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2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
use RainLoop\Providers\AddressBook\Classes\Contact;
use RainLoop\Providers\AddressBook\Classes\Property;
use RainLoop\Providers\AddressBook\Enumerations\PropertyType;
2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
class KolabAddressBook implements \RainLoop\Providers\AddressBook\AddressBookInterface
2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
use \RainLoop\Providers\AddressBook\CardDAV;
2022-05-19 04:51:32 +08:00
function __construct(string $sFolderName)
$metadata = $this->ImapClient()->FolderGetMetadata($sFolderName, [\MailSo\Imap\Enumerations\MetadataKeys::KOLAB_CTYPE]);
if (!$metadata || 'contact' !== \array_shift($metadata)) {
$sFolderName = '';
// throw new \Exception("Invalid kolab contact folder: {$sFolderName}");
$this->sFolderName = $sFolderName;
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
protected function MailClient() : \MailSo\Mail\MailClient
$oActions = \RainLoop\Api::Actions();
$oMailClient = $oActions->MailClient();
if (!$oMailClient->IsLoggined()) {
$oActions->getAccountFromToken()->IncConnectAndLoginHelper($oActions->Plugins(), $oMailClient, $oActions->Config());
return $oMailClient;
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
protected function ImapClient() : \MailSo\Imap\ImapClient
2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
if (!$this->oImapClient) {
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
$this->oImapClient = $this->MailClient()->ImapClient();
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
return $this->oImapClient;
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
protected function SelectFolder() : bool
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
2022-05-19 04:51:32 +08:00
$sFolderName = $this->sFolderName;
if ($sFolderName) {
try {
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
return true;
2022-05-19 04:51:32 +08:00
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
\trigger_error("KolabAddressBook {$sFolderName} error: {$e->getMessage()}");
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
return false;
2022-05-19 04:51:32 +08:00
protected function fetchXCardFromMessage(\MailSo\Mail\Message $oMessage) : ?\Sabre\VObject\Component\VCard
$xCard = null;
foreach ($oMessage->Attachments() ?: [] as $oAttachment) {
if ('application/vcard+xml' === $oAttachment->MimeType()) {
$result = $this->MailClient()->MessageMimeStream(function ($rResource) use (&$xCard) {
if (\is_resource($rResource)) {
$xCard = \Sabre\VObject\Reader::readXML($rResource);
2022-05-19 04:51:32 +08:00
}, $this->sFolderName, $oMessage->Uid(), $oAttachment->MimeIndex());
return $xCard;
2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
protected function MessageAsContact(\MailSo\Mail\Message $oMessage) : ?Contact
2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
$oContact = new Contact;
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
$oContact->IdContact = $oMessage->Uid();
// $oContact->Display = isset($aItem['display']) ? (string) $aItem['display'] : '';
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
$oContact->Changed = $oMessage->HeaderTimeStampInUTC();
$oFrom = $oMessage->From();
if ($oFrom) {
$oMail = $oFrom[0];
2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
$oProperty = new Property(PropertyType::EMAIl, $oMail->GetEmail());
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
$oContact->Properties[] = $oProperty;
2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
$oProperty = new Property(PropertyType::FULLNAME, $oMail->GetDisplayName());
// $oProperty = new Property(PropertyType::FULLNAME, $oMail->ToString());
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
$oContact->Properties[] = $oProperty;
2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
// $oProperty = new Property(PropertyType::NICK_NAME, $oMail->GetDisplayName());
// $oContact->Properties[] = $oProperty;
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
// Fetch xCard attachment and populate $oContact with it
$xCard = $this->fetchXCardFromMessage($oMessage);
if ($xCard instanceof \Sabre\VObject\Component\VCard) {
// Reset, else it is 'urn:uuid:01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF'
// $oContact->IdContactStr = $oMessage->Subject();
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
return $oContact;
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
public function IsSupported() : bool
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
// Check $this->ImapClient()->IsSupported('METADATA')
return true;
public function Sync(array $oConfig) : bool
return false;
public function Export(string $sEmail, string $sType = 'vcf') : bool
return false;
2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
public function ContactSave(string $sEmail, Contact $oContact) : bool
// $emails = $oContact->GetEmails();
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
if (!$this->SelectFolder()) {
return false;
$iUID = $oContact->IdContact;
2022-05-19 04:51:32 +08:00
$oPrevMessage = $this->MailClient()->Message($this->sFolderName, $iUID);
2022-05-17 01:57:35 +08:00
if ($oPrevMessage) {
$oVCard = $this->fetchXCardFromMessage($oPrevMessage);
} else {
$oVCard = null;
$iUID = 0;
$oMessage = new \MailSo\Mime\Message();
$sEmail = '';
if (isset($oVCard->EMAIL)) {
foreach ($oVCard->EMAIL as $oProp) {
$oTypes = $oProp ? $oProp['TYPE'] : null;
$sValue = $oProp ? \trim($oProp->getValue()) : '';
if ($sValue && (!$sEmail || ($oTypes && $oTypes->has('PREF')))) {
$sEmail = $sValue;
if ($sEmail) {
