#!/usr/bin/env python import flask from core.htpasswd import HtPasswdAuth from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit from threading import Thread, Lock from packaging import version import os import core.config import requests import time from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix import calendar import eventlet #Prep the websockets with eventlet workers eventlet.monkey_patch() async_mode = None #Prep flask app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app) socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode=async_mode) #Config the app app.config.from_object('core.config.Config') app.config.from_pyfile('swizzin.cfg', silent=True) admin_user = app.config['ADMIN_USER'] htpasswd = HtPasswdAuth(app) #Config rate limiting def check_authorization(): if flask.request.authorization: try: authreq = flask.request.authorization.username return True except: return False else: return False if app.config['RATELIMIT_ENABLED'] == True: from flask_limiter import Limiter from flask_limiter.util import get_remote_address limiter = Limiter( app, key_func=get_remote_address, default_limits=[app.config['RATELIMIT_DEFAULT']], default_limits_exempt_when=check_authorization, default_limits_per_method=True ) from core.util import * #Prepare the background threads thread = None thread_lock = Lock() thread2 = None thread2_lock = Lock() #Background thread functions def current_speed(app): """ Thread for interface speed """ #Modified for our uses from https://stackoverflow.com/a/26853086 with app.app_context(): #print("Starting current speed for", interface) interface = get_default_interface() (tx_prev, rx_prev) = (0, 0) while(True): tx = get_nic_bytes('tx', interface) rx = get_nic_bytes('rx', interface) if tx_prev > 0: tx_speed = tx - tx_prev #print('TX: ', tx_speed, 'bps') tx_speed = str(GetHumanReadableB(tx_speed)) + "/s" if rx_prev > 0: rx_speed = rx - rx_prev #print('RX: ', rx_speed, 'bps') rx_speed = str(GetHumanReadableB(rx_speed)) + "/s" emit('speed', {'interface': interface, 'tx': tx_speed, 'rx': rx_speed}, namespace='/websocket', broadcast=True) time.sleep(1) tx_prev = tx rx_prev = rx def io_wait(app): """ Thread for iowait emission """ #https://stackoverflow.com/a/7299268 tick = os.sysconf(os.sysconf_names['SC_CLK_TCK']) numcpu = os.cpu_count() interval = 10 with app.app_context(): while(True): readstats = open('/proc/stat') procstats = readstats.readlines()[0].split() user, nice, sys, idle, iowait, irq, sirq = ( float(procstats[1]), float(procstats[2]), float(procstats[3]), float(procstats[4]), float(procstats[5]), float(procstats[6]), float(procstats[7]) ) readstats.close() time.sleep(interval) readstats = open('/proc/stat') procstats = readstats.readlines()[0].split() userd, niced, sysd, idled, iowaitd, irqd, sirqd = ( float(procstats[1]), float(procstats[2]), float(procstats[3]), float(procstats[4]), float(procstats[5]), float(procstats[6]), float(procstats[7]) ) readstats.close() iowait = '{0:.1f}'.format(((iowaitd - iowait)* 100 / tick ) / numcpu / interval) #times = psutil.cpu_times_percent(interval=10) emit('iowait', {'iowait': iowait}, namespace='/websocket', broadcast=True) @app.before_request def reload_htpasswd(): """ This function will run before every load of the index. It will ensure the htpasswd file is current. """ if flask.request.endpoint == 'index': htpasswd.load_users(app) #@app.after_request #def apply_headers(response): # if flask.request.referrer == "{}login".format(flask.request.host_url): # response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = 'basic realm="{0}"'.format(current_app.config['FLASK_AUTH_REALM']) # if flask.request.referrer == "{}login/auth".format(flask.request.host_url): # response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = 'basic realm="{0}"'.format(current_app.config['FLASK_AUTH_REALM']) # if flask.request.referrer == "{}logout".format(flask.request.host_url): # response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = 'basic realm="{0}"'.format(current_app.config['FLASK_AUTH_REALM']) # return response @app.errorhandler(401) def unauthorized(e): if app.config['FORMS_LOGIN']: if flask.request.referrer == "{}login".format(flask.request.host_url): return authenticate() elif flask.request.referrer == "{}login/auth".format(flask.request.host_url): return authenticate() else: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('login')) else: return authenticate() def authenticate(): """ Sends a 401 response that enables basic auth """ return flask.Response( 'Could not verify your access level for that URL.