2023-08-26 15:57:44 +05:30

582 lines
15 KiB

package services
import (
range_parser ""
type FileService struct {
Db *gorm.DB
ChannelID int64
func getAuthUserId(c *gin.Context) int64 {
val, _ := c.Get("jwtUser")
jwtUser := val.(*types.JWTClaims)
userId, _ := strconv.ParseInt(jwtUser.Subject, 10, 64)
return userId
func (fs *FileService) CreateFile(c *gin.Context) (*schemas.FileOut, *types.AppError) {
userId := getAuthUserId(c)
var fileIn schemas.FileIn
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&fileIn); err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("invalid request payload"), Code: http.StatusBadRequest}
fileIn.Path = strings.TrimSpace(fileIn.Path)
if fileIn.Path != "" {
var parent models.File
if err := fs.Db.Where("type = ? AND path = ?", "folder", fileIn.Path).First(&parent).Error; err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("parent directory not found"), Code: http.StatusNotFound}
fileIn.ParentID = parent.ID
if fileIn.Type == "folder" {
fileIn.MimeType = "drive/folder"
var fullPath string
if fileIn.Path == "/" {
fullPath = "/" + fileIn.Name
} else {
fullPath = fileIn.Path + "/" + fileIn.Name
fileIn.Path = fullPath
fileIn.Depth = utils.IntPointer(len(strings.Split(fileIn.Path, "/")) - 1)
} else if fileIn.Type == "file" {
fileIn.Path = ""
fileIn.ChannelID = &fs.ChannelID
fileIn.UserID = userId
fileIn.Starred = utils.BoolPointer(false)
fileIn.Status = "active"
fileDb := mapFileInToFile(fileIn)
if err := fs.Db.Create(&fileDb).Error; err != nil {
pgErr := err.(*pgconn.PgError)
if pgErr.Code == "23505" {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("file exists"), Code: http.StatusBadRequest}
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("failed to create a file"), Code: http.StatusBadRequest}
res := mapFileToFileOut(fileDb)
return &res, nil
func (fs *FileService) UpdateFile(c *gin.Context) (*schemas.FileOut, *types.AppError) {
fileID := c.Param("fileID")
var fileUpdate schemas.FileIn
var files []models.File
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&fileUpdate); err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("invalid request payload"), Code: http.StatusBadRequest}
if fileUpdate.Type == "folder" && fileUpdate.Name != "" {
if err := fs.Db.Raw("select * from teldrive.update_folder(?, ?)", fileID, fileUpdate.Name).Scan(&files).Error; err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("failed to update the file"), Code: http.StatusInternalServerError}
} else {
fileDb := mapFileInToFile(fileUpdate)
if err := fs.Db.Model(&files).Clauses(clause.Returning{}).Where("id = ?", fileID).Updates(fileDb).Error; err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("failed to update the file"), Code: http.StatusInternalServerError}
if len(files) == 0 {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("file not updated"), Code: http.StatusNotFound}
file := mapFileToFileOut(files[0])
return &file, nil
func (fs *FileService) GetFileByID(c *gin.Context) (*schemas.FileOutFull, error) {
fileID := c.Param("fileID")
var file []models.File
fs.Db.Model(&models.File{}).Where("id = ?", fileID).Find(&file)
if len(file) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("file not found")
return mapFileToFileOutFull(file[0]), nil
func (fs *FileService) ListFiles(c *gin.Context) (*schemas.FileResponse, *types.AppError) {
userId := getAuthUserId(c)
var pagingParams schemas.PaginationQuery
pagingParams.PerPage = 200
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&pagingParams); err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New(""), Code: http.StatusBadRequest}
var sortingParams schemas.SortingQuery
sortingParams.Order = "asc"
sortingParams.Sort = "name"
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&sortingParams); err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New(""), Code: http.StatusBadRequest}
var fileQuery schemas.FileQuery
fileQuery.Op = "list"
fileQuery.Status = "active"
fileQuery.UserID = userId
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&fileQuery); err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New(""), Code: http.StatusBadRequest}
query := fs.Db.Model(&models.File{}).Limit(pagingParams.PerPage).
Where(map[string]interface{}{"user_id": userId, "status": "active"})
if fileQuery.Op == "list" {
if pathExists, message := fs.CheckIfPathExists(&fileQuery.Path); !pathExists {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New(message), Code: http.StatusNotFound}
setOrderFilter(query, &pagingParams, &sortingParams)
query.Order("type DESC").Order(getOrder(sortingParams)).
