Restore deploy_node from e6d2d72a43

This commit is contained in:
Kaitlyn Parkhurst 2021-08-02 07:52:04 -07:00
parent ad6146e10a
commit ad55e21511

View file

@ -173,6 +173,36 @@ sub register ( $self, $app, $config ) {
run3( $command );
$app->minion->add_task( deploy_node => sub ( $job, $node_id, $key_id, $deploy_ip, $platform ) {
my $node = $job->app->db->resultset('Node')->find( $node_id );
my @lighthouses = $node->network->search_related( 'nodes', { is_lighthouse => 1 } );
my $playbook = File::Temp->new(
TEMPLATE => 'playbook-XXXX',
SUFFIX => '.yml',
UNLINK => 0,
DIR => $job->app->config->{ansible}{rundir},
# Create a nebula config file for this domain so that Ansible may use
# the file.
Mojo::File->new( $job->app->filepath_for( nebula => $node->network->id, $node->hostname . '.yml' ))
->spurt( $job->app->templated_file( 'nebula_config.yml', node => $node ));
print $playbook $job->app->templated_file( 'ansible-playbook.yml',
node => $node,
app => $job->app,
platform => $platform
close $playbook;
run3([ 'ansible-playbook', '-i', "$deploy_ip,",
'--key-file', $job->app->filepath_for( sshkey => $key_id ),