\n' 'You have to login with proper credentials', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'basic realm="{0}"'.format( current_app.config['FLASK_AUTH_REALM'] )} ) #Begin routes @app.route('/') @htpasswd.required def index(user): #global thread #if thread is None: # thread = Thread(target=current_speed) # thread.start() pages = generate_page_list(user) mounts = get_mounts() if os.path.isfile("/install/.quota.lock"): quota = True else: quota = False return flask.render_template('index.html', title='{user} - swizzin dashboard'.format(user=user), user=user, pages=pages, quota=quota, mounts=mounts, async_mode=socketio.async_mode) @socketio.on('connect', namespace='/websocket') def socket_connect(): global thread global thread2 with thread_lock: if thread is None: thread = socketio.start_background_task(current_speed, (flask.current_app._get_current_object())) with thread2_lock: if thread2 is None: thread2 = socketio.start_background_task(io_wait, (flask.current_app._get_current_object())) emit('my_response', {'data': 'Connected', 'count': 0}) @app.route('/stats') @app.route('/stats/') @htpasswd.required def stats(user): pages = generate_page_list(user) return flask.render_template('stats.html', title='Stats', user=user, pages=pages) @app.route('/stats/netdata/') @app.route('/stats/netdata/',methods=['GET']) @htpasswd.required def netdataproxy(user, p = ''): SITE = '{}'.format(p) if flask.request.method=='GET': if flask.request.args: querystring = flask.request.query_string.decode('utf-8') resp = requests.get("{SITE}?{querystring}".format(SITE=SITE,querystring=querystring)) else: resp = requests.get("{SITE}".format(SITE=SITE)) excluded_headers = ['content-encoding', 'content-length', 'transfer-encoding', 'connection'] headers = [(name, value) for (name, value) in resp.raw.headers.items() if name.lower() not in excluded_headers] response = flask.Response(resp.content, resp.status_code, headers) return response #elif flask.request.method=='POST': # resp = requests.post(f'{SITE}',json=request.get_json()) # excluded_headers = ['content-encoding', 'content-length', 'transfer-encoding', 'connection'] # headers = [(name, value) for (name, value) in resp.raw.headers.items() if name.lower() not in excluded_headers] # response = flask.Response(resp.content, resp.status_code, headers) # return response #elif flask.request.method=='DELETE': # resp = requests.delete(f'{SITE}').content # response = flask.Response(resp.content, resp.status_code, headers) # return response @app.route('/apps/status') @htpasswd.required def app_status(user): apps = apps_status(user) return flask.jsonify(apps) @app.route('/apps/service', methods=['POST']) @htpasswd.required def service(user): if flask.request.method == 'POST': data = flask.request.get_json() application = data['application'] try: profile = str_to_class(application+"_meta")(user) except: try: profile = str_to_class(application+"_meta") except: return """Application profile not found.""" try: multiuser = profile.multiuser except: multiuser = False if multiuser == False and user != admin_user: return """Access denied""" try: application = profile.systemd except: pass if application.endswith("@"): application = application+user result = systemctl(data['function'], application) return str(result) @app.route('/stats/loadavg') @htpasswd.required def loadavg(user): loadavg = open("/proc/loadavg").readline().split(" ")[:3] numcpu = os.cpu_count() perutil = '{0:.2f}'.format((float(loadavg[0]) / numcpu) * 100) return