Where("parent_id in (?)", fs.Db.Model(&models.File{}).Select("id").Where("path = ?", fileQuery.Path))
} else if fileQuery.Op == "find" {
filterQuery := map[string]interface{}{}
err := mapstructure.Decode(fileQuery, &filterQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: err, Code: http.StatusBadRequest}
delete(filterQuery, "op")
if filterQuery["updated_at"] == nil {
delete(filterQuery, "updated_at")
setOrderFilter(query, &pagingParams, &sortingParams)
query.Order("type DESC").Order(getOrder(sortingParams)).Where(filterQuery)
} else if fileQuery.Op == "search" {
query.Where("teldrive.get_tsquery(?) @@ teldrive.get_tsvector(name)", fileQuery.Search)
setOrderFilter(query, &pagingParams, &sortingParams)
var results []schemas.FileOut
token := ""
if len(results) == pagingParams.PerPage {
lastItem := results[len(results)-1]
token = utils.GetField(&lastItem, utils.CamelToPascalCase(sortingParams.Sort))
token = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(token))
res := &schemas.FileResponse{Results: results, NextPageToken: token}
return res, nil
func (fs *FileService) CheckIfPathExists(path *string) (bool, string) {
query := fs.Db.Model(&models.File{}).Select("id").Where("path = ?", path)
var results []schemas.FileOut
if len(results) == 0 {
return false, "This directory doesn't exist."
return true, ""
func (fs *FileService) MakeDirectory(c *gin.Context) (*schemas.FileOut, *types.AppError) {
var payload schemas.MkDir
var files []models.File
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&payload); err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("invalid request payload"), Code: http.StatusBadRequest}
userId := getAuthUserId(c)
if err := fs.Db.Raw("select * from teldrive.create_directories(?, ?)", userId, payload.Path).Scan(&files).Error; err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("failed to create directories"), Code: http.StatusInternalServerError}
file := mapFileToFileOut(files[0])
return &file, nil
func (fs *FileService) MoveFiles(c *gin.Context) (*schemas.Message, *types.AppError) {
var payload schemas.FileOperation
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&payload); err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("invalid request payload"), Code: http.StatusBadRequest}
var destination models.File
if pathExists, message := fs.CheckIfPathExists(&payload.Destination); !pathExists {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New(message), Code: http.StatusBadRequest}
if err := fs.Db.Model(&models.File{}).Select("id").Where("path = ?", payload.Destination).First(&destination).Error; errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("destination not found"), Code: http.StatusNotFound}
if err := fs.Db.Model(&models.File{}).Where("id IN ?", payload.Files).UpdateColumn("parent_id", destination.ID).Error; err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("move failed"), Code: http.StatusInternalServerError}
return &schemas.Message{Status: true, Message: "files moved"}, nil
func (fs *FileService) DeleteFiles(c *gin.Context) (*schemas.Message, *types.AppError) {
var payload schemas.FileOperation
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&payload); err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("invalid request payload"), Code: http.StatusBadRequest}
if err := fs.Db.Exec("call teldrive.delete_files($1)", payload.Files).Error; err != nil {
return nil, &types.AppError{Error: errors.New("failed to delete files"), Code: http.StatusInternalServerError}
return &schemas.Message{Status: true, Message: "files deleted"}, nil
func (fs *FileService) GetFileStream(c *gin.Context) {
w := c.Writer
r := c.Request
fileID := c.Param("fileID")
var err error
res, err := cache.CachedFunction(fs.GetFileByID, fmt.Sprintf("files:%s", fileID))(c)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
file := res.(*schemas.FileOutFull)
w.Header().Set("Accept-Ranges", "bytes")
var start, end int64
rangeHeader := r.Header.Get("Range")
if rangeHeader == "" {
start = 0
end = file.Size - 1
} else {
ranges, err := range_parser.Parse(file.Size, r.Header.Get("Range"))
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
start = ranges[0].Start
end = ranges[0].End
w.Header().Set("Content-Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes %d-%d/%d", start, end, file.Size))
contentLength := end - start + 1
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", file.MimeType)
w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(contentLength, 10))
disposition := "inline"
if c.Query("d") == "1" {
disposition = "attachment"
w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf("%s; filename=\"%s\"", disposition, file.Name))
client, idx := utils.GetDownloadClient(c)
defer func() {
ir, iw := io.Pipe()
parts, err := fs.getParts(c, client, file)
if err != nil {
parts = rangedParts(parts, int64(start), int64(end))
