package cron import ( "context" "database/sql/driver" "encoding/json" "strconv" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type Files []File type File struct { ID string `json:"id"` Parts []models.Part `json:"parts"` } func (a Files) Value() (driver.Value, error) { return json.Marshal(a) } func (a *Files) Scan(value interface{}) error { if err := json.Unmarshal(value.([]byte), &a); err != nil { return err } return nil } type UpParts []int func (a UpParts) Value() (driver.Value, error) { return json.Marshal(a) } func (a *UpParts) Scan(value interface{}) error { if err := json.Unmarshal(value.([]byte), &a); err != nil { return err } return nil } type Result struct { Files Files Session string UserId int64 ChannelId int64 } type UploadResult struct { Parts UpParts Session string UserId int64 ChannelId int64 } type CronService struct { db *gorm.DB cnf *config.Config logger *zap.SugaredLogger } func StartCronJobs(db *gorm.DB, cnf *config.Config) { scheduler := gocron.NewScheduler(time.UTC) ctx := context.Background() cron := CronService{db: db, cnf: cnf, logger: logging.DefaultLogger()} scheduler.Every(1).Hour().Do(cron.CleanFiles, ctx) scheduler.Every(2).Hour().Do(cron.UpdateFolderSize) scheduler.Every(12).Hour().Do(cron.CleanUploads, ctx) scheduler.StartAsync() } func (c *CronService) CleanFiles(ctx context.Context) { var results []Result if err := c.db.Model(&models.File{}). Select("JSONB_AGG(jsonb_build_object('id',, 'parts', as files", "files.channel_id", "files.user_id", "s.session"). Joins("left join teldrive.users as u on u.user_id = files.user_id"). Joins("left join (select * from teldrive.sessions order by created_at desc limit 1) as s on u.user_id = s.user_id"). Where("type = ?", "file"). Where("status = ?", "pending_deletion"). Group("files.channel_id").Group("files.user_id").Group("s.session"). Scan(&results).Error; err != nil { return } for _, row := range results { if row.Session == "" { break } ids := []int{} fileIds := []string{} for _, file := range row.Files { fileIds = append(fileIds, file.ID) for _, part := range file.Parts { ids = append(ids, int(part.ID)) } } err := deleteTGMessages(ctx, c.cnf, row.Session, row.ChannelId, row.UserId, ids) if err != nil { c.logger.Errorw("failed to clean files", err) } if err == nil { c.db.Where("id = any($1)", fileIds).Delete(&models.File{}) } c.logger.Infow("cleaned files", "user", row.UserId, "channel", row.ChannelId) } } func (c *CronService) CleanUploads(ctx context.Context) { var upResults []UploadResult if err := c.db.Model(&models.Upload{}). Select("JSONB_AGG(uploads.part_id) as parts", "uploads.channel_id", "uploads.user_id", "s.session"). Joins("left join teldrive.users as u on u.user_id = uploads.user_id"). Joins("left join (select * from teldrive.sessions order by created_at desc limit 1) as s on s.user_id = uploads.user_id"). Where("uploads.created_at > ?", time.Now().UTC().Add(c.cnf.TG.Uploads.Retention)). Group("uploads.channel_id").Group("uploads.user_id").Group("s.session"). Scan(&upResults).Error; err != nil { return } for _, result := range upResults { if result.Session == "" { break } err := deleteTGMessages(ctx, c.cnf, result.Session, result.ChannelId, result.UserId, result.Parts) c.logger.Errorw("failed to delete messages", err) parts := []int{} for _, id := range result.Parts { parts = append(parts, id) } if err == nil { c.db.Where("part_id = any($1)", parts).Delete(&models.Upload{}) } } } func (c *CronService) UpdateFolderSize() { c.db.Exec("call teldrive.update_size();") } func deleteTGMessages(ctx context.Context, cnf *config.Config, session string, channelId, userId int64, ids []int) error { client, _ := tgc.AuthClient(ctx, &cnf.TG, session) err := tgc.RunWithAuth(ctx, client, "", func(ctx context.Context) error { channel, err := services.GetChannelById(ctx, client, channelId, strconv.FormatInt(userId, 10)) if err != nil { return err } messageDeleteRequest := tg.ChannelsDeleteMessagesRequest{Channel: channel, ID: ids} _, err = client.API().ChannelsDeleteMessages(ctx, &messageDeleteRequest) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) return err }