$oMessage->SetFrom(new \MailSo\Mime\Email($sEmail, $oContact->Display));
2022-05-17 01:57:35 +08:00
// $oMessage->SetDate(\time());
$oMessage->Headers->AddByName('X-Kolab-Type', 'application/');
$oMessage->Headers->AddByName('X-Kolab-Mime-Version', '3.0');
// $oMessage->Headers->AddByName('User-Agent', 'SnappyMail');
$oPart = new \MailSo\Mime\Part;
$oPart->Headers->AddByName(\MailSo\Mime\Enumerations\Header::CONTENT_TYPE, 'text/plain');
$oPart->Headers->AddByName(\MailSo\Mime\Enumerations\Header::CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, '7Bit');
$oPart->Body = "This is a Kolab Groupware object.\r\n"
. "To view this object you will need an email client that can understand the Kolab Groupware format.\r\n"
. "For a list of such email clients please visit\r\n"
. "";
// Now the vCard
$oPart = new \MailSo\Mime\Part;
$oPart->Headers->AddByName(\MailSo\Mime\Enumerations\Header::CONTENT_TYPE, 'application/vcard+xml; name="kolab.xml"');
// $oPart->Headers->AddByName(\MailSo\Mime\Enumerations\Header::CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, 'quoted-printable');
$oPart->Headers->AddByName(\MailSo\Mime\Enumerations\Header::CONTENT_DISPOSITION, 'attachment; filename="kolab.xml"');
$oPart->Body = $oContact->ToXCard($oVCard/*, $oLogger*/);
// Store Message
$rMessageStream = \MailSo\Base\ResourceRegistry::CreateMemoryResource();
$iMessageStreamSize = \MailSo\Base\Utils::MultipleStreamWriter(
$oMessage->ToStream(false), array($rMessageStream), 8192, true, true);
if (false !== $iMessageStreamSize) {
2022-05-17 01:57:35 +08:00
$this->ImapClient()->MessageReplaceStream($this->sFolderName, $iUID, $rMessageStream, $iMessageStreamSize);
return true;
public function DeleteContacts(string $sEmail, array $aContactIds) : bool
2022-05-17 01:57:35 +08:00
try {
2022-05-19 04:51:32 +08:00
2022-05-17 01:57:35 +08:00
new \MailSo\Imap\SequenceSet($aContactIds)
return true;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return false;
public function DeleteAllContacts(string $sEmail) : bool
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
// Called by \RainLoop\Api::ClearUserData()
// Not needed as the contacts are inside IMAP mailbox
2022-05-19 04:51:32 +08:00
// $this->MailClient()->FolderClear($this->sFolderName);
return false;
public function GetContacts(string $sEmail, int $iOffset = 0, int $iLimit = 20, string $sSearch = '', int &$iResultCount = 0) : array
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
$oParams = new \MailSo\Mail\MessageListParams;
2022-05-19 04:51:32 +08:00
$oParams->sFolderName = $this->sFolderName;
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
$oParams->iOffset = $iOffset;
$oParams->iLimit = $iLimit;
if ($sSearch) {
$oParams->sSearch = 'from='.$sSearch;
$oParams->sSort = 'FROM';
// $oParams->iPrevUidNext = $this->GetActionParam('UidNext', 0);
// $oParams->bUseThreads = false;
if (!\strlen($oParams->sFolderName)) {
// return [];
2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
throw new \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException(\RainLoop\Notifications::CantGetMessageList);
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
$aResult = [];
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
$oMessageList = $this->MailClient()->MessageList($oParams);
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
foreach ($oMessageList as $oMessage) {
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
$aResult[] = $this->MessageAsContact($oMessage);
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
catch (\Throwable $oException)
throw $oException;
2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
throw new \RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException(\RainLoop\Notifications::CantGetMessageList, $oException);
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
return $aResult;
2022-05-18 23:15:31 +08:00
public function GetContactByID(string $sEmail, $mID, bool $bIsStrID = false) : ?Contact
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
if ($bIsStrID) {
$oMessage = null;
} else {
2022-05-19 04:51:32 +08:00
$oMessage = $this->MailClient()->Message($this->sFolderName, $mID);
2022-05-14 03:06:06 +08:00
return $oMessage ? $this->MessageAsContact($oMessage) : null;
public function GetSuggestions(string $sEmail, string $sSearch, int $iLimit = 20) : array
$sSearch = \trim($sSearch);
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
if (2 > \strlen($sSearch) || !$this->SelectFolder()) {
return [];
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
$sSearch = \MailSo\Imap\SearchCriterias::escapeSearchString($this->ImapClient(), $sSearch);
$aUids = \array_slice(
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
$this->ImapClient()->MessageSimpleSearch("FROM {$sSearch}"),
0, $iLimit
$aResult = [];
2022-05-13 22:17:13 +08:00
foreach ($this->ImapClient()->Fetch(['BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM)]'], \implode(',', $aUids), true) as $oFetchResponse) {
$oHeaders = new \MailSo\Mime\HeaderCollection($oFetchResponse->GetHeaderFieldsValue());
$oFrom = $oHeaders->GetAsEmailCollection(\MailSo\Mime\Enumerations\Header::FROM_, true);
foreach ($oFrom as $oMail) {
$aResult[] = [$oMail->GetEmail(), $oMail->GetDisplayName()];
return $aResult;
public function IncFrec(string $sEmail, array $aEmails, bool $bCreateAuto = true) : bool
return false;
public function Test() : string
$sResult = '';
// $sResult = 'Unknown error';
catch (\Throwable $oException)
$sResult = $oException->getMessage();
if (!\is_string($sResult) || empty($sResult)) {
$sResult = 'Unknown error';
return $sResult;