if r.Method != "HEAD" {
go func() {
defer iw.Close()
for _, part := range parts {
streamFilePart(c, client, iw, &part, part.Start, part.End, 1024*1024)
io.CopyN(w, ir, contentLength)
func (fs *FileService) getParts(ctx context.Context, tgClient *telegram.Client, file *schemas.FileOutFull) ([]types.Part, error) {
ids := []tg.InputMessageID{}
for _, part := range *file.Parts {
ids = append(ids, tg.InputMessageID{ID: int(part.ID)})
s := make([]tg.InputMessageClass, len(ids))
for i := range ids {
s[i] = &ids[i]
api := tgClient.API()
res, err := cache.CachedFunction(utils.GetChannelById, fmt.Sprintf("channels:%d", fs.ChannelID))(ctx, api, fs.ChannelID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
channel := res.(*tg.Channel)
messageRequest := tg.ChannelsGetMessagesRequest{Channel: &tg.InputChannel{ChannelID: fs.ChannelID, AccessHash: channel.AccessHash},
ID: s}
res, err = cache.CachedFunction(api.ChannelsGetMessages, fmt.Sprintf("messages:%s", file.ID))(ctx, &messageRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
messages := res.(*tg.MessagesChannelMessages)
parts := []types.Part{}
for _, message := range messages.Messages {
item := message.(*tg.Message)
media := item.Media.(*tg.MessageMediaDocument)
document := media.Document.(*tg.Document)
location := document.AsInputDocumentFileLocation()
parts = append(parts, types.Part{Location: location, Start: 0, End: document.Size - 1, Size: document.Size})
return parts, nil
func mapFileToFileOut(file models.File) schemas.FileOut {
return schemas.FileOut{
ID: file.ID,
Name: file.Name,
Type: file.Type,
MimeType: file.MimeType,
Path: file.Path,
Size: file.Size,
Starred: file.Starred,
ParentID: file.ParentID,
UpdatedAt: file.UpdatedAt,
func mapFileInToFile(file schemas.FileIn) models.File {
return models.File{
Name: file.Name,
Type: file.Type,
MimeType: file.MimeType,
Path: file.Path,
Size: file.Size,
Starred: file.Starred,
Depth: file.Depth,
UserID: file.UserID,
ParentID: file.ParentID,
Parts: file.Parts,
ChannelID: file.ChannelID,
Status: file.Status,
func mapFileToFileOutFull(file models.File) *schemas.FileOutFull {
return &schemas.FileOutFull{
FileOut: mapFileToFileOut(file),
Parts: file.Parts, ChannelID: file.ChannelID,
func setOrderFilter(query *gorm.DB, pagingParams *schemas.PaginationQuery, sortingParams *schemas.SortingQuery) *gorm.DB {
if pagingParams.NextPageToken != "" {
sortColumn := sortingParams.Sort
if sortColumn == "name" {
sortColumn = "name collate numeric"
} else {
sortColumn = utils.CamelToSnake(sortingParams.Sort)
tokenValue, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(pagingParams.NextPageToken)
if err == nil {
if sortingParams.Order == "asc" {
return query.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s > ?", sortColumn), string(tokenValue))
} else {
return query.Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s < ?", sortColumn), string(tokenValue))
return query
func getOrder(sortingParams schemas.SortingQuery) string {
sortColumn := utils.CamelToSnake(sortingParams.Sort)
if sortingParams.Sort == "name" {
sortColumn = "name collate numeric"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", sortColumn, strings.ToUpper(sortingParams.Order))
func chunk(ctx context.Context, tgClient *telegram.Client, part *types.Part, offset int64, limit int64) ([]byte, error) {
req := &tg.UploadGetFileRequest{
Offset: offset,
Limit: int(limit),
Location: part.Location,
r, err := tgClient.API().UploadGetFile(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch result := r.(type) {
case *tg.UploadFile:
return result.Bytes, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T", r)
func totalParts(start, end, chunkSize int64) int {
totalBytes := end - start + 1
parts := totalBytes / chunkSize
if totalBytes%chunkSize != 0 {
return int(parts)
func streamFilePart(ctx context.Context, tgClient *telegram.Client, writer *io.PipeWriter, part *types.Part, start, end, chunkSize int64) error {
offset := start - (start % chunkSize)
firstPartCut := start - offset
lastPartCut := (end % chunkSize) + 1
partCount := totalParts(start, end, chunkSize)
currentPart := 1
for {
r, _ := chunk(ctx, tgClient, part, offset, chunkSize)
if len(r) == 0 {
} else if partCount == 1 {
r = r[firstPartCut:lastPartCut]
} else if currentPart == 1 {
r = r[firstPartCut:]
} else if currentPart == partCount {
r = r[:lastPartCut]
offset += chunkSize
if currentPart > partCount {
return nil
func rangedParts(parts []types.Part, start, end int64) []types.Part {
chunkSize := parts[0].Size
startPartNumber := utils.Max(int64(math.Ceil(float64(start)/float64(chunkSize)))-1, 0)
endPartNumber := int64(math.Ceil(float64(end) / float64(chunkSize)))
partsToDownload := parts[startPartNumber:endPartNumber]
partsToDownload[0].Start = start % chunkSize
partsToDownload[len(partsToDownload)-1].End = end % chunkSize
return partsToDownload