
# Odd URI count between parts
if eval "text_part_uris != html_part_uris" {
set "t.URI_COUNT_ODD" "1";
} elsif eval "subtype == 'mixed'" {
let "num_text_parts" "0";
let "has_other_part" "0";
foreverypart {
if eval "eq_ignore_case(header.content-type.type, 'text') && !is_attachment()" {
let "num_text_parts" "num_text_parts + 1";
} elsif eval "!eq_ignore_case(header.content-type.type, 'multipart')" {
let "has_other_part" "1";
# Found multipart/mixed without non-textual part
if eval "!has_other_part && num_text_parts < 3" {
let "t.CTYPE_MIXED_BOGUS" "1";
} elsif eval "subtype == 'encrypted'" {
set "is_encrypted" "1";
} elsif eval "type == 'text'" {
# MIME text part claims to be ASCII but isn't
if eval "cte == '' || cte == '7bit'" {
if eval "!is_ascii(part.raw)" {
let "t.R_BAD_CTE_7BIT" "1";
} else {
if eval "cte == 'base64'" {
# Has text part encoded in base64
let "t.MIME_BASE64_TEXT" "1";
if eval "is_ascii(part.text)" {
# Has text part encoded in base64 that does not contain any 8bit characters
let "t.MIME_BASE64_TEXT_BOGUS" "1";
if eval "subtype == 'plain' && is_empty(header.content-type.attr.charset)" {
# Charset header is missing
let "t.R_MISSING_CHARSET" "1";
let "has_text_part" "1";
} elsif eval "type == 'application'" {
if eval "subtype == 'pkcs7-mime'" {
let "t.ENCRYPTED_SMIME" "1";
let "part_is_attachment" "0";
} elsif eval "subtype == 'pkcs7-signature'" {
let "t.SIGNED_SMIME" "1";
let "part_is_attachment" "0";
} elsif eval "subtype == 'pgp-encrypted'" {
let "t.ENCRYPTED_PGP" "1";
let "part_is_attachment" "0";
} elsif eval "subtype == 'pgp-signature'" {
let "t.SIGNED_PGP" "1";
let "part_is_attachment" "0";
} elsif eval "subtype == 'octet-stream'" {
if eval "!is_encrypted &&
!header.content-id.exists &&
(!header.content-disposition.exists ||
(!eq_ignore_case(header.content-disposition.type, 'attachment') &&
is_empty(header.content-disposition.attr.filename)))" {
if eval "is_empty(type)" {
if eval "header.content-type.exists" {
} elsif eval "!header.Content-Disposition:Content-Transfer-Encoding:MIME-Version.exists && (type != 'text' || subtype != 'plain')" {
# Only Content-Type header without other MIME headers
if eval "part_is_attachment" {
# Has a MIME attachment
let "t.HAS_ATTACHMENT" "1";
if eval "has_text_part && (t.ENCRYPTED_SMIME || t.SIGNED_SMIME || t.ENCRYPTED_PGP || t.SIGNED_PGP)" {