flask.jsonify({"1m": loadavg[0], "5m": loadavg[1], "15m": loadavg[2], "perutil": perutil}) @app.route('/stats/vnstat') @htpasswd.required def vnstat(user): #stats = [] interface = get_default_interface() vnstat_info = vnstat_data(interface, "h") vnstat_jsonversion = vnstat_info["jsonversion"] if vnstat_jsonversion == "1": qh = "hours" qd = "days" qm = "months" qt = "tops" thisday = 0 thismonth = 0 hour = int(time.strftime("%H")) lasthour = hour - 1 if lasthour == -1: lasthour = 23 read_unit = GetHumanReadableKB elif vnstat_jsonversion == "2": qh = "hour" qd = "day" qm = "month" qt = "top" thisday = vnstat_data(interface, "d")['interfaces'][0]['traffic']['day'][-1]["id"] thismonth = vnstat_data(interface, "m")['interfaces'][0]['traffic']['month'][-1]["id"] hour = vnstat_info['interfaces'][0]['traffic']['hour'][-1]["id"] lasthour = vnstat_info['interfaces'][0]['traffic']['hour'][-2]["id"] read_unit = GetHumanReadableB statsh = vnstat_parse(interface, "h", qh, read_unit, hour) statslh = vnstat_parse(interface, "h", qh, read_unit, lasthour) statsd = vnstat_parse(interface, "d", qd, read_unit, thisday) statsm = vnstat_parse(interface, "m", qm, read_unit, thismonth) statsa = vnstat_parse(interface, "h", "total", read_unit) #statsa = vnstat_parse(interface, "m", "total", 0) tops = vnstat_data(interface, "t")['interfaces'][0]['traffic'][qt] top = [] for t in tops[:10]: date = t['date'] year = date['year'] month = calendar.month_abbr[date['month']] day = date['day'] date = "{month} {day}, {year}".format(year=year, month=month, day=day) rx = read_unit(t['rx']) tx =read_unit(t['tx']) top.append({"date": date, "rx": rx, "tx": tx}) columns = {"date", "rx", "tx"} #stats = [] #stats.extend({"statsh": statsh, "statslh": statslh, "statsd": statsd, "statsm": statsm, "statsa": statsa, "top": top}) #print(stats) #return flask.jsonify({"statsh": statsh, "statslh": statslh, "statsd": statsd, "statsm": statsm, "statsa": statsa, "top": top}) return flask.render_template('top.html', user=user, top=top, day=statsd, month=statsm, hour=statsh, lasthour=statslh, alltime=statsa, colnames=columns) @app.route('/stats/disk') @htpasswd.required def disk_free(user): mounts = get_mounts() data = {} for mount in mounts: total, used, free, usage = disk_usage(mount) data[mount] = {"disktotal": total, "diskused": used, "diskfree": free, "perutil": usage} return flask.jsonify(data) @app.route('/stats/quota') @htpasswd.required def quota_free(user): if os.path.isfile("/install/.quota.lock"): total, used, free, usage = quota_usage(user) return flask.jsonify({"quota": {"disktotal": total, "diskused": used, "diskfree": free, "perutil": usage}}) else: return """Quota not installed""" @app.route('/stats/boot') @htpasswd.required def boot_time(user): return boottimeutc @app.route('/stats/ram') @htpasswd.required def ram_stats(user): ramstats = dict((i.split()[0].rstrip(':'),int(i.split()[1])) for i in open('/proc/meminfo').readlines()) ramtotal = GetHumanReadableKB(ramstats['MemTotal']) ramfree = GetHumanReadableKB(ramstats['MemAvailable']) ramused = GetHumanReadableKB(ramstats['MemTotal'] - ramstats['MemAvailable']) perutil = '{0:.2f}'.format((ramstats['MemTotal'] - ramstats['MemAvailable']) / ramstats['MemTotal'] * 100) return flask.jsonify({"ramtotal": ramtotal, "ramfree": ramfree, "ramused": ramused, "perutil": perutil}) @app.route('/stats/network') @htpasswd.required def network_quota(user): if app.config['SHAREDSERVER'] is True: total, used, free, usage = network_quota_usage(user) return flask.jsonify({"nettotal": total, "netused": used, "netfree": free, "perutil": usage}) @app.route('/login') def login(): return flask.render_template('login.html', title='swizzin login') @app.route('/login/auth') @htpasswd.required def auth(user): return """
You have been logged in. Redirecting to home...
""" @app.route('/logout') @htpasswd.required def logout(user): return flask.render_template('logout.html') if __name__ == '__main__': socketio.run(app, host=app.config['HOST'], port=app.config['PORT']) #app.run(debug=True,host='', port=8333)